Are knives illegal?


New member
Dec 19, 2002
Just one more thing....the DR1 news ran an article that a recient roadblock by police netted 40 illegal firearms and 400+ knives. Knives are illegal in what way? You don't need a permit to buy a knife designed to be used as a weapon. Is it illegal to carry it concealed? What about carried in the open? Where can I find this information? And I thank you in advance. I was NEVER a victom of crime until I retired to the DR and now I'm plagued by crime at home and out.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Art. 50 of Law #36 of 1965:

"Se prohibe a toda persona portar en cualquier forma cortaplumas, navajas, sevillanas, estoques, pu?ales, estiletes, verduguillos, dagas, sables, espadas o cualesquiera otra clase de instrumentos afilados o con puntas cuyas dimensiones exceden de tres pulgadas de largo por medio pulgada de ancho."

Free translation:

"It is prohibited for any person to carry in any manner ... (list of different kinds of knives, daggers, etc.).. or any other kind of pointed or sharpened instruments with dimensions exceeding 3 inches long and half an inch wide."

Articles 52 and 53 establish the exceptions to the rule, for example, farmers working with machetes, etc. in their farms.


New member
Dec 19, 2002
So much for the advice I got from the amigo at the gun store....but, please, I presume the 3" refers to the knife blade, right? Do people usually get arrested for this or does the knife just get confiscated? What about my yard or discouraging a burglar or theif at home?
And I want to thank you so very much for your answer.
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Jan 1, 2002
To deal with burglars in the home, I'd suggest getting a billy club, or drill a hole through a baseball bat that you can put a cord through that can be wrapped around your hand. If I were going against a burglar, I wouldn't want it to be easily dropped or pulled from my hand so that a burglar could use it on me.

A can of mace also good. It can be shot at the burglar from a few feet away. It can be bought in the DR.

If you want a knife, buy a machete. That's more formidable than a knife with a 3" blade.

You might also want to have an airhorn that is powered by a can of compressed air. They make a very loud sound and should cause most middle-of-the-night burglars to flee.

During the many years I lived on a cruising sailboat, I kept a can of mace and one of those flare pistols handy. Those flare pistols are pretty formidable weapons. But if used around a house, just be careful you don't burn it down.



New member
Dec 27, 2002
The knives the Police were looking for were the Arkansas toothpicks that many carry. 16" to 18 or 20" with a nive pointy end for cleaning hillbilly teeth.

Hb in Florida

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I am curious that you are a victim of crime here.What type of crime,where do you live,what do you do to protect yourself? I would not want to be fighting off a "Mugger" with any kind of weapon.I would prefer to avoid being mugged.My house has walls,bars,dogs,and a "Mossberg" for protection! You must be "exposed" if you are a victim.Tom
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Jan 1, 2002
No Marion, we are being facetious. Many people have Mr. Mossberg at home or Mr Glock or Dan Wesson. Some even have Italian friends like Mr P. Baretta. You understand. I have not heard of any recent home violence resolved by the use of a handgun or sawed off shotgun. They are more like comfort blankets and macho power symbols.
We live in a nice neighborhood of double-wide hillbilly trailers with flamingos in the front ant letrines out back. We have six dogs that keep us well and scare the bejesus out of most people. I mean, how do you tell someone that that 125 pound German Shepard bounding towards you just wants to make friends?? Or the two 150 pound Rotties? Or that nasty Dalmatian bitch, who is the loudest and nastiest??
No Marion, it is mostly show. This place is a piece of cake and a wonderful place to grow, raise kids, retire or just have fun. All together one of the best places on earth....(Yes we do have our problems but hey, tomorrow the sun will rise and my kids will smile and the baby will giggle....)


Andy B

Jan 1, 2002
Two dogs (with one as mean and sneaky as the junkyard variety), a busted off axe handle behind the bar, a machete and a flare gun keep things pretty quiet around here.


New member
Dec 19, 2002
I don't want to say where I live, but I have caught three burglars trying to get in, over a three month period there was evidence of someone trying to break in innumerable times, I was robbed in church [really], I was robbed in front of my house and someone attempted to rob me outside a restaurant; I have been physically assaulted twice on the street apparently just because of my skin color[no robbery attempt, just a lot of hateful language]. Yes, I have two rotties in the house. I'd get a gun legally with permit, but on my meager retirement it would take me a year to save up the money. DOES A FLARE PISTOL GET THROUGH CUSTOMS AND IS IT ILLEGAL TOO?

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
jeffersondavis said:
I don't want to say where I live, but I have caught three burglars trying to get in, over a three month period there was evidence of someone trying to break in innumerable times, I was robbed in church [really], I was robbed in front of my house and someone attempted to rob me outside a restaurant; I have been physically assaulted twice on the street apparently just because of my skin color[no robbery attempt, just a lot of hateful language]. Yes, I have two rotties in the house. I'd get a gun legally with permit, but on my meager retirement it would take me a year to save up the money. DOES A FLARE PISTOL GET THROUGH CUSTOMS AND IS IT ILLEGAL TOO?

Where the hell do you live? Please tell me so I don't go there!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Dear Mister Davis,why were you attacked because of your skin color?

Were you in an "All-White" neighborhood where they don't like "Black People" walking around? I have never heard of anyone being asaulted because of your "color" here,except "Haitians",and I doubt if you are from Haiti! ps,If you live alone,and leave your house empty,you will be robbed! Get a maid!"B,B,&U","BIG,BLACK,&UGLY"!!!CRIS


Jan 1, 2002
Hey, Jeff! It seems that you have certainly chosen a poor neighborhood to retire to. Was this your decision or someone you care about? As a gringo (Black or White, makes no difference) you will be targeted in some neighborhoods. Gringo = $$$.. Simple equation, really.
I would suggest a reassessment of your current living location, and perhaps pick a different place.
And yes, it would be helpful to tell us just where you are living now...I find it hard to believe that so much could happen to one person in just a short space of time. I am wondering if you have a sign that says "Kick Me!" on your back??



Oct 21, 2002
Jeff, Is this for real? Do you do the basic stuff like not walking around with three rolexes on your wrists? Where on earth is this happening? You don't have to tell us where, just tell us which town.

I've visited the DR frequently and now live here. I've never even felt threatened anytime.

Ken, I note that you are a sailorman! We're also sailors and have cruised the carib quite a bit. The 'flare gun' protection mechanism is kinda just the best on a cruising boat eh! Never thought of bringing them on shore though.


New member
Jan 14, 2003
Please if you want send me an e-mail where you live. I plan on coming down there in the next few months to do a little looking around and I think it would be a good experience to check out your home town, just to get an understanding of how bad, bad can get.