verifying solvency of a condo project?


New member
Mar 13, 2004
How can one tell if the project one is considering buying in is solvent?
Is it possible to learn if all units were successfully sold to individual owners?
Or the % still owned by the original builder?
To learn what % of units are rented and the occupancy rates?
To learn how many owners are in some level of default or legal action?
Is it possible to learn which owners are behind in fees?
To learn of the turnover on the management committee?
To learn if the association owes back taxes? mortgage payments? is behind on payments? Has valid insurance protection?
To learn what the sales price was of recently sold units?
How do I protect myself against getting into a bad situation?
What else should I investigate and how is it done in the DR?
Thank you.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Some of this information you may find at the Registry of Titles closest to the condo (units sold, price, owners in arrears in their fees and facing legal action, etc.)

There is no public record for the minutes of condo meetings. Therefore you will only be able to find details regarding # of owners behind in their fees, turnover of a management committee, etc. if the condo association provides you with the minutes.

To protect yourself from a bad situation, have a good attorney do the due diligence on the property and ask around about the developer.