Samana Project in Hoy of 02/22


Jan 10, 2002
just amazing that a company that is willing to invest $200 million into a project doesn't even have a website or no trace of them on the internet. sounds like another Hippo pre-election scam where a bogus company will be funnelled millions of IMF money not that they're flush again.

Otorgar?n explotar a Saman? 50 a?os 1:51:00 AM

El jefe del Estado pide a los legisladores que aprueben la concesi?n pues "redundar? en beneficio de la pr?spera provincia de Saman? y del pa?s. (+)

El Poder Ejecutivo someti? al Senado una concesi?n por 50 a?os para que la firma Jampi Investments, S.A., opere en Saman? la marina, Cayo Levantado y el hotel Cayacoa y actualice la infraestructura tur?stica y urban?stica de la provincia con una inversi?n de US$200 millones.

El presidente del Senado, Jes?s V?squez Mart?nez, remiti? el contrato, firmado por la Secretar?a de Obras P?blicas y la referida empresa, a estudio de la comisi?n de Turismo, que preside el senador Ramiro Espino, de Saman?.

Mediante el convenio, la Jampi Investments, S.A., se comprometi? a la renovaci?n del frente marino de Saman?, su paseo actual, el dragado y remodelaci?n del puerto y el saneamiento de la desembocadura del r?o.

Asimismo, a construir una marina, centros comerciales, instalaciones deportivas, villas, apartamentos y hoteles, estaci?n de autobuses y rescate y acondicionamiento de la playa.

En el mensaje anexo al convenio, el presidente Hip?lito Mej?a precisa que al concesionar las obras de infraestructura en el ?rea del proyecto, tales como La Marina, Cayo Levantado y el hotel Cayacoa, el Estado no enajena el patrimonio nacional, "ya que mantiene el derecho de propiedad de los inmuebles existentes a la firma de este contrato y aquellos que deban construirse a los fines del mismo."

El jefe del Estado pide a los legisladores que aprueben la concesi?n en raz?n de que, sostiene, "redundar? en beneficio de la pr?spera provincia de Saman? y, por ende, del pa?s, contribuyendo adem?s al desarrollo de nuestra industria tur?stica."



Feb 3, 2002
...And what will this "company" get in return for a 200 million USD investment? How will they make money?

Andy B

Jan 1, 2002
Although the contract is just now being formalized, work has been progressing in earnest on refurbishing the Hotel Cayacoa for about a month now. They will also start to renovate the Hotel Cayo Levantado and reopen it. Completing the marina and finishing the harbor area will take more time. I also heard they will reopen the casino that was once in the Cayacoa. It all appears to be legitimate and not just pre-election hype.


Jan 1, 2002

Senator Espino, the Saman? senator, told reporters that there was a Fench company that was already doing work, and that he had thought that the Jampi Investment this had been discarded by the gov't...Question of one hand not knowing what the other one was doing???/

anyway, they (Jampi) is trying to get a 50 (50) year lease on the whole damn town..Port, marina, hotel and Cayo, plus a blanket permission to build hotels, villa, restaurants and sundry stuff called infrastruture....FIFTY YEARS????? WTF???, but they "SAY" that they are going to invest $200 million!! Yeah, I remember the Arabs that were going to invest a billion in Manzanillo. Hey Texas Bill!! Did you get your cut yet??? HEHEHE

this has "Hoodwink" written all over it....



Dec 24, 2002
Hillbilly said:
Senator Espino, the Saman? senator, told reporters that there was a Fench company that was already doing work, and that he had thought that the Jampi Investment this had been discarded by the gov't...Question of one hand not knowing what the other one was doing???/

anyway, they (Jampi) is trying to get a 50 (50) year lease on the whole damn town..Port, marina, hotel and Cayo, plus a blanket permission to build hotels, villa, restaurants and sundry stuff called infrastruture....FIFTY YEARS????? WTF???, but they "SAY" that they are going to invest $200 million!! Yeah, I remember the Arabs that were going to invest a billion in Manzanillo. Hey Texas Bill!! Did you get your cut yet??? HEHEHE

this has "Hoodwink" written all over it....


who ever get the deal is going to swim in gold........


Jan 10, 2002
french company

anybody know the name of the French bidder which might be the one doing the work now? strange that not even Hoy or senators know the name. something fishy's going on.