re:Susanne/coconut drip



re:Susanne/coconut drip

Thank you, Susanne, I thought a sterile drip was an intervenus, but it was late and I wasn't sure. Could you either direct me to where I might find some of the recipes you referred to? : "in some countries the coconut is the main source of nutrition - much like rice is in other countries. It can be main ingredient in a multitude of recipes and depending on how you treat it, you would never know it all came from the same plant."

Of course I know about coconut rice, and cooking fish in coconut sauce made by grinding up coconut and washing it through a strainer with water until it is a milky fluid. But what other ways are there, especcially ones to survive with it as a staple. Would Dominicanos, campesinos, back when the meat was dried into "copra" and sold by the pound to make many products of, have used any of these recipes as a staple in their diet? or would that "only be" in the larger coconut producing countries?

Thanks again, Tony


Hi again,

It sounds as if you know how to cook with coconut as well as I do or even better.

I am afraid I have reached the limit of what I know about coconuts (apart from the old silly song) but I have found a web site that might help you along. I hope it will be useful.

Regards, Susanne


thanks, Susanne, for the page on coconuts. I looked for a page like this some time ago and did not find one. regards, Tony