Latest Survey of Origins of Immigrants in the DR


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014

847,979 inmigrantes.


DR1 News

Venezuelans make up highest percent increase in foreigners

According to the Second National Immigrant Survey, carried out in 2017, the foreign population in the Dominican Republic is 570,933, which is equivalent to 5.6% of the total population. Of these some 497,825 were born in Haiti, for 87.2% and the remaining 73,108 are from other countries.

In addition the study reveals that in the last five years the numbers of immigrants, mainly Haitians and Venezuelans has increased by 50,000 (some 9,260 persons a year).

Economy Minister Isidoro Santana said that this year the descendants of immigrants reached 277,046 of which some 253,255 were of Haitian origin.

The increase in the number of immigrants year to year is basically due to arrivals of Haitians and Venezuelans who come for work reasons. 80% of Haitians and Venezuelans are aged between 15 and 45. Over the last five years the number of Haitians has increased by nearly 40,000 from 458,233 in 2012 to 497,825 in 2017 which is 8.6% over five years.

Over the same period the number of Venezuelans has increased by over 653% from 3,434 in 2012 to 25,872 in 2017. The numbers of other foreigners is more or less unchanged.

The number of Haitians living in the country provoked a great deal of discussion a few years ago. Do you believe the latest numbers reflect reality?


Nov 3, 2010
As far as the Haitians go, I think the number may be larger than what they are currently reporting due to the fact that it's easier to cross into the DR from Haiti without going through an official border checkpoint.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
As far as the Haitians go, I think the number may be larger than what they are currently reporting due to the fact that it's easier to cross into the DR from Haiti without going through an official border checkpoint.

When you include those born in the country, the 847k (as El Dia), you are looking at 1 in every 12 persons being classified as an immigrant. And the majority of those are of Haitian descent.

In real terms every one person you encounter in about 14 everywhere in the country on average would be Haitian. That is a lot.

You won't get that in most barrios in the capital and I would doubt that number even in places I have visited in the last month such as Neiba, Barahona and Monte Plata.

Even passing through Bani and Azua I don't see those ratios being met but you may be able to enlighten us better.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
They don’t mention the methodology. For all we know, the survey could had consisted of asking people if they are foreigners or descendants of foreigners. Do they count those foreigners or descendants of foreigners that deny being such? Haitians in particular are known for denying their Haitian origin in places such as the Bahamas and even in the USA, often times claiming to being immigrants from somewhere else or flat out denying any connections with Haiti, even ancestral. It can’t be different in the Haitian community in the DR. 


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
They don’t mention the methodology. For all we know, the survey could had consisted of asking people if they are foreigners or descendants of foreigners. Do they count those foreigners or descendants of foreigners that deny being such? Haitians in particular are known for denying their Haitian origin in places such as the Bahamas and even in the USA, often times claiming to being immigrants from somewhere else or flat out denying any connections with Haiti, even ancestral. It can’t be different in the Haitian community in the DR. 

A bit more information on the survey and sampling work is in this article