why bring american culture here?

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Jan 2, 2002
Since the gay thread is closed so I will have my few words here.
There seem to be an issue where goatfarmer is trying to convence men to educate their wives and treat them as american princes and give them equal rights and make them into a perfect feminist monster, etc etc.
You seem to realize that most men came here to run away from the american culture and the typical feminist american woman. No man in his 40's prefers to marry another woman of his age. If he is divorced then he wants to replace the previous one with a later model with alot less wear and tear, preferbly with lot less milaege. When we were young, we liked the young girls with tight bodies and beautiful curves. Now we are older, so what has changed? Yes, we still like young girls....nothing has changed.
So if an older american male finds a young girl attractive and she wants to be with that man, where is the crime in this? Who is the victim? Who is puting a gun to her head to marry the guy? I can imagine if he is rediculously old ex: she is 17 and he is 65 or 70 then I can uinderstand your point but if the guy is in his 40's and she is 19 then its considered normal in this society.
You see, the girls seek education from early age while most guys just screw off. Just look in schools and university, the majority of student body consists of women and very few boys are seen anywhere. In result, the girls in Dr are far more mature than their counterpart. The guys act irresponsibly and treat their women bad. The women look for security in relationship and seek wisdom in men. Older men seem to possess these virtues so women are generally attracted to them for long term goals.
Now look at it in USA, how many young girls actaully fantasize being in bed with president clinton? alot. Even more extreme, how many young girls still would jump into the bed with robert redford? I say a huge number. Now show me one young guy who would fantasize to sticking his tongue in Katherine Hepborn's mouth, let alone have sex with her? Thats right, even Sofie Loren is a grandma and no one finds her sexy now, atleast not sexy enough to stick your tongue in her mouth.
The truth is, a man never really gets old in DR, if he has the wits and stays in a good shape, he can act like a 20yrs old boy until he reaches 60. Women always like older men in DR and don't mind spending their lives with them if he knows how to control her right.

Why teach them english if she will never work or leave for another country? I say, let her stay the same way and mold her into becoming the ideal woman we all desire for: slim, serving, sexy and always obedient. make sure she knows that she can be replaced within 10 mins if she misbehaves. That mean she can't get fat or become old fast. Hahahahaha
What a lovely country, why would I change anything?


Jan 1, 2002
If the guy wants to teach his wife English, well, she just might appreciate him more for it.
Katherine Hepburn passed away recently, so I doubt that she's lookin' for any earthly action now a days.
I guess, going to the DR to enjoy the DR's way of life, means not expecting a government, financial climate or any of the other differences enjoyed by 1st world countries.
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Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Actually AZB has a good point or two in his twisted err.. ?Machismo? views. Why strive to change the things that make the DR the way it is? I think that most of the things we dislike about the DR are the things that make it unique. I believe that if we start implementing changes that would put the DR on par with the USA or any other 1st world country, the DR will lose its appeal to many and the culture would be destroyed.

We tend to criticize what we find different from what we are accustomed to abroad but I think that those differences only enhance the beauty in this country and its society. I know that some things are just arcane and perhaps even wrong here but compared to some of the crap you get in those 1st word countries, I would prefer the problems here in the DR any day.

As an example of what I mean consider the power problem in DR. I don?t see it as a problem - My family and I actually enjoy an occasional power outage. We use the time to play board games, play hide and seek or we just sit in the backyard shooting the breeze and looking at the start ? true family quality time.

Getting back on topic, some of AZB?s comments are a bit harsh but I fully understand him. I do not condone abuse of your partner in any way but I also disagree with forcing ?your? culture, morals and ideals on a society that already has their very own. It has nothing to do with education and every thing to do with the traditional way of life here in DR. Why should we try to impose ?our? way of life here? What gives us the right to do so, and for that matter, what qualifies us to past judgement on DR traditions? Are people from 1st world country better and therefore know what is best for the DR?


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I have a great dislike for people that try and inflict their culture
and moral values on others. Just coz it's the way it's done in Kansas, doesn't mean it applies here.

Some people need to get out more and experience the planet we all live on.

Saying this, I think the thread needs closing as it will open up a can of worms.

It's sad to say, but this level of discussion is way too much for some people to handle.
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