D-Day for USA-IRAK conflict.-

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Jan 1, 2002
Korbeck, if you want to start a thread that doesn't pertain to the DR, it is better to start it in General Stuff. Less likely to be deleted there because it is unrelated to the DR.


New member
Feb 5, 2003
RD$49 for a gallon of premium gasoline is related.
RD$25 x US$1 is related.

But thanks for the tip, I'm new in the boards.


The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002
This thread should be titled, "USA's oil interest/imperialistic attitude vs. Common Sense/wake up, America, from your cowboy-ish dream."



jose?to said:
This thread should be titled, "USA's oil interest/imperialistic attitude vs. Common Sense/wake up, America, from your cowboy-ish dream."


That is very true Joseto. If Americans were able to accurately understand how the rest of the world views them, instead of depending on the US media, the US citizens would be very shocked at the low regard in which they are held. It is quite like the way England and Spain were looked upon during colonial times. agressive Imperialistic bullies: Unfortunately, the British have yet not learned and blindly follow any and all suggestions made by the US. It is really sad to see a once respected power such as England viewed as the whipping boy of the US. Tony Blair is viewed as the fool and puppet of the US

There is a little more to the current Iraq situation, more of a personal grudge form the US President than an Oil worry



New member
Dec 12, 2002
I believe Americans are aware of how they are seen abroad. Many of us do not support the actions of our government and have tried to work within the system to change things. But just like any other country, the system is corrupt. Our frustration level is high and demonstrations have occurred opposing the war.

I, personally, am very concerned for our country. I was shocked as to how the "election" went in 2000. It smacked of manipulation and corruption. This country has not been a democracy for some time now. Things need to change drastically. I wonder how much more needs to happen before the rest of the country wakes up.



New member
Oct 17, 2002
tondra said:
I believe Americans are aware of how they are seen abroad. Many of us do not support the actions of our government and have tried to work within the system to change things. But just like any other country, the system is corrupt. Our frustration level is high and demonstrations have occurred opposing the war.


I don't understand pepople with opinions such as yourself. Is the system corrupt for trying to disarm a monster? If Bush doesn't act soon you will see 9/11 on a much grander scale, and the terror alert WILL be raised again (probably within days). I would suggest get informed about what the terroists have planned for you and your foreign westerners before running around like a headless chicken with all that anti-bush BS.

as for the oil prices.... yes the prices are rising and will rise some more but in reality, is that a worthy enough reason not to go into war with iraq? rulers such as saddam should not remain in power, and the fear of rising oil prices should not be a setback in situations such as these. when you look at the larger picture, the fear of millions being wiped out by bio/chemical and nuc warefare is somewhat more threatening than the escalation of oil prices.


The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002
Ms. Lee-Lee,

Headless chicken? You believe what they want you to believe. Naivet? at its best. That's what FAUX (FOX) tv does to Westeners: brain-washing.

Case closed. See you on Monday.

So far, at least 500 Israeli soldiers have quit Sharon's Army in protest. They rather face court martial, than continuing the abuse against the Palestinians.
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