la 21 Division

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New member
Jun 17, 2004
I am starting this thread because im looking for people practice like myself! i recently read a thread that was downing a voodoo funeral in dr but that person was unaware that our culture is based on it! even if thos so called "christian Dominicans" claim to not practice there is always something the dominican household that represents voodoo for example: pan arriba de la puerta, o una foto de san miguel , zapato de caballo, una escoba con 7 cintas, o un vaso de agua con alcamphor atra de la puerta; all are ways of practice; and the famous ones that calim christianity all year round but when that loved one dies..... during time of funerals they sing to el varon del cementerio san elias.. They all claim that vodoo is bad, but there and will always be a bad side to voodoo just like in christianity (lets see the devil) just as in any religon but in every religion God (papa Bondie) is always first and the only one really served. We ( as in voodoo practicers) use misterios as God's Right Hand Men and Women! whether God is Allah, Dios, Jesus, Papa Bondie, papa DieuX he is always the same in all religions just like in the passion of christ in his own language he didnt pronounce his name the same! so all those voodoo haters! learn and appriciate before you judge! :bandit: ;)
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Dec 24, 2002
WHAT IS YOUR POINT? NOT EVERY DOMINICAN HOUSEHOLD HAVE A PIECE OF BREAD ON TOP OF THEIR DOORS, and who cares if someone likes voodo or not and to tell you the thruth VOODO IS BAD and SCARY i'll stick to christianism.

you must be kidding bruja/o del diablo


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I am starting this thread because im looking for people practice like myself! i recently read a thread that was downing a voodoo funeral in dr but that person was unaware that our culture is based on it! even if thos so called "christian Dominicans" claim to not practice there is always something the dominican household that represents voodoo for example: pan arriba de la puerta, o una foto de san miguel , zapato de caballo, una escoba con 7 cintas, o un vaso de agua con alcamphor atra de la puerta; all are ways of practice; and the famous ones that calim christianity all year round but when that loved one dies..... during time of funerals they sing to el varon del cementerio san elias.. They all claim that vodoo is bad, but there and will always be a bad side to voodoo just like in christianity (lets see the devil) just as in any religon but in every religion God (papa Bondie) is always first and the only one really served. We ( as in voodoo practicers) use misterios as God's Right Hand Men and Women! whether God is Allah, Dios, Jesus, Papa Bondie, papa DieuX he is always the same in all religions just like in the passion of christ in his own language he didnt pronounce his name the same! so all those voodoo haters! learn and appriciate before you judge! :bandit: ;)

Like the other poster said, not every Dominican practices Vodoo and it must be said that many low class Dominicans practice Brujeria, its not vodoo. Brujeria is practiced in just about every single Latin country as well as in Spain and Italy (maybe even Portugal) with people believing in the "evil eye" (mal de ojo), etc. Vodoo is a different subject all together. Don't confuse the two.


New member
Jun 17, 2004
Um in repliance to the idiot who spazzed out you need to read more carfefully! what i am saying is that voodoo is not bad its what they put out there and yes there is a bad part to voodoo just like there is in christianity i too am catholic who practice voodoo and no not every dominican has piece of bread but they do have something in their house hold that does represent it if you wanna confess it or not whether its a picture of a saint or a plant de ruda in the house its something! and you guys need to do your research about calling something evil! because in every voodoo ritual We ask GOD for permission to use the saints and our hail mary's and our fathers aswell as the oraciones del rosario so before you call things evil and not common then learn about it! cause this is the oldest religion whether you wanna be brain washed or not! by those missionaries! on every dominican altar there is a bible and i cross because we do beleive in jesus christ and the word but there are those extraordinary things that lead to the lord and thats where you guys need to do your research thank you and please refrain from any negative replies! especially if you dont know what the heck your arguing about!
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