Andy Dauhajre and Jaime Aristy Escuder


Jan 5, 2002
Jaime Aristy Escuder, the pseudo-economist who together with Andy(Cavallo)Dauhajre run an economic think tank that feeds itself on lies and political influence continue to do more harm than good to Hipolito Mejia.

In today's Escuder's column in Listin Diario, he starts with "the population voted against the PRD because it believes that elected government can reduce the prices of goods and services"

Pro-Hippo analysts continue to press the idea that the anti-Hippo vote had everything to do with 'the stomach". WRONG!!!

Hippo was simply hated for himself. He was hated for his dictatorial, autocratic ways, his mean attitude, his abuse of power and words and his sheer nastiness. In my case I just learned to hate this overestimated, overweight, bald piece of mini-dictator. Nothing he could have done for the economy would have made me and thousands of voters vote for him or forgive him for being so abusive and obnoxious.

And if Andy and Jaime wish to hurt Leonel with their continous harping against him, the best thing they can do if they really want to hurt him, is to join him. You see, if anybody has a more negative poll opinion than Hipolito, I can only name two characters: Jaime Aristy Escuder and Andy Dauhajre. The minute they support Leonel, he will be jinxed for life.


frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004
Two Undesirable Characters

Golo100 said:
Jaime Aristy Escuder, the pseudo-economist who together with Andy(Cavallo)Dauhajre run an economic think tank that feeds itself on lies and political influence continue to do more harm than good to Hipolito Mejia......And if Andy and Jaime wish to hurt Leonel with their continous harping against him, the best thing they can do if they really want to hurt him, is to join him. You see, if anybody has a more negative poll opinion than Hipolito, I can only name two characters: Jaime Aristy Escuder and Andy Dauhajre. The minute they support Leonel, he will be jinxed for life. TW

These two undesirable characters, mercenaries really since they flip-flop depending on the way the wind is blowing (or where the dough is most abundant), rival Guido, Hernani and Eligio in being out of step with everyone else and preaching and doing the most damaging things to the DR. Their day will come!


Oct 6, 2003
Hey Golo, I 've been out of the loop for some time - meaning I only visit the DR and browse DR1 and other local online media these days, rather than live there- but when I was there this guy Andr?s D, was pretty much the up-and-coming economist. His writings were pretty cutting edge and rational, he even seemed honest (like he was not a populist). What the hell happened to him? I obviously noticed that he was deeply involved with the current administration. Did the Darth Vader of the PPH brainwashed him? or was he always an opportunistic hyprocite hiding behind his good boy pretensions? Please give us the nitty gritty here, because I'm confused.
- Tordok


New member
May 22, 2004
Tordok you you are right. He still is an excellent economist, the best we have. The problem is that doing good economics (passing certain reforms, advising this and that) leads to bad politics sometimes. Don't let yourself be confused by malintentioned, irrational fools that don't have their feet in reality. The truth is that Mr Aristy and Mr Dauhajre did what they had to do and did their best. It is not their fault that the country kept undergoing negative shocks from abroad.

Economists always get a bad wrap. But in a country of so many hot-headed people and passionate irrationality of the common folk, what chance can any logical, down-to-earth, clear-minded economist have? What is needed is not a change of government, but a change of the cynical, non-constructively critical demeanor of most middle/upper middle class Dominicans. They have been let down by the system but that does not mean they have to criticize everything everyone. They are also as flip-flopish as can be! Watch them in 6 months say atrocities about Leonel... just sit and wait.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
faustoarturo said:
Don't let yourself be confused by malintentioned, irrational fools that don't have their feet in reality.

A truer word has never been spoken, you should heed your own advice.

faustoarturo said:
It is not their fault that the country kept undergoing negative shocks from abroad.

Talk about tow the party line!

frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004
Touche Robert!

Robert said:
A truer word has never been spoken, you should heed your own advice. Talk about tow the party line!

Touche Robert! These interested opinions standing up for these mercenaries, Dauhajre and Escuder, who have received the government channel to preach their dribble, every evening, trying to justify the unjustifiable; they are the architects of the disastrous economic policies implemented by Mej?a.

Now they are trying to condition thinking in order to complicate President-elect Fernandez's monumental task of getting this country back on the right track. But the great majority of us know who they are and what they are about and their words are only believed by those following the party line as the mal-intentioned opinions above.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
faustoarturo said:
Tordok you you are right. He still is an excellent economist, the best we have. The problem is that doing good economics (passing certain reforms, advising this and that) leads to bad politics sometimes. Don't let yourself be confused by malintentioned, irrational fools that don't have their feet in reality. The truth is that Mr Aristy and Mr Dauhajre did what they had to do and did their best. It is not their fault that the country kept undergoing negative shocks from abroad.

Economists always get a bad wrap. But in a country of so many hot-headed people and passionate irrationality of the common folk, what chance can any logical, down-to-earth, clear-minded economist have? What is needed is not a change of government, but a change of the cynical, non-constructively critical demeanor of most middle/upper middle class Dominicans. They have been let down by the system but that does not mean they have to criticize everything everyone. They are also as flip-flopish as can be! Watch them in 6 months say atrocities about Leonel... just sit and wait.

Negative shocks from abroad??

Your telling me these fools did not know the consequences of a forced and planned devaluation of the peso from 16 to 20 pesos/dollar would do to the thousands holding US loans?

This was a slap in the face for any of us that actually started to believe in this countries stability in the 90's and invested for growth.

Please don't come here and tell us they were not manipulated politically by the PPH..I know these guys personally as I studied at the PUCMM and have listened to their lectors since the 80's. They actually used the Jorge Blanco government as a case study for wrong economic policy and now they defend an even worse government...sad indeed!


Mar 5, 2003
Golo100 said:
Jaime Aristy Escuder, the pseudo-economist who together with Andy(Cavallo)Dauhajre......And if Andy and Jaime wish to hurt Leonel with their continous harping against him, the best thing they can do if they really want to hurt him, is to join him. You see, if anybody has a more negative poll opinion than Hipolito, I can only name two characters: Jaime Aristy Escuder and Andy Dauhajre. The minute they support Leonel, he will be jinxed for life.


BUt, remember they where with him in his first term. Then they switched to aid the bald freak from Gurabo....what makes you think you wont see them next to Leonel by years end?
These guys are sharp and astute, sooner or later they'll find a way in the new PLD government. Thats the way the Dominican Republic works, thought youd know this by now.

frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004
Leonel is smarter than that

samiam said:
BUt, remember they where with him in his first term. Then they switched to aid the bald freak from Gurabo....what makes you think you wont see them next to Leonel by years end?
These guys are sharp and astute, sooner or later they'll find a way in the new PLD government. Thats the way the Dominican Republic works, thought youd know this by now.

I am hoping that Leonel is smarter than that. I doubt he will let these guys get near him after the disastrous job they did for Hippo plus the venom they have been throwing his way.


Mar 5, 2003
You hope Leonel is smarter than that; I hope you are right, but I am not going to be surprised if these guys go to bed within a year.
My advice to you, be a little more suspicious of your leaders.

frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004
Good advice

samiam said:
You hope Leonel is smarter than that; I hope you are right, but I am not going to be surprised if these guys go to bed within a year.
My advice to you, be a little more suspicious of your leaders.

You may be right. I find myself suffering from the same sickness that many Dominicans had with Balaguer. Here was a guy in his 80's and 90's and blind and people considered him a god and kept electing him. Now I find myself thinking Leonel can do no wrong (although there is no comparison with Balaguer's situation except for the smartness) and wish he would stay 'in the chair' as long as constitutionally possible.


Jan 1, 2002
I am afraid that we have the lesser of two evils

And now, we have to hope that this rather mediocre person, a public school student in New York city and a graduate of the least impressive of Dominican Universities, who she-she'd his way up the ladder in the smallest party, a party founded on Marxist-Leninist principles featuring elitism, indoctrination and absolute fealty to the party line, will lead us out of the wilderness created by Andy-who made millions with the placement of the sovereign bonds-and the most idiotic economic team ever assembled by the hand of man, and this, with the help of a group of people that managed to lose the US$700 million that was paid for the CDE (or did they?).......and start the ball rolling for the catastrophy we are undergoing.

How is that for venting? Pant, pant...

And gasoline is way up, huh? with oil under US$40....oh wonders of wonders.

When Balaguer raised the price of gasoline by 25? there was a national strike (led by the PRD, of course!) We have see a RD$15 rise in a week!!!

Apr 26, 2002
Hillbilly said:
And now, we have to hope that this rather mediocre person, a PUBLIC SCHOOL student in New York city and a graduate of the least impressive of Dominican Universities, who she-she'd his way up the ladder in the smallest party, a party founded on Marxist-Leninist principles featuring ELITISM, indoctrination and absolute fealty to the party line...
(Emphasis added)

I'm sorry, but from this posting I have to ask: Who's more elitist, you or Leonel? I could give you a long list of very well respected American and European politicians who were educated by "mediocre" public schools and public universities.

I also cannot find any Marxist-Leninist rhetoric in any PLD literature.

I also have to chuckle a little every time I hear anyone associated with Hippo referred to as incompetent or "idiotic". They were extremely competent. They were competent at consolidating power and stealing hundreds of millions of dollars. They accomplished exactly what they set out to do. How many people can say that? They only failed in reelection. But there was not much meat left to pick off the national carcas had they succeeded, and they knew it. Much like a stuburn fungus, they'll be back.
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