It is time to to move on!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
It is time to move on! It is also time to disolve the PRD and PRSC parties. The PRD over the past 20+ years has proven itself to be incompetent in running a government. I would venture to say that the PRD was never more than an organization with good rethoritcs and theory, but no practical experience or leadership. Outside of Pena Gomez, the remaining party "leaders" were and will always be nothing more than a bunch of "pela gatos". The same thing can be said about the PRSC and its leaders.

It is about time for young Dominicans to take their right place in society and inject new blood into the political system. Both the PRSC and the PRD are parties of the past. Thank god its founders are no longer there to keep the cancer growing. Pena Gomez, Balaguer and Juan Bosch were never interested in anything more than preserving their own legacy. They probably got that. Now it is time to move on and emulate the true democracies and capitalist societies of the world. With the Dominican Republic finally getting the type of exposure it is getting via tourism, there have never been a better time than now to crete a truly revolutionary society. That's what the PRD was supposed to do. It has once more been proven than without new ideas and new blood, progress can not be achieved.

The next PLD government represents the first government term in the last 75 years without the direct or indirect influence of Balaguer, Pena Gomez, or Bosch. That was 75 years of regression in the development of a country! Some day, Dominicans will come to the realization that these leaders did more harm to the development of our country than any other individual in its 500+ years of history. I hope that the image of Balaguer, Pena Gomez, and Bosch remain nothing more than just that; an image of the past!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
And the song goes like this...

Que Felicida Que Hipolito Se Va,
Que Felicida Que Leonel Vuelva Ya,
Que Felicida El Pueblo Se Salvo,
Dominicano Hay Que Bailar Y Gozar,

Que Felicida Que La Gente Respondio,
Que Felicida Santo Domingo Desperto,
Que Felicida La Crisis Tiene Su Fin,
Gracias Dios Mio Por La Democracia!

Que Felicida Seguro Tiene Duarte,
Porque Su Tierra Va Para Adelante,
Que Felicida Seguro Tiene Mella,
Porque Su Tierra Sabe Lo Mejor,
Que Felicida Seguro Tiene Sanchez,
La Tierra Mas Hermosa Del Mundo......desidio.....salir De La Pesadillaaaaa!!!!

Como Se Dijo En Un Principio, Y Asi Fue, Porque Hipolito Y Su Clan E Pa Fuera Que Van!!!!!!!