Help! - ?Ayudame!



Can anyone tell me where I can get the software (preferably for free or very little money) to add a bulletin board like this great one to my website? I have asked DR1 a couple times and they give me an email for a guy but he never answers or is no longer in existence. The software doesn?t have to be as fancy as this but would at least allow people to post and answer messages. Please, any help will be appreciated.

?Socorro! ?Hay alguien que me puede decir d?nde yo puedo conseguir el software (de preferencia gratis o por muy poco dinero) para meter un BULLETIN BOARD como ?ste (que tanto me gusta) en mi p?gina de Web? Les ped? esta informaci?n al DR1 varias veces y me contestaron con una direcci?n a la cual escrib? pero no creo que est? funcionando la empresa ya que nunca me contest?. Cualquier ayuda es muestra de la generosidad y bondad de la gente de la RD. Gracias.


R T Firefly

Click on the link below for a free discussion-board tool. It's very well made, and all it requires is that you have access to CGI-script on your web page. If you're not sure if you have CGI-script or not, ask your internet provider.

This program actually works slightly better than the one here, because all the messages are on one page, rather than each message needing its own page.

Hope this helps!

-- RTF