Dominicans denying their Afro Roots!

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New member
Feb 14, 2004
Indio Claro, Indio this Indio that........

Everything but Afro, I find it quite strange that although the island of Hispagniola served as a magnet or once a heaven to the slave traders during the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Someway somehow, some have managed to completely erase off the face to the island of Hispagniola such historical aspects, from the spanish speaking side of the island at least.

Dark skin Dominicans denying their African roots, associating themselves with Indians moreso than their true Africano-Dominicano roots. Lightening the race not to say bleaching the race, a la Michael Jackson. What is the difference between most in denial of their race and those bleaching it?

Denying the African connection is something that has always been the norm on the spanish side of the island. Associating Afro history with the creole "french" speaking side of the island, how hypocritical!

The Dark skin Dominicans have Indio ancestry, while denying completely their afro background not to say slavery, indeed Denial is not only a river in Egypt.

Why not stand up and be proud of the diversity that exists in the DR, why most if not all Dark Skin Dominicans deny their African ancestry.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Just because Hatians like you are proud of your African roots,

It doesn't mean that everyone is!!! What is to be proud of from Africa?Tribal warfair,cannibalism,sexual mutilations,slave traders???What African country's economy should we be proud of????What medical breakthrough should we be proud of? Africa,The Cradle of AIDS!!!..And you can say all these same things about your country,Haiti,as well! Go back home and be proud of your Haitian roots!
Dominicans choose to be proud of their Spanish/Indian roots!
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