Female President?


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I'm what us Brits call a "Thatcherite". In Spanish "Thatcheriano".
Growing up with the policies of monetarism, privatization, and self-help promoted by Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990).

Margaret Thatcher in my opinion was a great leader and changed the political landscape and Britain forever.

Females in power right now:

Latvia - President Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Finland - President Tarja Halonen
Bermuda - Prime Minister Jennifer Smith
S?o Tom? and Pr?ncipe - Prime Minister Maria das Neves
New Zealand - Prime Minister Helen Clark
Ireland - President Mary McAleese
Sri Lanka - President Chandrika Kumaratunga
Philippines - Presidnet Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Indonesia - President Megawati Sukarnoputri
Peru - Prime Minister Beatriz Merino
Panama - President Mireya Moscoso
Bangladesh - Prime Minister Khaleda Zia

Is it time for the DR to have a female head of state?

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Maybe But who?

Is there a female qualified enough? Is there a female trustworthy enough?

Milagros? Don't make me laugh!

I know some woman will say that a woman would be better as president because they would be less corrupt. Well take a look at the list ladies. A few of those countries are hardly the bastions of freedom and morality that you envision.

I, personally would have no qualms about voting for a female if I agree with her politics but to vote for a female just because she is female is not only stupid but is sexist as well.


Mar 22, 2002
Is it time for the DR to have a female head of state?--Robert

Not sure I understand what you mean. I know much less about DR politics than most of the posters on here as I have been learning as I go along after my first visit to the country in Nov. 2001. As far as leaders of State go in general, I couldnt care less if my leader would be a man or a woman as long as they do a good job. Just like I couldnt care less if they are black, white, asain, etc. I dont see how it could "be time" for a female leader. I know I am speaking out of place because I am neither Dominican nor do I live there but I think the DR needs someone with morals, good values and someone who will present a good image at the throne.Someone who will preach a complete metamorphisis and lead by example. Someone who will gain and hold the respect of the populace from the wealthy to the poor and will have the best interests of the country as a whole in the foremost of their mind. Man, woman or what have you makes no difference.


BTW..I hated Maggie Thatcher
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Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I agree with you about Milagros. To be honest, her name didn't even enter my head when I wrote the question :)

I guess my question was more aimed at females in DR politics and could they make an impression and real change?
Is this too much of a macho society to allow a female to be head of state?

Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Robert said:
I agree with you about Milagros. To be honest, her name didn't even enter my head when I wrote the question :)
Aw, c'mon, Rob, do you really expect us to believe that?!!! ;) I mean, who besides Milagros among Dominican women has even a hint of a chance of becoming President in the near future? And you've lived long enough in the DR to have known that when you posed the question.

FYI, I use to pose this very question when I taught English writing at the Dominico 1996-97, in the section where we dealt with argumentative writing. Some of the men tried to argue with a straight face that they would indeed vote for a Dominican woman if she was capable enough and a real leader, but most of the Dominican males in the class were skeptical. More surprising to me were the Dominicanas in the class, most of whom said that while a Dominican woman should be electable (they mentioned Milagros in particular), they doubted it would ever happen in the DR. Some of the women even said that they themselves wouldn't vote for a woman. The argument most frequently cited was that a female President would not be taken seriously enough by the male-dominated military and male-dominated political machinery.
Best Regards,


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
I think the DR is not ready for a women president - yet. The only advantage a woman would have over a male candidate would be her political views but that has no bearing on being elected here. Just look at the current head of state if you have any doubts about this.

This society is very ?Machista? in its views therefore women don?t have much going for them as candidate at this time. I don?t think that a female would easily gain the momentum needed to become president in the DR right now. The political games played here are male driven and I think there is little to no room for women in these sadistic political games. As an example look at the role Milagros has play in this administration. How does she ?fit-in? in the political arena? I know she is not the best example but she is the closes thing we have to a female president here.

I think that the education level here needs to rise significantly before a good candidate is elected. Women will becomes serious political candidates eventually but with the ?male dominate everything ? mentality prevalent here it will be a while before this becomes a reality. Everything else being equal, this country still lacks good female candidate that has the political wits, charisma and support from a major party to be a viable contender.

I stop rambling now :)


New member
Jun 19, 2003
I asked my aunt, who runs a large Dominican corporation, if she would ever consider running for president. She laughed and answered: " and ruin the family's reputation?"

I think the idea of a woman president being less corrupt, in a Dominican context, is a myth. Corruption is so ingrained in the political culture of the Dominican Republic that even under the best scenario, a mother Theresa type president, there is little that she could do to stop corruption. And if she pushed too hard, she would probably be overthrown.

As I write this, there is a rebelling going on in the Philippines against the president there. The rebels accuser her of leading a corrupt government. So go figure.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I agree. There is no proof that a female head of state has done a better or worse job than a male, despite all the feminist jokes about 'if women ran the world...'. Robert, Margaret Thatcher would be close to the top of my list of examples to illustrate this statement.

In the case of the DR, I don't think that the country is any more traditional or macho than some of the countries that have already had women as their head of state. Take Pakistan and Benazir Bhutto, India and Indhira Gandhi, Sri Lanka and Bandaranaike (sp?).

In some places the tendency is to see the woman as a mother - or even grandmother - figure (Israel's Golda Meir, Nicaragua's Violeta Chamorro). In others you have the tragic widow figure: Cory Aquino (Philippines) Isabel Peron (Argentina) Violeta Chamorro (again). It could happen here. Peggy Cabral? Then again she couldn't even win the municipal election.

On the other hand, perhaps the fact that not that many women choose to enter the murky world of politics is a testament to their integrity (like DCfred's aunt) rather than a case of sexual discrimination.

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Jan 1, 2002
Probably not yet.

It will take some time for the DR to mature enough. If the US hasn't done it, then it won't happen here....Monkey see, monkey do Complex.....

There are a few women out there that might be very good: Licelot Marte is one, Marisol Vicens, Elenita Viyella is another. The very important factor is what DRFred said: "What??! And ruin the family name??"

That alone keeps a lot of fine people out of politics..After all, the politicos got an 84% Negitive Rating just last week....


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I always supported a Qualified person,sex not important!

In a country like the DR a woman might be a way to innitiate change.Only a mother thinks about making the really difficult sacrifices for the future of her children!As a young boy,I never understood why my mother gave the chiken breast to me,when I knew that it was her "favorite" piece!I do Now!!!! One of many "Lessons Learned" from "Mom"!Dad taught me to "Never Start Something That You Don't Intend To Finish"!,and "A Job Worth Doing,Is A Job Worth Doing Well"!.....Hey,maybe "I" should be President!!! ..........."Nah!",lets just wait for one of my DAUGHTERS!!!!
Cris Colon,"Mejorando El Politico";)


Mar 5, 2003
Re: Probably not yet.

Hillbilly said:

There are a few women out there that might be very good: Licelot Marte is one, Marisol Vicens, Elenita Viyella is another. The very important factor is what DRFred said: "What??! And ruin the family name??"


Couldn't agree more. I think there lies the root of the problem in politics in the DR....and most of the world.
All these women you mention have accomplished great things and their merits have earned them a space in the male dominated social structure of this country. I'll bet any of them are better fit to run the country than any actual candidate running for president in this upcomming elections.


Active member
Jan 16, 2002
Well, Criss... as much as I love my mother, she made sure that the chicken breast went to old Dad. Anyway, I have to agree with Hillbilly. If a woman like Hilliary (Hilliary for President, Hilliary for President!!) got elected, then I think that would greatly improve the chances of a female president getting elected in the D.R.

I agree that Margaret Thatcher was a great Prime Minister for the United Kingdom. We supported P.M. Thatcher in the Falklands in 82 and she supported us in Grenada and Lebanon in later years. She was definitely a woman of integrity.


New member
Jul 11, 2003
not to mention

most of the time Milagro is drunk imagine if she was the president I know for a fact that she likes to drink, but being the president ? are you f...king kidding me?

she would not know where her head was if it wasn't attached to her shoulders hahahahah.
now you know I'm right. ;)

Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Re: not to mention

FRANKY R said:
most of the time Milagro is drunk imagine if she was the president I know for a fact that she likes to drink, but being the president ? are you f...king kidding me?

she would not know where her head was if it wasn't attached to her shoulders hahahahah.
now you know I'm right. ;)
Even so, Franky, she'd still probably make a much better prez than His Baldness.

C'mon, now, you know I'm right! ;)


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Re: Probably not yet.

Hillbilly said:
It will take some time for the DR to mature enough. If the US hasn't done it, then it won't happen here....Monkey see, monkey do Complex.....

2008 Hillary hey, that's uncannily similar!


Jun 19, 2003
i, too, grew up in the uk in the 'thatcher' years.
she and her cronies did a lot of damage to our country and i would be ashamed to call myself a 'thatcherite'.

thank god they pushed her out after the poll tax fiasco (although that was not the reason for her going), before she did anything else. silly cow.

i don't think she was a good example to use as a female leader of government. ghandi, bandaranaike, etc., yes, but thatcher was more of a man than any dominican president so far.


Jan 2, 2002
Female president in DR? Hahahaha
what do you think this country is like pakistan or india where women are allowed to hold such a position. So much for your democracy and equal rights BS.