Voting by absentee ballots in May...


Dec 17, 2003
Does anyone know the process of voting by absentee ballot for the election in May? In particular, is anyone familiar with the process in the US? I would think that the huge amount of Dominicans living abroad could effect the results of the election (if they are able to submit their votes).

If a Dominican is a naturalized American citizen, could they still vote in DR's election? (I am unclear on how dual citizenship works in regards to this).

Any information would be great so that I could pass on to others...


May 3, 2000
Dual nationals can vote, but previous registration was necessary. The JCE has yet to communicate about the process of voting abroad.


Mar 23, 2004
Voting process

Hi Chris_NJ
Below I've pasted a message I received. Here in the DC area we did an empoderamiento/voter registration campaing for a few months. You had to have a cedula if you have obtained an approval for dual citizenship by proving you yourself were born in DR and/or your parents were. There is more I would
look into if I were you but the idea is that you need una cedula amarilla.
Voter registration deadlines have passed for this election. I do not think el voto del exterior will make a significant impact, maybe, maybe 30-40,000.
Which is not much. I've heard that Hipolito has made 2 million extra ballots (for what, you tell me). Ideally that is how many Dominicans and descendants live abroad but not all are as linked as we would like to think or hope. Sometimes it takes enough to know what is being done in your own backyard when you are barely trying to make a living.

La Junta Central Electoral (JCE) me ha informado que todas las personas
residentes del ?rea de Washington que se registraron en las Jornadas de
Diciembre y Enero pasados, podr?n ejercer el derecho al voto en las mesas
electorales de la ciudad de Camden, New Jersey (aproximandamente dos horas y media de Washington). De acuerdo a lo que me han informado, la votaci?n se llevar? a cabo en:

Abury United Methodist Church
2926 Westfield Avenue
Camden, NJ 08105
Horario: de 6am a 6pm

A m?s tardar a principios de Abril, la JCE informar? a cada individuo por correo
el n?mero de la mesa electoral que le tocar? (habr? varias mesas en el lugar
arriba mencionado). De acuerdo a la explicaci?n que me dieron, el ?rea de
Washington no reuni? el n?mero m?nimo necesario de votantes para establecer una
mesa, adem?s de que nuestra ?rea escapa a la jurisdicci?n establecida por la JCE
para otras oficinas regionales en el exterior.

IMPORTANTE: por favor tengan en cuenta que SOLAMENTE le corresponde a la JCE el
distribuir la informaci?n exacta acerca del lugar de votaci?n, y no al GDP-WASH.
As? que si alguien tiene alguna pregunta adicional deber? llamar a la Oficina de
la JCE en New Jersey al n?mero: 973-279-3633

Chris_NJ said:
Does anyone know the process of voting by absentee ballot for the election in May? In particular, is anyone familiar with the process in the US? I would think that the huge amount of Dominicans living abroad could effect the results of the election (if they are able to submit their votes).

If a Dominican is a naturalized American citizen, could they still vote in DR's election? (I am unclear on how dual citizenship works in regards to this).

Any information would be great so that I could pass on to others...