Joaquin Balaguer...Dead...


Feb 3, 2002
According to a cable from the Associated Press, Ex-president of the DR, Joaquin Balaguer just died of what appears to be a massive stroke...Balaguer has been an icon of Dominican politics for the last 70 years...He was the most durable of all the dominican politicians...


Jan 8, 2002
Hippo needs a consult.

I heard that El Presidente followed the former president's cadaver to the mortuary. He explained to the press that he had to consult with Balaguer. Regards, PJT
Mar 21, 2002
Balaguer-best pres. of DR ever

At least there was law and order. A friend of mine told me that SD's name should be changed to La Republica Dominicana de Haiti. Balaguer would have contained this free for all of Haitian immigration.

Also there wasn't all of these crimes (kidnappings,sabotage,etc). El se lo arranquaba al quien fuera. Balaguer is a true Dominican patriot equal to Duarte,Mella and Sanchez. When the time comes his name should be placed in similar glory.

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002

Watch're starting to sound like TW...of course, this could be a good thing.


Feb 3, 2002
Die already...

How the heck did this thread get resurrected? I started it about a month ago as an april fool's joke and I thought it died that day. I guess It's kind of like just will not die. It's like a turd that won't flush...
O&C: There's NEVER been law and order in the DR. Not even during Trujillo's reign. Even more so during Balaguer... The "Doc" should be remembered more for the things he had the opportunity to do, during all those years in power, but didn't do(out of hunger for power) - i.e. Stamp out corruption, promote education, etc. Remember that when this guy became president services still worked in the DR (Electricity, garbage collection, etc)...By the time he was kicked out of power everything was a mess. He's nothing but a megalomaniac (not to mention the biggest fruitcake) we've ever had as president. A guy that spends millions to build El Faro a colon - A big, ugly, cement structure - while schools and hostpitals go without supplies. Only because he wanted to shine a light, in the form of a cross, at the sky. IMHO he is THE REASON why the DR is in the shape we are today. He made an institution out of political patronage. He not only allowed it, but encouraged it, and that's why every politician today thinks that he/she is in office for the purpose of becoming rich with the people's money. Balague instituted that mentality in the DR. He's a guy who's publicly said that the Dominican constitution is nothing but a piece of paper to wipes his butt with...
He allowed and encouraged the murder and political persecution of thousands...I'm also convinced that he personally ordered some of these murders...I could go on..and on...and on...
I hear you getting on TW's case, because he's a fan of Trujillo, but you're no better...
I for one, plan to have a big party the day la lacra social de Balaguer dies...You're all invited...
Mar 21, 2002
You're obviously a lower form of a DR virus

Balaguer in my opinion is the greatest man the DR will ever know. He is a renowned writer,poet and historian. An extremely intelligent man with true survivalist instincts in the midst of so many stupid dominico-haitiano politicians.
To survive intact during the Trujillo era unscathed, Balaguer has proven extraordinary resilience and tenacity. It's true I'm no fan of Trujillo. Balaguer did the best he could while being surrounded by cronies and morons. In order to survive he had to make concessions to the idiots around him.He is a true patriot trying to keep SD intact.
I don't follow Golo's rhetoric. I know Balaguer made some mistakes. In those years he kept the violent communist at bay. You should thank him that SD isn't like Cuba where people eat shoe soles as steak.
It's a shame he has aged so much and is unable to stem the current violent wave of home invasions,kidnappings, daylight gangland murders,gangs, drugs and unchecked immigration. He wouldn't have ever allowed these things.


Jan 18, 2002
98 Years Old and for President???

Plenty of people in DR would put Balaguer again in power if they could. Now why would anyone want a 98 year old person in a high profile, high pressure, high activity job like that.

Question for O&C. Would you trust your farm to a 98 year old? I am sure he can pull out a lot of onions and carrots for a days work.

I don?t think the Russians were looking at DR to make it a Cuba.
Trujillo was too strong and of course there was this ever lingering Spanish influence. Freemasons were at the time and still today are very influenialin Spain and most of them had invested heavily in DR and would not risk a show down with the USA.

So don?t thank Balaguer for what it is today. It was merely a case of being at the right time at the right place. Also Balaguer did not provide apropriate education in the Dominican. That is why to the majority of people there, when you travel to Houston it is still Nueva Yol.

Now it is not the people?s fault. It is Balaguer?s fault. He was, like O & C says - too busy playing his political games and saving his ass from Truillo.

You say he made some mistakes...right.. I call them blunders. Remember seeing so many construction projects started and never finished? Remember the power problems? And how do you explain sugar shortage in a suger cane growing country?

I do have to give him one credit though. Ever since I first went to DR in 1992 he has been dying.......ya se va a murir pronto was heard by me many a times.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
Freemasons were at the time and still today are very influenialin Spain...

Influenialin? What the...

I enjoyed suarezn's post sooo much. That says it all. Esa lacra... Who has had the most power and influence in the DR over the past 1/2 century there? So who else could be responsible for the things that define the country today? B A L A G U E R.

Who else's fault could it be?


Jan 18, 2002
you are right Jane

It is indeed miss spelt it is supposed to be

........influential in.....

Mar 21, 2002
Balaguer is a genius

Here's a guy that just wanted to be left alone. When Kennedy sent his dopey looking reporter on a fact finding mission, this clown attested to the fact that Balaguer just wanted to be amongst his books.
Remember what Mark Twain said. The only politician worth voting for was the one that was forced to take public office much against his own will. That my man is Balaguer. He was forced to accept a role that he truly never wanted.Balaguer wanted his people to be educated yet he met stiff opposition by those that truly control the DR. Then when THEY sought no more use for him they let him dry out like a sucker and to be blamed for THEIR mistakes.
Poor, Balaguer is a scapegoat for DR's woes.


Jan 1, 2002
Some urban legends that refuse to die...

Balaguer never really wanted to be president: Yeah, right!

Balaguer is a good writer: Yeah, right! His flowery prose and poetry would make Gustavo Adolfo Becker puke. It is all about grandiose writing, about delusions of talent, about big words that require a dictionary to understand them. That way the uneducated Dominican would mistake the diahrrea of his writings for talent. People buy his books for the same reasons that some buy Marilin Monroe's underwear.

I had to read his books in school. It was obligatory. I derived as much pleasure from it as I had when I drank cod liver oil.
Mar 21, 2002
Hey Pib you should wear a bib

If it wasn't for Balaguer the DR would have become another Haiti. He's been against all the deforestation and disastrous urban planning for over 20 years.
What kind of Dominican are you?


Jan 5, 2002
Balaguer and Trujillo

It's hypocrite time!!!! Notice how Balaguer makes monkeys out of normal people. I have always been consistent with my thoughts. Trujillo is the greatest Dominican ever. Balaguer is second. Politicians left, right and center, philosophers, writers and normal everyday people look up to Balaguer. Hipolito, Leonel, the military, students, everyone kisses Balaguer's ass.

Now for my philosophy lesson."If you kiss Balaguer's ass, then you kiss Trujillo's ass. No two-ways about it. Balaguer was created by Trujillo. He did not escape Trujillo,or survived Trujillo. He was Trujillo's baby(El Enjendro). Trujillo also made the top 1/3 of the high class and multimillionaires today who control this land.
Don't be fooled by hypocrites. Name one who can deny this.

Mar 21, 2002
Balaguer+O&C= the same thing

I heard from reputable sources on this forumthat you were hunting down Haitians. Why are you so cruel.

Balaguer was just an unassuming man who was trying to survive amongst the stupid and the evil. Everything he did was to save his own hide and make a living at the same time. Any guy who could survive Trujillo's frequent "arrebatos de colera" is a genius.I truly admire Balaguei-note cibaeno form-for being able to last that long. He always played a cat and mouse game with Trujillo.

Balaguer knew that Trujillo was a complete stupid idiot. Yet he also knew that Trujillo was a vicious murderer that killed with his bare hands.Trujillo killed many just like Al Capone did with baseball bats at private dinners. Read Balaguer's book Memorias de un Cortesano en la era de Trujillo for more info. A deadly combination of stupidity and violence which Balaguei always did veer away from.

When I see Balaguei I see myself. A man who doesn't look Dominican and was trying to swim in the currents of so many arrogant,insolent and dumb people. A man who is an academic and had both a love/hate relationship with the DR. A man who never truly felt at home in the DR and felt like an alien in his own land. Balaguei and myself are identical in that sense. Every time he tried to do something for the DR , the very stupid Dominicans blocked him and then blamed him.

Viva Balaguer. I just wish he was a young man again to see him rule once more.
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Onions and Catsup,your "Manic" side is showing! say;"When I see Balguer,I see myself.A man who doesn,t look Dominican."You arrogant pip-squeak! Please describe the characteristics that make someone "LOOK DOMINICAN"............Comparing you to Doctor Balguer is like comparing me to former President of the United States,Jimmy Carter!(He only "Lusted" in his mind,I prefer the real deal!)..I doubt that Dr. Balaguer ever described the Dominican People as,arrogant,insolent,dumb or stupid!Terms better used to describe you and your "delusions of grandueur"!I have never heard of the "Good Doctors" love/hate relationship with his beloved country.I guess when you were taken aboard that "Space Ship" you learned lots of "Secrets"that the rest of us here on Earth have yet to be privy to!..."Balguer and myself(I)are identical",again your (gramatically incorrect)words!If you really believe this ,then,run don,t walk to the nearest "Psych Hospital" and sign yourself in.You have just lost what little mind you ever had!!!(Don,t worry you will be amid like minded former DR1ers like "Tiger",Dominican Papi,and Isacc Green!) Criss ColoncccccccccccccccccccCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
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Jan 1, 2002
[B]Onions&carrots[/B] said:
What kind of Dominican are you?
Since when not liking Balaguer's books preclude me from theGood Dominicans List? Oh boy! I guess that if you hear my opinions of him as politician you'd be crying out that Dominican citizenship be stripped from me.

In one thing I agree with TW God have mercy of my soul, you kiss Balaguer's behind and your kissing Trujillo's.
Mar 21, 2002
With Isaac yes, Dom Papi nope

Look who's talking about grammar. You can't even write a whole sentence. You obviously don't know who Balaguer is. The arrogant,insolent and dumb people are those politicians he was and is surrounded by. They are just like Haitian politicians. They scream,use alot of hand gestures,and body motion to get their worthless points across.
You've never seen the haitian or dominican parliament in action-I have. It seems like a sideshow for the circus. Dominicans have inherited all this crap. Even many expressions of agression were inherited from them. Take for example- the oh,oh uttered by Dominicans. Its origins are purely haitian.Its not only the words but also the tone they use to employ these words. I myself have been guilty at times of using them.
That's what I meant. So don't try and turn this into a OC against the DR folk.
On another topic, how is your animal clinic? Do you also treat cattle there?