m?s sobre Fina

Jan 1, 2002
Asoma la creaci?n de una aerol?nea con vuelos a Quisqueya

EL EMPRESARIO L?zaro Canto est? en proceso de crear la aerol?nea Fina Airlines para ofrecer vuelos fletados desde San Juan y Mayag?ez hacia la Rep?blica Dominicana.

Canto, quien ha tenido problemas con varias operaciones de vuelos fletados en a?os anteriores, indic? que la aerol?nea est? pautada para operar a partir del 15 de julio.

No obstante, a?n no cuenta con los permisos de la Administraci?n Federal de Aviaci?n (FAA, por sus siglas en ingl?s), ni con un contrato con la Autoridad de los Puertos para obtener mostradores en los aeropuertos.

Diez vuelos diarios
Seg?n los planes de este empresario, quien es due?o de la empresa Professional Aircross Service y que ofrece servicio de rampa a varias aerol?neas en el Aeropuerto Internacional Luis Mu?oz Mar?n, la nueva aerol?nea ofrecer? cerca de 10 vuelos diarios desde la Base Mu?iz en Isla Verde, y el aeropuerto de Mayag?ez hacia Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, Santiago y La Romana.

El servicio se ofrecer? en dos aviones "turbo prop", SAAB 340, con capacidad para 30 personas, los cuales son rentados a la empresa Aerocentric, con base en California.

En a?os anteriores, Canto confront? problemas con operaciones similares, "Falc?n Air" y "Sun Star". La primera dej? pasajeros varados en varias ocasiones, y la segunda nunca alz? vuelo. Canto asegur? que esta nueva operaci?n tendr? ?xito porque esta vez ?l es el ?nico due?o y no depende de socios.

"LA OPERACION va a tener ?xito porque la aerol?nea es m?a, en comparaci?n con las anteriores donde el negocio nunca fue m?o. Ahora, no dependo de socios ni personas que no quieren cumplir. Ahora soy el responsable", indic?.

PD: ay estan para los que preguntaban sobre los permisos con el DOT, tampoco la JAC ah dado autorizacion, segun supe.


New member
Apr 21, 2003
THE BUSINESSMAN Lazaro Canto is in process to create the Fine airline Airlines to offer flights freighted from San Juan and Mayag?ez toward the Dominican Republic.
Song, has had problems with several operations of flights freighted in previous years, indicated that the airline is pautada (scheduled?) to operate from July 15.
Nevertheless, not yet it counts on the permission of the Federal Administration of Aviation (FAA, by its acronyms in English), neither with a contract with the Authority of the Ports to obtain counters in the airports.
Ten daily flights according to the plans of this businessman, who is owner of the business Professional Aircross Service and that offers service of ramp to several airlines in the International Airport Luis Mu?oz Mar?n, the new airline will offer near 10 daily flights since the Base Mu?iz in Green Island, and the airport of Mayag?ez toward Holy Sunday, Gray Tip, Santiago and The Roman (locations).
The service will be offered in two airplanes "turbo prop", SAAB 340, with capacity for 30 persons, which are rented to the business Aerocentric, based on California.
In previous years, Canto confronted problems with similar operations, "Falc?n Air" and "Sun Star". The first one left stranded passengers in several occasions, and the second never raised flight. Canto assured that this new operation be successful because this time he is the only owner and does not depend on associates.
"THE OPERATION is going to be successful because the airline is mine, in comparison with the previous where the business never went mine. Now, I do not depend on associates neither persons that do not want to comply. Now I am the head", indicated.