how to buy an existing business ?


New member
Aug 12, 2002
If I want to buy an existing business (which is a private ownership and not an incorporated company) like a restaurant for instance, what formalities are needed (transfer of goodwill, transfer of lease on the premises, ..etc..) ? What would be the pitfalls and things to double check ?

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
A checklist for buying a business:

a) property: owned or rented?
b) if owned by seller, see checklist for buying real estate in my website
c) if leased by seller, lease must be assigned (if possible), otherwise buyer must contact owner and arrange for a direct lease.
d) intellectual property: are the name(s) used for the business properly registered?
e) tax audit: is the business up to date in its payments? Income tax, ITBIS, Social Security.
f) permits: does the business hold the appropriate permits? For example, for a restaurant, permit from the Ministry of Tourism.
g) employees: will employees be liquidated? If yes, seller should hand over receipts of discharge; if no, list should be made with particulars of each employee and length of service. Buyer will assume liability for any future severance pay.
h) employees: social security paid up?
i) litigation: any outstanding litigation?
j) inventory
k) contract: non-compete provision.
l) contract: seller's obligation to be available for x amount of time after closing for information purposes.
m)contract: transfer of goodwill - description.
n) etc., including getting a good lawyer to do most of the above for you.