Just out of curiosity, Who are the biggest spenders when here on Holiday?


Jan 1, 2002
This is mainly directed towards the Expats who live and work here in the DR.

Out of all the Nationality's of people that visit us here and do business while they are on Holiday's. How would you categorize the biggest spenders and in what order of Country's?

I personally find The American's to be the best, The British a close second and Canadian's third. (Excluding French Canadian's)

Interested in your experience?


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Gringo",Thank You For The Opportunity To Use My "BEST" Canadian "DIG"!

"What is the difference betwen a Canadian and a canoe?".........................
"Sooner or later,a canoe "TIPS"!

Should I make that,"French Canadian"????????????????????? :nervous:

Since "TIPS",are,"To Insure Prompt/Proper Service",are they really ever deserved in the DR? ;)


Jan 2, 2002
Criss Colon said:
"What is the difference betwen a Canadian and a canoe?".........................
"Sooner or later,a canoe "TIPS"!

What are you trying to say? :confused: Spit it out. :laugh:


Mar 3, 2005
Criss Colon said:
"What is the difference betwen a Canadian and a canoe?".........................
"Sooner or later,a canoe "TIPS"!

Should I make that,"French Canadian"????????????????????? :nervous:

Since "TIPS",are,"To Insure Prompt/Proper Service",are they really ever deserved in the DR? ;)
Absolutely! You've just been hanging in the wrong places. Go someplace where the management has taken the effort to train the people and you'll be amazed at the service. If the management doesn't care, then why should the staff?


Mar 3, 2005
Criss Colon said:
"What is the difference betwen a Canadian and a canoe?".........................
"Sooner or later,a canoe "TIPS"!

Should I make that,"French Canadian"????????????????????? :nervous:

Since "TIPS",are,"To Insure Prompt/Proper Service",are they really ever deserved in the DR? ;)
...another interesting tidbit of information. A new bill, if enacted, will mandate a 10% gratuity in tourism operations. This is a bad mistake, IMHO. If someone has to "earn it" they try, otherwise they feel it is a "right" and not a "gratuity." The gov't will screw this up.


Jan 2, 2002
Most tourists come to all inclusive resorts so their whole package is already paid for. Some of them don't even bother bringing their wallets. There were cases when some foreigners came without cash that they didn't have money to pay exit 20 dollar tax at the airport. this is the reason many vacation companies include the exit tax in the package. Comparison between people who live here dominicans vs. foreigners, I say domincians spend way more money than a foreigner of equal socio-economico status. In bars and restaurants, domincians are always seen drinking black label whiskeys and expensive girly drinks while foreigners sip on local beers. Domincians buy expensive imported brand clothes and imported food brands here, while resident expats count pennies. Even most of the high class call girls are here to serve the well-to-do dominican business men, lawyers, not expats. When I was living and working in resort area (among foreigners) I had to pay my rent and expenses out of my own pocket. I hardly made any money to live on my own for 2 years. I was living out of my savings from USA. When I came to santiago, I made money for the first time. Dominicans spend and don't think about price or tomorrow. I charge way more here than I did in puerto plata. I charge almost like many american chiropractors in USA yet dominicans pay. My worst patients are foreigners from north coast. They never seem to have any money. One guy got free treatment from me because he was too poor to pay. Foreigners always seem to get shocked when they hear my fees, while dominicans pay up front gladly.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Although not entirely on topic, Service in the Dominican is much better than what i recently experienced in Cuba, and everybody expects a tip for everything. This isn't just in the AI's but everywhere in Cuba for everything.


Jan 1, 2002
In general

It has been my experience that golfers-of any ilk - are the better spenders while on vacation. Also cigar people. Of course even better are cigar and golf people.

That said, I, like many here, have witnessed absolutely rude haggling over tips.

However, as I mentioned in my opening statement, golfers and cigar folks are, by far, the best sort to attract, no matter where they comme from. That is why Mallorca has thirty golf courses on an island the size of Higuey province. That is why Cyprus has over 35 courses and a booming high end tourism business, and that is why over in La Romana they can offer pre-construction condos for $600,000 and up!!!



May 5, 2004
I am not a big spender...however i am always a generous tipper (i worked hotels and restaurants for 15 years before becoming a graphic designer). I hate to say it...but euro's and canadians are notoriously horrible tippers!!! I think it is all just a cultural thing tho. To many a 10% seems just fine...but here in the states anything less than 15% is considered an insult.

I have always had fine service in the DR. NOOOO..it is not the "in your face and i am going to make you have a good time" service as say Fridays or some other nasty chain....nor is as doting as some of the four star joints i used to work at. The service in the DR tends to be appropriately "tropical". Slow and relaxed....and if you need attention a quick hiss and and hand wave (something that i STILL have a hard time doing lol) and your server is right there and ready to help you.

The one thing i NEVER understand (it is surely cultural)....is that they are always so slow to bring the check! They basicaly dont bring it until you ask for it! Which is cool...cuz they arent trying to rush you out and turn the table to make more $$. I just have learned to ask for the check as soon as they clear my plate...or when i get my coffee....and have my pesos ready when they arrive with the check.

ALSO...i like the fact that they dont always try to "up-sell" you more drinks (or higher priced drinks). If you want another drink...again...a simple hiss and hand wave (i still cringe lol) and your waiter is more than happy to bring you another libation.

Ok..i havent dinned in any really fancy places in the dr. but i have been to some "decent" spots...and service has always been fine. ITs just a tad different than say dinning in nyc.

(one question tho)....is the hissing and handwaving acceptable in the classier restaurants??? I personly would smack someone if they did that to me! One time (here in NYC)...someone snapped there fingers and yelled at me "waiter waiter waiter" and i turned around and snapped my fingers back in his face and yelled "customer customer customer" LOL


Feb 24, 2002
Not so fond memories

Criss Colon said:
"What is the difference betwen a Canadian and a canoe?".........................
"Sooner or later,a canoe "TIPS"!

Should I make that,"French Canadian"????????????????????? :nervous:

Since "TIPS",are,"To Insure Prompt/Proper Service",are they really ever deserved in the DR? ;)
I wish I had that line while waitering on Cape Cod in my youth. The Canadians were notorious for leaving "only the copper" of their change for tips.

My standard line was to point at the cents and say "hey buddy, you dropped something".

Good question though, I'm curious to hear the consensus.


New member
Sep 24, 2003
I am a french canadian and I don t really understand why people said we are cheap ... I working like waitress some year ago and I having always big tips each night. may be where is the problem is during long time travel agent tell people here everything was include and that include tip.
but trust me I am not cheap and people who surrond me are not cheap too .

Fiesta Mama

Jan 28, 2004
Having worked in the service industry (off an AI) in the DR, my experience with foreigners visiting the DR was as follows:

Canadians and Americans tipped the best - with Americans tipping slightly higher.

Europeans rarely tipped and people from England NEVER tipped (this was not due to service as I know it was good - I was simply told that in England generally people don't tip but rather buy someone serving them a beer, shot, etc. - don't know if this is true)! I was told to add 10% to the bill for repeat customers who did not tip but I couldn't bring myself to do it, however, I found it extremely rude.

I also find that Dominicans rarely tip. I always tip and when I have been served at a bar/restaurant in towns where tourists rarely go, the Dominicans serving you almost look at you in shock when you leave a tip because most Dominicans do not (in my experience).

I find it unbelievably ignorant of travellers who would never think of walking out of a bar/restaurant in their home countries (well in Canada and the U.S.), to do so when on vacation.


Apr 3, 2004
Fiesta Mama said:
I also find that Dominicans rarely tip. I always tip and when I have been served at a bar/restaurant in towns where tourists rarely go, the Dominicans serving you almost look at you in shock when you leave a tip because most Dominicans do not (in my experience).

I have noticed the same thing. When we go out with our dominican friends, they never tip. We always tip in the D.R. (maybe not enough), and we are euros.

In our country it is not usual to tip, so I find it a bit "difficult". Here people only tip when they have got EXTREMELY good service.


May 5, 2004
Chareena said:
I have noticed the same thing. When we go out with our dominican friends, they never tip. We always tip in the D.R. (maybe not enough), and we are euros.

In our country it is not usual to tip, so I find it a bit "difficult". Here people only tip when they have got EXTREMELY good service.

ON my first to the DR i didnt tip at all. I had read that there was a service charge....and having delt with foreigneres here in the US....i just didnt think it was a universal policy to tip. (waiters in the US only make 2.15 an hour.....which goes directly to taxes on their tips....so PLEASE...while in the US please remember that....waiters are taxed on their SALES!!! so if you tip less than 15% ...the waiter has actualy lost money by waiting on you!

I over tip to the extreme while in the DR....i guess my attitude is that is that if i can afford to travel....i can afford to tip. A hundred pesos is what???? about 2.5 US dollars these days???? dang....if i cant leave a 3 dollar tip for a full service dinner....then i shouldnt be traveling.


New member
Nov 10, 2004
Fiesta Mama -
Here in Europe, the tip of roughly 10% is already included in the price of everything on the menu. Customers typically just leave a tiny extra if the service was good. When I tell my friends going to the USA to remember 15% is the standard tip they all look at me in shock - they expected the tip is included in the prices like at home...

Castellamonte -
I hope they don't pass that bill of the automaticlly included tip. I find in places that this exists the service to be so much worse. I rather leave a nice tip when the job is good, or if it's so bad I will complain to management and leave the single penny...


Mar 22, 2002
My experience as a tourist....

Service in some very nice restaurants in SD and Santiago....very good.

Service in some cheaper places.....pathetic.

I believe that waiters/waitresses/bartenders should work exclusively on tips. This forces them to provide good service. In the US, I will tip 20% for good service, 15% for average service and 10% for poor service. The standard is 15% so most people automatically tip 15% regardless of the service. I like to feel that the amount of my tip reflects how satisfied I was with the service. If the meal itself was poor, I don't take it out on the waitress, I still tip her according to her service. I just punish the restaurant by not going back.

If I am ready for another cup of coffee or the check or what have you, I expect to be able to look up and make eye contact with the waitress if she is across the room so she can get me whatever I need. If she happens to be busy or in the kitchen, I expect her to visually scan the room when she is done so she will see that I need something.

I may sound demanding but I am not. Good waiters and bartenders in NY make a fortune because they know how to work the room or bar. This is why the concept of tipping is essential to good service. I have waited a half hour for the check in some places in the DR and 15 minutes for a cup of coffee :(.



Mar 3, 2005
aerobaticman said:
Fiesta Mama -
Here in Europe, the tip of roughly 10% is already included in the price of everything on the menu. Customers typically just leave a tiny extra if the service was good. When I tell my friends going to the USA to remember 15% is the standard tip they all look at me in shock - they expected the tip is included in the prices like at home...

Castellamonte -
I hope they don't pass that bill of the automaticlly included tip. I find in places that this exists the service to be so much worse. I rather leave a nice tip when the job is good, or if it's so bad I will complain to management and leave the single penny...
I believe the bill has already passed! The focus seems to be main tourism businesses so I don't know what the 'trickle down' effect will be on other businesses. If I can locate the bill information I'll post it.


Mar 3, 2005
caro said:
I am a french canadian and I don t really understand why people said we are cheap ... I working like waitress some year ago and I having always big tips each night. may be where is the problem is during long time travel agent tell people here everything was include and that include tip.
but trust me I am not cheap and people who surrond me are not cheap too .
Maybe "cheap" isn't the right word, then. In my experience, the French Canadians I've know are 'exceptionally frugal.' This isn't a bad thing, it just is what it is.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Yes and No!.

Fiesta Mama said:
I also find that Dominicans rarely tip. I always tip and when I have been served at a bar/restaurant in towns where tourists rarely go, the Dominicans serving you almost look at you in shock when you leave a tip because most Dominicans do not (in my experience).
In a way, you are absolutely right on the mark. BUTTT it all depends on the dominican (person) status.

I have gone out with some friends in the DR and when I leave a tip, they put these faces like I am from Mars. Sometimes they "decide" that I have left wayyy to big of a tip and when I get to the car, they hand me back some of the money (they grab it from the table). BUTTTT

I have gone out with other dominicans friends and they would even leave a bigger tip than me, then again these friends would not hesitate to spend 5,000 pesos just for one outing.

I see it this way: how big of a tip would you give a server from a chimichurry's stand?. And how big of a tip would you give a server from a high class joint?.

I tip based on the locale, the food and the service!.

Ps: for some reason, I really do not care if the tip is already included, I always tip no matter what!.
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2005
The hourly wage that waitress ,waiters get they could never survive on just that. If you get good service there is no reason why you should not tip 20% regardless if your meal was not up to par. These people work very hard for their money..... and at times can be very hectic. And it seems it's always the customers that run you back and forth are the biggest complainers and the cheapest. Sometimes you may think that you're getting poor service but really it's not your server,... the problem is in the kitchen. I've seen many times where the server and the cook did not get along..... and out of spite the cook will put her ticket to the back.... meanwhile the customer thinks it's bad service. I seen every trick in the book doing commercial refrigeration for restaurants over the 20 years. Basically most of it is due to management not hiring the proper staff.