Does she need a visa?


New member
Dec 13, 2005
My girlfriend and I are planning to go to the dr and settle in. I'm canadian and she's ukrainian. Does she need a visa prior to her visit? or does she purchase it when she arrives like everyone else. Likewise does anyone know if we will have a problem obtaining residency. I've looked into the legal end and requirements financially. no problems I just wonder if she will get a hard time because she is ukrainian. thanks for your help.


Apr 11, 2004
She does not need a Visa. She can just purchase a Tourist Card on arrival the same as you. As for your residency question, I do not think she will have a problem. Just contact an Immigration lawyer in the D.R. for this.


Jan 1, 2002
She does not need a visa. I went back and read some old threads. This should be a Sticky:

According to the list posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the nationals of the following countries can enter the DR with a tourist card (the list is in Spanish, Russia is No. 43):

1. Alemania
2. Andorra
3. Antigua y Barbuda
4. Aruba5. Australia
6. Austria
7. Bahamas
8. Barbados
9. B?lgica
10. Brasil
11. Bolivia
12. Canad?
13. Costa Rica
14. Croacia
15. Rep?blica Checa
16. Reino de Dinamarca
17. Dominica
18. Eslovenia
19. El Salvador
20. Espa?a
21. Estados Unidos de Am?rica (incluye Puerto Rico, Islas V?rgenes, St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Johns, Hawaii)
22. Finlandia
23. Francia (Guyana Francesa, Martinica, Guadalupe y Reuni?n)
24. Grecia
25. Guatemala
26. Honduras
27. Hungr?a
28. Rep?blica de Irlanda
29. Islas Turcas y Caicos
30. Italia
31. Jamaica
32. Lituania
33. Luxemburgo
34. Macedonia
35. M?xico
36. M?naco
37. Paraguay
38. Polonia
39. Portugal
40. Reino de Noruega
41. Reino Unido de Gran Breta?a (Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia, Pa?s de Gales)
42. Reino de Pa?ses Bajos (Holanda, Curazao y San Marteen)
43. Rusia
44. San Kitts y Nevis
45. San Marino
46. San Vicente y Granadinas
47. Santa Luc?a
48. Suecia
49. Suiza
50. Suriname
51. Trinidad y Tobago
52. Ucrania
53. Venezuela

This was posted by Dr. Fabio Guzm?n in 2004

My apologies....



Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
I thought there was a post that said the Russkie's now need visas - remember the 28 planeloads won't come now etc.. Not that Russia is the Ukraine anyway.