Tipos de tienda

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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
-A specialty shop is where a specific product is sold or where a service is rendered.

- The names of these specialty shops in Spanish also refer to the trade or profession (el oficio) and in some cases the workshop (el taller).

-Many of the specialty shops in Spanish are identifiable by the ending -er?a-. The word is generally formed by the noun (as the root) and -er?a- is added to form a new word.


Part I

Can you give the equivalent English name of each of these stores or workshops?

1) la panader?a 2) la ebanister?a 3) la peluquer?a 4) la ferreter?a 5) la zapater?a 6) la tintorer?a 7) la pescader?a 8) la helader?a 9) la droguer?a (farmacia) 10) la pasteler?a 11) la sastrer?a 12) la joyer?a 13) la carnicer?a 14) la tapicer?a 15) la lavander?a 16) la cafeter?a 17) la cervecer?a 18) la pizzer?a 19) la fruter?a 20) la lecher?a 21) la lencer?a 22) la librer?a 23) la verduler?a 24) la papeler?a 25) la sombrerer?a

Part II


Pregunta: ?En qu? tienda puedo comprar los siguientes productos? ( In what store can I buy the following products)?

Respuesta: Para comprar 'papel higi?nico' tienes que ir a 'la farmacia'.(You have to go to the pharmacy to buy toilet paper)

Indicate in what store each product can be bought using choices from Part I.

Cerveza/ helado/ manzanas/ champ?/ jab?n/ cerezas/ lechuga/ bronceador/ una pulsera/ leche/ queso/ gambas/ camarones/ bacalao/ yogur/ galletas/ aretes/ un reloj/ ropa interior/ un batido de fresa/ caf?/ t?/ arenque/ at?n/ carne molida/ pollo/ carne de res/ fresas/ un serrucho/ un taladro/ un diccionario/ la revista Newsweek en espa?ol/ un martillo/ apio/ tomates/ pasteles

Part I only needs to be completed once (whatever is missing I will fill it in) and then anyone can do Part II for practice.

PD. all words are intentionally generic or common to most Spanish speaking countries.

* The practice exercises will be corrected in a few days.



New member
Feb 9, 2005
1) la panader?a- Bakery
2) la ebanister?a- Cabinet shop??
3) la peluquer?a- Hair dressers or Barbar Shop
4) la ferreter?a- Like home hardware, or home depot- the sell stuff for plumbing ect.
5) la zapater?a -Shoe store
6) la tintorer?a - haha i went here alot Drycleaners
7) la pescader?a - Seafood Store
8) la helader?a - Ice cream shop (also have popsicles and my favourite Agua De Horchata)
9) la droguer?a (farmacia) -Pharmacy
10) la pasteler?a - Bakery- for cakes and sweets
11) la sastrer?a - A tailors shop
12) la joyer?a - Jewellery Store
13) la carnicer?a -Butcher Shop
14) la tapicer?a - Furniture/Furnishing store- they cell furniture, rugs ect.
15) la lavander?a - Laundry mat
16) la cafeter?a - Cafe or cafeteria
17) la cervecer?a- brewery
18) la pizzer?a - Pizza store
19) la fruter?a - Fruit market
20) la lecher?a - Dairy store
21) la lencer?a - they sell linens ect.
22) la librer?a - book store
23) la verduler?a - Produce store.
24) la papeler?a - they sell many things paper, pens, art supplies ect.
25) la sombrerer?a- Hat shop

Ok I did part A- some i don't know how to translate so i just put what the sell.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003

It's nice to see that you are participating in the forum again. As usual you did a wonderful job at completing Part I.

I will clarify a few points:

2) la ebanister?a- is the work shop (el taller donde trabaja un ebanista). Also it means the 'art of' cabinet making as well as other furniture.

4) la ferreter?a- 'hardware store'.

17) la cervecer?a- this is also means an establishment where beer is sold.

21) la lencer?a - this is also the name for 'the lingerie' store (ropa interior femenina). Women's intimate wear.

24) la papeler?a- 'stationary store'

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New member
Feb 9, 2005
the ceverceria i was thinking they might sell beer as well but I didn't put it, and for papeleria- the ones i have been in have sold alot more then what you would find in a stationary store here, so i was a little hard pressed to call it a stationary store.


Jan 2, 2002
Ok my turn

1) la panader?a/the bakery
2) la ebanister?a /
3) la peluquer?a/ the beauty shop/ hairstying salon
4) la ferreter?a/ never heard of this but did see the answer above
5) la zapater?a/ the shoe store
6) la tintorer?a/ paint shop ( guessing)
7) la pescader?a/ fish store
8) la helader?a/ ice cream store
9) la droguer?a (farmacia)/ the drug store/pharmacy
10) la pasteler?a ( this sounds like pastry but isn't that the bakery?
11) la sastrer?a
12) la joyer?a/ jewlery store
13) la carnicer?a/ the butcher shop
14) la tapicer?a/ the carpet store
15) la lavander?a/ the laundromat
16) la cafeter?a/ the coffee shop
17) la cervecer?a/ beer store
18) la pizzer?a/ hey I know this one ;) the pizzaria
19) la fruter?a/the fruit store
20) la lecher?a/ the dairy store/milk store
21) la lencer?a/
22) la librer?a/ the library/ book store
23) la verduler?a/ not sure, vegetable store?
24) la papeler?a/ the stationary store
25) la sombrerer?a/ no lo se

I'll have to give part two some thought I'm not advanced enough.

Ok for those that are more advanced give it a try. ;)


New member
Feb 9, 2005
Hey how do you say popsicle? for some reason the word just slipped my mind, and the popsicles made with real fruite and that have chunks of strawberries in them are awsome.


Mar 13, 2005
mofi said:
Hey how do you say popsicle? for some reason the word just slipped my mind, and the popsicles made with real fruite and that have chunks of strawberries in them are awsome.

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