The Night at Eddy's


Oct 21, 2002
Great Party! Looks like I'm the only one up relatively early - Oh, my head! More coffee please ;)

What a great crowd and a nice venue. An exceptional evening with both Johnny Honda and Criss. I thought I'd never see the day.

Thanks Keith! Great Job!

Oh yes, a few of us closed down the bar while a great caravan left to inspect all the other nightspots. Whoever had 2 orange juices and two brandies, you forgot to pay your bill. We paid up and -- You are now in Debt! ;)


Jan 14, 2002
Nah, I already had breakfast at Rockys with a few others. I was even out last night with our fearless leader Rob, AZB and Missing who may still be missing. He disappeared into the bosum of this GIGANTIC woman and hasn't been heard from since!~

I scored last nights fight, AZB 1, RAYSA 0. The other 3 Judges all judged it the same way. Man is this woman a loser!!! I can't imagine an adult kicking and screaming in the streets drunk as a skunk! Can't believe the scene she made but couldn't ruin a great time.

Met lots of new great people last night. I met Delores for the first time and what a sweet woman! I would even elect her to our DR1 Calendar she was so pretty!! Had a great sense of humor and was a social butterfly! Not what I was expecting but I was so pleasantly surprised I am going to make sure I call her husband and his brother to invite them to the next one and beg their appearance!

I met Mr. and Mrs. Cahada last night for the first time. I actually think we all did since they arrived 2 days ago moving here and had never been here before. I look forward to running into them on a regular basis.

Ok, my Condo is being painted this weekend. I need to get a ceramic tile guy in Sosua if anyone knows of someone that does good work email me please.

Off to get the rest of my day in.



Jan 1, 2002
It was a great party and I was sorry that I had to leave before meeting everyone there. But Barbara has been battling some intestinal bug and this prompted our early departure.

Escott, I've known Dolores a long time, but I, too, was surprised. When I worked for her, she was the very serious editor/owner of the Santo Domingo News, the very fine English Language newspaper of the DR. Little did I suspect she would later become an internet tycoon and life of the party. And it was good to reconnect with Jaime, her husband, too.

And I was pleased to finally meet Johnny Honda, if only to know who that Mafia-looking guy is that I sometimes seem at the Brittania Pub when walking to or from the gym.

It was also a pleasure to talk with Bob Saunders and his lovely wife, a native of Jarabacoa. I'm depending on them for a recommendation as to where to stay when we make our first visit there this summer.

Re GirlieGirl, all I can say is she is not the staid academic you might think from her recent posts about a research paper she is working on.

From now on, no smart remarks from me about Cris Colon. Anyone that much bigger than I am deserves respect. :)

Looking forward to next reunion and hoping to meet more than I was able to last night.
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Jan 1, 2002
Seems to me I missed a lot of you guys

I did get to meet Texas Bill, JanH (what an accent! Gotta love her>)Missing, CrissColon, who'd been absent from my house for 8 years!, Keith, Amber-lovely for sure-Dave S, Tony & his wife, XanaduRanch & wife, and some really great people that I couldn't herr who was who. They said that they were "lurkers" on the site. I really wish they would post

We sorta sat at the table and ate that very good food. Eddy and his Angles did a great job, IMO, and are to be congratulated.

Oh yes, we stayed in POP at Sofy's B&B with Noelle, who sent her best. She is down with a flu or "something" and feels really poorly. Her breakfasts are still #1 in my book.

I am going to send all my photos to Wud, and maybe you all can identify who I missed.

Sorry I did get to say high to you all..(Edited to add: Now that was incoherant, to say the least! I meant to say: Sorry, I didn't get to say Hi! to all of you that were there.)

Drive back trhough the mountains (Luper?n Hwy) was beautiful with all the framboyan trees in bloom....1:05 from POP
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Jan 1, 2002
Hey Christa - I owe you!!!! I am the guilty one!!! Halfway home (just after the Airport) I let out a scream & my passengers thought they were going to be involved in a crash. "What's Up?" they all yell & I admit to having forgotten to settle up my drinks bill!! I'll square up with you when you come over this week!!

Yeah, a GREAT night!! I think EVERYONE enjoyed the get together & a LOT of friendships were struck!! That's what the DR & DR1 in particular, is all about!! So you lurkers - stop lurking & start making a load of friends!

Thanks Keith for the excuse of another get together, Thanks Eddy (& the Angles) for the hospitality & ALL the hard work, & THANKS to all you DR1ers for entering into a truely spectacular group of entertaining, friendly & welcoming of ALL people. I don't think ANYONE felt left out last night!! - Grahame.


Feb 3, 2002
Sounds like you all had a great time. I want to see the pics...Hope to make it to one of those gatherings one of these days, when I'm in the DR...


New member
Jun 19, 2003

It was wonderful. Sis and I were so overwhelmed, but everything was so nice. JanH and Doug who we had lovely conversation with have to be the nicest people in the world. (next to grahame of course) who was nice enough to take us there, bring us home and baby sit us the majority of the night ... :cool: So many names and so many faces.... so hard to remember everyones faces = names... although JohnnyHonda will forever be in our memory ;)

Thank you all it was great!

Oh.. and Ken... it was lovely to meet you. I like to link the faces to my debates :classic:


New member
Oct 11, 2002

Sounds like all had a wonderful time as always.

Wish I was there....Eddy's the only person I'v had the chance to meet. Well maybe my next visit.



Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I just got back to Santo Domingo.

Thank you all that turned up, great people, great food and wonderful people, just an all round fantastic evening.

If you have photos, please email them direct to me and I will produce a page so they can all be displayed together.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I would love to think that a woman as lovely as Chris

would marry an old man like me,but that is me "CC" with her and Mrs,Hillbilly,aand not her handsome husband Rochard!!! CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
At least I got an extra picture posted that way! I won't tell Richard if you don't Chris!!!!


Oct 21, 2002
Still laughing! Thanks for the compliment CC! Richard is laughing hard! ... wondering exactly how long it will take me to get you to be faithful to this new union - No more Dominican Beauty's somewhere in a little love nest for you Kind Sir!. And I'm wondering which chair would be best for me to stand on for our FIRST KISS! I don't think I'll get up to the heights that you live in Criss. But then again, I love to kiss tall men! This is too funny!


Jan 2, 2002
I agree with escott, delores is our Dr1 babe. She is cute and very friendly. Jaime (her husband) is a cool dude. I can talk to him for hours and never get bored, however, he might have gotten bored from my conservation.
By the way, delores, I was so surprised to see that you don't look dominican. Hahahaha (inside joke).
DMS (dave S) is actually a very nice guy and very handsome and young looking for his age. I thought he was 5 years younger than myself but it turns out he was 5 years older. Lucky guy!
Criss the Colon: very funny and interesting guy to talk to. He is full of worldly knowledge. There is nothing that this man doesn't know. Too bad I didn't get to talk to him as much as I wanted to. Well, maybe next time....
Keith came out alot different looking than I had imagined him to be. Very good host and an international traveler. I wish I had his job.
My DSS guru (you know who you are), please e mail me the BIN file. I am waiting for it. nevermind, the damn DSS decorder burnt last night, no power. Must be the curse of the bad lady from the party.
Eddy is the funniest guy in town. True down to earth guy. He is also a great host in his bar and always finds time to entertain his friends and clients. The food was delicious, long live the chef!!!!!
Tony cabrera and his lovely wife were hiding in the back but I seeked them out and had a nice conversation with them. Turns out they were from santiago, so you guessed it.... they were definitely cool.
very good gathering over all.
now escott, its your turn to do it again.


May 3, 2000
Thanks to all who came to the DR1 Sosua Party. Since the first DR1 gathering ? hosted in Abreu (North Coast) and attended by Hillbilly and Clara and my husband and self, and our gracious hosts (a German flight controller married to an Abreu native? have to find his name), we have come a long way.

Of course, since I am an insider I would find the party a swell one, but so did my husband?s brother and his German business associate Mario, who had never heard or met of any of these people. We were playing host to Mario, who is a major importer of mango pulp produced by my husband?s company (my husband insisted we bring him along, as he thinks the message board is a great bunch of people), and I always told Mario we could leave at any time, but Mario was having such a good time talking to everyone, he stayed late with us and we only left because brother Jesus had to get back to Cabarete.

Was great seeing Ken, Mrs. De Pree and Graham after so many years. And meeting all the minds and faces behind dr1. Thanks to you all for your comments and making the board the community it is today by helping us guide it along to grow based on synergy and everyone?s strengths.

AZB relates in another thread an incident that he felt soured the meeting ? which most people didn?t even notice, including myself. But isn?t that what the board has always been about. Debating and sharing info among bright minds, extreme people, conciliating, occasional ousting?

To Eddy?s thanks for your hospitality. Everyone felt at home. The dinner was delicious and very generous.

When we left the bar we stopped over at another inner city small bar ? good evening ambience in Sosua, quiet, but things were moving. The city was clean, the weather couldn?t have been better. The new voodoo bar was full (Johnny Honda?s recommendation), great ambience. We took time to tour the Sosua Bay and Victorian House at night, lovely.

Next morning we went for a swim in Sosua Beach. And then had breakfast at Pier Giorgio. Makes me think that Sosua has so much going for it, it?s just a matter of people rediscovering the north coast.

We then bumped into Hans Dannenberg, director of tourism for Puerto Plata Hotels, who made sure we did a tour of Ocean World facilities in Cofres?. Impressive. May I say that last year we visited the Rye Seacoast Science Center, a leading oceanography study center in New Hampshire, that people in that area are very proud of. Ocean World stands way apart from that popular center. From what I perceived, the people at Ocean World also want to educate visitors on tropical fishes, reefs, making a contribution to preservation that way.

So Puerto Plata now has the Ocean World, Columbus Water Park and the Fun City (go kart racing). What great side trips for the young set. And nearby Sosua and Cabarete and Playa Grande?.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002

you using an unlooper?

sometimes the atmel chips burn on them

anyway, PM ME.

there is more than one DSS guru on this board.


Chris said:
ROFL! You have me married to Criss on the pictures. This is just too hilarious!


Posted picks and descriptions as sent in.

I take the 5th on this one, in fact I think I go and start on another fifth.

Email me with any corrections, give me the picture name so I can fix up any mess up.fixed and onto the fifth
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New member
Sep 2, 2002
Sounds like a blast

Sounds like ya'll had alot of fun. I am new to the board and hope there will be other DR parties soon. I will be traveling to the DR in Jan. 04. Wish it could be sooner....