Bringing my cars


New member
Apr 22, 2004
Im moving to DR soon, I am a natural born citizen of Santo Domingo, I have a 4cyl 2002 camry, and a 4 cyl Tacoma single cab, I've had both since they were brand new, two years plus, I have no liens on either, how much should I expect to pay induvidually for tax under the year law.


Jan 1, 2002
I'll take a wild guess and say

About 100% of their cost..give or take a few thousand--pesos.

You had best consult with some of the other board members that have successfully brought in vehicles. Get their references and go from there.

This is usually considered to be a major hassle, but I have seen threads that relate of doing this with excellent results.

Try a "search" on this site and see what you come up with...

Try "Importing a car" and see....Can't hurt.



New member
Dec 31, 2004
Importing cars in the DR

Believe that a lot depends on where you live today ( since the last couple of years) and if you want to return to the DR to live there again . I thought that if you had a car more than two years and it's for your proper use that the rules are somewhat different ..but for really knowing it send your question to a well established customs broker and if you really want to bring these cars in he could and will give you a pretty close estimate
jon1981 said:
Im moving to DR soon, I am a natural born citizen of Santo Domingo, I have a 4cyl 2002 camry, and a 4 cyl Tacoma single cab, I've had both since they were brand new, two years plus, I have no liens on either, how much should I expect to pay induvidually for tax under the year law.


May 12, 2002
stallion said:
From what I hear bringing a car in the DR is a headache, hassle and a ripoff.
Too bad you just miss the election
Some friends tell me that during election time is the best time to bring in vehicles because any custom fees are waived and the only thing you pay is the shipping costs.


May 12, 2002
jon1981 said:
Im moving to DR soon, I am a natural born citizen of Santo Domingo, I have a 4cyl 2002 camry, and a 4 cyl Tacoma single cab, I've had both since they were brand new, two years plus, I have no liens on either, how much should I expect to pay induvidually for tax under the year law.

Hey, one thing i was forgetting was that when you are moving to the Dominican Republic for good, you are exempt from any customs fees on your household goods and that includes everything from refrigerators, washer/dryer, cars etc.....I think that all you have to do is obtain what they call an exonerado/waiver from the DR customs unless they changed the laws about these waivers.


Mar 5, 2003
Mr_DR said:
Hey, one thing i was forgetting was that when you are moving to the Dominican Republic for good, you are exempt from any customs fees on your household goods and that includes everything from refrigerators, washer/dryer, cars etc.....I think that all you have to do is obtain what they call an exonerado/waiver from the DR customs unless they changed the laws about these waivers.

Actually, I believe its one or the other, they let you bring in your house stuff or a car....might be better off asking a lawyer.


New member
Nov 14, 2004
why not sell your cars before moving, then buy used cars once you get to the DR? I think it would be better solution.


Nov 19, 2004
jon1981 said:
Im moving to DR soon, I am a natural born citizen of Santo Domingo, I have a 4cyl 2002 camry, and a 4 cyl Tacoma single cab, I've had both since they were brand new, two years plus, I have no liens on either, how much should I expect to pay induvidually for tax under the year law.

As far as I know with the one year ownership law, you are only allowed to transport one vehicle and get a tax discount. You should contact the Domican Consulate for more information. If you are in New York or New Jersey just ask any Dominican, you will run into someone who has done it. Also, try I think they transport door to door.


Mr. Main Event
May 28, 2004
Mr_DR said:
Too bad you just miss the election
Some friends tell me that during election time is the best time to bring in vehicles because any custom fees are waived and the only thing you pay is the shipping costs.

Oh Mr. DR you should have told me this earlier. It's kinda too bad now. I just left toronto this past weekend.


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Importar coches o efectos personales

I just will copy instructions I once recieved (end 2003) from a customs broker​
Segun articulo 13,literal D, de la ley 14-93 , se exoneran :

Las importaciones de efectos personales y del hogar , asi como equipos de oficios y profesionales, usados pertenecientes a extranjeros que vengan a residir definitivamente en el pais , y de los Dominicanos que hayan residido en el exterior por un periodo de dos a?os consecutivos y regresan a establecer su residencia definitivamente en el pais ,siempre que no les hayan concedido anterioramente este privilegio ..

Los documentosque debe presentar son los siguientes :

1) Demostrar que ha resisisodo en el exterior for mas de dos a?os consecutivos
Nota : No haber permanecido en la republica por un periodo mayor de 6 meses durante los ultimos 6 meses ..

2) Presentar la residencia original al momento de entregar la solicitud debe entragarse copia de la misma

3) El pasaporte vigente debe tener un minimo de 2 a?os de expedicion

4)Copia de todas la paginas del pasaporte

5)conocimiente de embarque original (Bill of Lading ) a npmbre del proprietario de los ajuares o bienes personales , escrito a maquina y sellado por la colecturia

6) Carta de matrimonio si es casado (A) o de divorcio

7) presentar factura consular

8) obtener un recibo de contabilidad sellado y firmado por un valor de RDS 300.00 .Este recibo corresponde al derecho de solicitud de tramitacion de las letes

9) Hoja de liquidacion de computos firmada y sellada por la colecturia y por auditoria con una copia

10) Copia de la cedula

11) Llenar a maquina los formularios 001 y declaracion de ajuar y sacarle tres copias al formulario de declaracion de ajuar

12)carta de cancelacion de sobordo original con 3 copias ..

Ademas :

la direccion general de aduanas se reserva el derecho de hacer toadas las investigationes de lugar a fin de comprobarlo
Nota : Se advierte a los solicitantes que de comprobarse que no han cumplido con este requisito establicido con el articulo 13 de la ley 14-93 , se procedera con la incautaci?n de los ajuares y demas bienes etc.... y se aplicara una multa equivalente al doble de los dereschos y impuestos dejados de pagar etc,,,articulo 200 de la ley 3489 ...etc....

The person who handed this over to me told me as we were also talking about cars that I would gain some money importing it from Europe ...Cost of a container was at that time around 2,500 USD (ex Spain ) ...believe that the same rules apply and that the same paperwork were needed for importing a car as for importing household ..

Hope this helps somewhat

jon1981 said:
Im moving to DR soon, I am a natural born citizen of Santo Domingo, I have a 4cyl 2002 camry, and a 4 cyl Tacoma single cab, I've had both since they were brand new, two years plus, I have no liens on either, how much should I expect to pay induvidually for tax under the year law.