Best car mechanic in santiago.


Jan 2, 2002
yes folks, its all true, you have heard it right. AZB has finally found an honest car mechanic who runs a clean, organized and honest shop with all work performed to perfection.
After years of hunting for a right mechanic, I was about to give up and learn to accept half-a$$, monkey see, monkey do quality work. I have had my car engine totally unassembled and reassembled by some chopo mechanic who had promised me that he had stopped all oil leaks for good. Right after 3 weeks, all the oil was leaking from everywhere and spark plugs were all wet and engine was running on 3 or maybe 2 cylinders. I quickly changed mechanic and was recommended to see another mechanic. He suggested I should have my engine rebuilt and have new rings installed and blah blah blah. A total rebuilt of the engine, just like the other chopo had prescribed. So I paid him the money and work was completed in 7 days. i got my car in good condition but again, after a month, the car started to lose power in cylinders, oil was found in spark plugs and oil was leaking from everywhere. I was about to behead the mechanic and blow up my car with TNT while I was inside. I was really upset because between the 2 mechanics, I had spent more money for rebuilt work than for the price of a new engine.
Then I was finally sent to a mechanic by a patient of mine who owns one of the biggest car part shops in santiago (santiago auto parts). This mechanic seemed like a very serious and professional looking from the first appearance. He told me exactly what was wrong with the car and what the other mechanics didn't do right. He also told me that the work had to be redone all over again and he promised to put an end to power loss and oil leaks from everywhere. My power steering pump was leaking, oil from car engine was leaking, oil was entering in cylinders and wetting the spark plugs and transmission fluid was also leaking. All this work had been repaired twice already by other crooks. I didn't believe him at first but after talking to his clients, I was made assured that he was indeed a serious mechanic.
I received my car after a week and I was charged very fairly. Now after driving for 5 months, my engine runs like new, no oil leaks anywhere and gas consumption has improved 100%. Eventhough my car is old but with rising gasoline prices, I am keeping my little baby. I will have body work done and have it repainted soon. Its a keeper. I spend 500 pesos gasoline all week driving all around santiago. Who can say the same about their car?

mechanic and shop address:

Carlos / taller y Respuestos
c/padre de las casas # 16 (esq. 1ra)
ent. club de choferes, santiago

tele: 581 9968
241 2110 ask for carlos almonte (owner).

The place is right off estrella sadhala avenue (the main av. in santiago).


New member
Aug 24, 2004
Another one

I respect your experience AZB, and I will give the info of another one that is very serious and has years of experience mostly with european cars. The reason is simply: he has knowledge, he works on a daily basis, he is honest enough to tell you when he doesn't know something (and then he tells you where to go) and he doesn't change what is good.

Now we have two good ones.

Dario Nunez
Location: Entrada del Ejido (when going by the Av. Bartolome Colon from Ferreteria Bellon to Av. Estrella Sadhala turn right on the first semaforo -forgot the word- and you'll find it at 100 mts. at your left).
Phone number: 809-582-7404


Aug 27, 2003
Have you hugged your car today?


Glad to hear you finally got some satisfaction! What a relief. Nothing more frustrating than one's car slowly being demolished by those supposed to be caring for it.

I had several months of nonsense with my car, and it's a great car with a wonderful engine-- finally lost a head gasket and after replacing that and various gaskets and so on, the problem was still not resolved.

Turns out it was electrical-- switches missing and/or giving wrong info and fans not turning on to cool properly. This created too much pressure/heat in the radiator system, and voila... leaky radiators, blown hoses ... and what could have been irreparable engine damage.

I am really annoyed, because a very minor problem caused major worries for months. Before the head gasket went, there were several warnings and missed opportunities for the mechanic to find and fix the trouble.

Anyway, this is my new strategy: instead of having a mechanic look after my car, I am taking care of it myself. With all the scary overheating, I have learned to listen and watch carefully and now I know my baby's every hiccup. :)

I was the one who finally told the mechanic the problem was electrical; figured it out myself by paying attention to the car's oddball behavior. My car is running better than ever, and even an old problem I inherited, ie. failure to start every once in a while when the day is very hot, has magically disappeared.

So, I say: give your car a hug today. hee.


PS years ago I read some books by Richard Bach, who wrote Jonathon Livingston Seagull. He was an avid flyer and barnstormer and wrote stories about flying and planes as well. He knew those pieces of metal, and said that when you know a machine, it will perform above and beyond. I agree.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
About knowing your auto!!

Being an old, not too bold pilot, I certainly subscribe to knowing your airplane. Early on, my instructors drilled into me the necessity of "feeling" the airplane and devining what was going on with it. It's called "flying by the seat of your pants"! When one feels strange vibrations, engine missing, rattles and bangs, it gets one's attention immediately, believe me.
The same set of rules apply to driving an automobile. The association of different hiccups, rattles, flashings, etc. with subsequent failures of he machinery should be in the forefront of every driver's mind.
I can attest to the remark about Richard Bach; I met him years ago in Waco when he was visiting several of his friends there. He was very imphatic about "knowing one's machinery"...airplane or car.

Texas Bill


Jan 1, 2002
UMMMMM.....I think

gatoazul said:
I respect your experience AZB, and I will give the info of another one that is very serious and has years of experience mostly with european cars. The reason is simply: he has knowledge, he works on a daily basis, he is honest enough to tell you when he doesn't know something (and then he tells you where to go) and he doesn't change what is good.

Now we have two good ones.

Dario Nunez
Location: Entrada del Ejido (when going by the Av. Bartolome Colon from Ferreteria Bellon to Av. Estrella Sadhala turn right on the first semaforo -forgot the word- and you'll find it at 100 mts. at your left).
Phone number: 809-582-7404

RE: Location If you do that you end up in a ca?ada (creek)!! You mean turn left into El Ejido!!

Both men are well thought of, so good work fellows....
Another few worth a try:
Domingo Cabrera: Electrical stuff. Between Bartolom? Col?n and Estrella Sadhala on Padre de las Casas (which is the second light coming from Bell?n or the first light coming from Hach? on Bartolom? Col?n)
Jos? Ceballos: General stuff. Located in Pontezuela on Highway to Tamboril--out 27 de Febrero...734 0815
Freddy ??? Estrella Alemana on Leon Jimenes: Mercedes and Chevrolet and GM products. SLow, but pretty good workmanship. Located just past Mr. Cook on the other side of the street.



Feb 14, 2003
Good info, AZB, but..

AZB, what do you drive?.. I don't want to brag about it but are these guys any good when it comes to BMW's. I need some electrical work done on my Bimmer. Please advice... :nervous:

Zues (mega-bragus) :eek:


New member
Aug 24, 2004
You are right, I meant left

Hillbilly said:
RE: Location If you do that you end up in a ca?ada (creek)!! You mean turn left into El Ejido!!


That's true!! Turn left.

I had my watch on the wrong wrist.


Dec 10, 2004
Gotta love DR1

AZB said:
yes folks, its all true, you have heard it right. AZB has finally found an honest car mechanic who runs a clean, organized and honest shop with all work performed to perfection.
After years of hunting for a right mechanic, I was about to give up and learn to accept half-a$$, monkey see, monkey do quality work. I have had my car engine totally unassembled and reassembled by some chopo mechanic who had promised me that he had stopped all oil leaks for good. Right after 3 weeks, all the oil was leaking from everywhere and spark plugs were all wet and engine was running on 3 or maybe 2 cylinders. I quickly changed mechanic and was recommended to see another mechanic. He suggested I should have my engine rebuilt and have new rings installed and blah blah blah. A total rebuilt of the engine, just like the other chopo had prescribed. So I paid him the money and work was completed in 7 days. i got my car in good condition but again, after a month, the car started to lose power in cylinders, oil was found in spark plugs and oil was leaking from everywhere. I was about to behead the mechanic and blow up my car with TNT while I was inside. I was really upset because between the 2 mechanics, I had spent more money for rebuilt work than for the price of a new engine.
Then I was finally sent to a mechanic by a patient of mine who owns one of the biggest car part shops in santiago (santiago auto parts). This mechanic seemed like a very serious and professional looking from the first appearance. He told me exactly what was wrong with the car and what the other mechanics didn't do right. He also told me that the work had to be redone all over again and he promised to put an end to power loss and oil leaks from everywhere. My power steering pump was leaking, oil from car engine was leaking, oil was entering in cylinders and wetting the spark plugs and transmission fluid was also leaking. All this work had been repaired twice already by other crooks. I didn't believe him at first but after talking to his clients, I was made assured that he was indeed a serious mechanic.
I received my car after a week and I was charged very fairly. Now after driving for 5 months, my engine runs like new, no oil leaks anywhere and gas consumption has improved 100%. Eventhough my car is old but with rising gasoline prices, I am keeping my little baby. I will have body work done and have it repainted soon. Its a keeper. I spend 500 pesos gasoline all week driving all around santiago. Who can say the same about their car?

mechanic and shop address:

Carlos / taller y Respuestos
c/padre de las casas # 16 (esq. 1ra)
ent. club de choferes, santiago

tele: 581 9968
241 2110 ask for carlos almonte (owner).

The place is right off estrella sadhala avenue (the main av. in santiago).

Based on AZB's recomendation I visited Carlos last week and asked for his assistance in purchasing a used car here in Santiago. A true gentleman from the first meeting. He accompanied me to the dealership where he spent an hour or two checking out about 5 cars that I had my eye on. After a thorough inspection he made a recomendation, and I purchased it. I gave it to him to tweak, and he has it running like brand new. "Honest mechanic" was always an oxymoron to me, but it appears he breaks the mold. I second AZB's recomendation and continue to reap the benefits of this wonderful site and its knowledgable posters.


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Door/body work on Honda CR-V

I had an unfortunate incident with my '00 CR-V, backing it out of the garage while the driver's door was still open (no, I hadn't even had my first Brahma of the day). So when the door hit the wall beside the garage gate it was bent forwards way beyond its natural limit, causing some damage to the door and front left mudgard sheet metal, door bent somewhat out of shape and position, plus the hinge restrainer (or whatever it should be called - the thing that stops the door from opening too wide, until the strain is too great and it gives way) was broken.

I wonder if somebody knows who might be able to fix these damages, in Santiago or vicinity (I am based in Esperanza when in the DR).

I have written down the names of the recommended mechanics listed previously in this thread, but it seems to me that none of them is very much into this particular kind of repairs.


Paulino (no, not that one, nor the other one)


Aug 5, 2007
See the curbside guys in the park across from the Palacio de Justicia on 27 Feb. if it's not a total mess. They are incredible what they can do with windows & doors that are doblado, misfit, leaking, etc. for just a couple of hundred pesos while you wait.

Av. JP Bermudez (the Av. Bermudez that Repuestos George is on) has a mile and a half of 2-3 story warehouses, each with the vehicle make and parts specialty (doors, engines, a/c, drive trains, etc.) shown on their signs. It's all out of Mexican chop shops and DR wreck salvors. When the kid runs upstairs to get you your part stop him and go with him. He'll just pick whatever's on top of the pile. You can point to the shiny one that was in JC Penney's parking lot just yesterday. Same price.

Why not get a new door there?


New member
Oct 24, 2006
Try Robles which is on the SD highway, just as you leave Santiago on the right hand side. You need to take the slip road of to the right and it is just after the petrol station.
They specialise in bodywork. In fact, the first point of call for many hurricane / accident damaged cars from the US before they go on to the local car dealers (and unsuspecting buyers) is here. They also deal directly with insurance companies if you are going to claim.


Aug 5, 2007
Minor fixes in the park -- major on Av Bermudez

See the curbside guys in the park across from the Palacio de Justicia on 27 Feb. if it's not a total mess. They are incredible what they can do with windows & doors that are doblado, misfit, leaking, etc. for just a couple of hundred pesos while you wait. Each guy has his specialty marked by a part leaning against a tree (i.e., car door).

Av. JP Bermudez (the Av. Bermudez that Repuestos George is on) has a mile and a half of 2-3 story warehouses, each with the vehicle make and parts specialty (doors, engines, a/c, drive trains, etc.) shown on their signs. It's all out of Mexican chop shops and DR wreck salvors. When the kid runs upstairs to get you your part stop him and go with him. He'll just pick whatever's on top of the pile. You can point to the shiny one that was in JC Penney's parking lot just yesterday. Same price.

Why not get a new door there?


New member
Oct 24, 2006
Try Robles which is on the SD highway, just as you leave Santiago on the right hand side. You need to take the slip road of to the right and it is just after the petrol station.
They specialise in bodywork. In fact, the first point of call for many hurricane / accident damaged cars from the US before they go on to the local car dealers (and unsuspecting buyers) is here. They also deal directly with insurance companies if you are going to claim.


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Thanks for your input both of you, I really appreciate your advice! When I'm reunited with my CR-V in January - si Dios quiere - I will take it there and see what can be done.

The door isn't a total mess, after I bent it back somewhat myself - basically there's some wind noise and it probably isn't waterproof, and I have to take care not to open the door too far, because then I'll mess up the sheet metal of the mud guard again.


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