I dont get it

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blondie woman

*** Sin Bin ***
Apr 2, 2006
What is it that these guys do to women that makes them addicted. I know I am crazy, and getting into something that is all screwed up, and I would never do, but I cant break the cycle. I am not proud of my stupidity, but what the hell is it......I have never experienced anything like this in my life? I like to live on the wild side and have many times, but have usually been able to enjoy the toy and take the ride.....but cant seem to get off this one. I am intrigued, and would like to try to really understand this whole thing. I am a child of the 70's and I have had my share of lovers, and friends that I did the nasty with, and was always able to keep a level head. I'm I under a spell. I am not old, ugly or washed up, and have many men still compliment me on how good looking i am for my age, so what gives....any insight ? Blondie


Oct 21, 2002
You've met the ultimate -- the ultimate of sweet talkers, the ultimate of lovers, the ultimate of spin doctors, and the ultimate of pocket emptyers - you've met the masters. Get out now ;)


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Congrats Blondie!

Is there some record for a new member starting new threads? If there isn't, I would have to say Blondie you might just have won the title... LOL Congratulations!

Ok.. to answer your question.. in my professional opinion, I would have to say that you are under the spell of a sanky... what is the addiction? It all has to do with your own low self-esteem.. If you had good, positive self esteem, you would see right through all his BS--the sweet talking and the lies.. you would stand up for yourself and say I'm better than that I don't need this $hit.... just my two pesos ...
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New member
Sep 20, 2004
la_barbie said:
you are a true blonde...

I'm a true blonde too..lol don't diss blondies LA BARBIE!!

(Just because you, too, have long flowing hair and like to think you are in a pantene commercial doesn't give you the right!).. uff heehee...
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On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
You nailed it angel_04.
Do you think she'll take our advice????
Of course NOT!!! They never do until they're bancrupt, broken-hearted and dumped for someone younger,prettier with more money!!!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
MommC said:
You nailed it angel_04.
Do you think she'll take our advice????
Of course NOT!!! They never do until they're bancrupt, broken-hearted and dumped for someone younger,prettier with more money!!!

MommC, you're right, I don't think she will heed any of our advice... all of it has fallen on deaf ears... that much I know. She will learn her lesson the hard way...

it's like a soap opera.. dr1ers will be here watching it all unfold...


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
blondie woman said:
What is it that these guys do to women that makes them addicted. I know I am crazy, and getting into something that is all screwed up, and I would never do, but I cant break the cycle. I am not proud of my stupidity, but what the hell is it......I have never experienced anything like this in my life? I like to live on the wild side and have many times, but have usually been able to enjoy the toy and take the ride.....but cant seem to get off this one. I am intrigued, and would like to try to really understand this whole thing. I am a child of the 70's and I have had my share of lovers, and friends that I did the nasty with, and was always able to keep a level head. I'm I under a spell. I am not old, ugly or washed up, and have many men still compliment me on how good looking i am for my age, so what gives....any insight ? Blondie
Maybe these "sankies" are really hypnosist?

Hey, why not?:cheeky: The alternative would be brujeria.... :paranoid:



Feb 18, 2006
Chris said:
You've met the ultimate -- the ultimate of sweet talkers, the ultimate of lovers, the ultimate of spin doctors, and the ultimate of pocket emptyers - you've met the masters. Get out now ;)

ultimate of lovers and sweet talkers, really?? maybe i should go undercover and see what it's like...uhm :rolleyes:
....just kiddin' just kiddin'


New member
Dec 29, 2005
hey are you going to post and start new threads as long as you get the answer you want?
yes - he is different,
yes - what you had was special
yes - there is a bright future for both of you
really you already got all the info you need and other general info can be obtained from previous threads, go and do you homework

blondie woman

*** Sin Bin ***
Apr 2, 2006
Too Bad

You know all of you think I am stupid, and you have all the answers, well, I was just trying to get a little educated, and thought that maybe as mostly women talking to other women you might be a little understanding. To tell you the truth, I am too old to play the S__t with a bunch of ****'d of nothing better to do than gossip, throw slurs at each other and tell mean and hurtfil things to each other and about others. I am not happy with the situation that I have gotten into, and it is not because I have low self estem, am ugly or have no self worth. I feel very confident of myself, have many good qualities, and an not a fool. If I have mad poor choices than they are only mine to live with. I choose not to think that people are all out to use and abuse. I still have faith in people, and I am sure, no I know that I have also played the game a few times myself, for what ever reason that I may have had at the time. We all have played crappy little games with someone of the opposit sex, or the same sex, which ever our preferance may be. So we should all examine our own moral characters and stop this little Bitch Fest. I can believe I had fun, and did what ever I did with who ever and only opened up a can of worms with my stupid curiosity. I never thought Alexandro was anything more or less than all of us have either been or have at least thought about doing. Some are just better at it than others. I have told him many times to his face that he is a very well groomed Gigilo, and could make many women happy, if even for a little while. We all do not know what goes on in others heads or hearts, or have a right to judge so harshly. I am not condoning nor am I condeming. We have all hurt, used or degraded someone at sometime in our lives.....we are all adults and need to start taking responsibilities for our own actions right or wrong, good or bad. And after reading some of the crap you write to and about one another, I'm glad to say KISS OFF.......and when you are all perfect, than point a finger. I have not been used by Alex any more than he has been used by me, its just that it may not have the same stigma placed upon it because nobody has called me a slut, now tell me where the difference is at. Dont we all use each oither in some way. We are all humans and greedy by nature. I am not sorry, nor do I regret meeting alex, and thanks to all the man slamming and all the name calling you have showed me that nobody here is any better than the next. If I slept with him, I did so as a woman with the freedom of choice, not out of despiration. and as a Matter of fact, just to set the record straight, I came onto him cause I wanted to F___k him, so I guess I was the one you should point a finger at. And i am not ashamed. I knew what I wanted and if he gave it to me than whats the problem, and besides, I never once said I slept with him, or gave him money. Pay Attention, or have all of you been left high and dry ? broken hearted and financially devistated. Only one person really cared about what I really was after and bothered to get off their soap box long enought to give a S__t.
Take care, and learn to except responsibility for your own actions. Evey Sankie eventually wakes up alone, or lives with the consiquences of his / her own actions. We only face ourselves each day.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
yes, and no excuses.. the dog did not eat your hmwk!

Ok... I don't get it, I go to bed, your online starting threads.. I go to work and come home.. your still here starting new ones... going shopping and I am sure I will come home to find more.... (yes, I know you ALL wanted a detailed description of my day!) lol.

you reek of desperation.... uff.. smell that? I will buy you some ladyspeed stick while I am out... since we're both in lil Canada.. I will drop it off for ya.. adios.

p.s I just caught a glimpse of your longggggg post.. telling us all off... blah blah blah.. I DO have understanding for other women... I TRIED to tell you to leave this one alone and move on... but you kept starting new threads.. shesh... you try to help some ppl.... good day!
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Oct 21, 2002
blondie woman said:
Only one person really cared about what I really was after and bothered to get off their soap box long enought to give a S__t.

Really happy about that one person. Hope you got what you wanted.

blondie woman said:
Take care, and learn to except responsibility for your own actions.

We do, that's why we take the time to answer posts like yours. Once in about six months for me... but, I like the mod of this forum. What can I say...

blondie woman said:
Evey Sankie eventually wakes up alone, or lives with the consiquences of his / her own actions. We only face ourselves each day.

Are you facing yourself? or wanting this board to do it for you? Or just perhaps, not wanting to do it at all sweety pie? ;)

OK no more drinking for me this night....


May 6, 2004
In your other post you claim not to be old.... and now you claim to be too old for this S h i t ?

I'm confused !!!

Angel I am low on speedstick myself, pick me one up too lol

Blondie, here's a tip.... go back to school and learn grammar and how to write in english again.... your first time in school must've been a fluke.

Everyone now..... UUUFFFFF


New member
Jan 12, 2006
I don't get it

You know Blondiewoman, I am a product of the seventies as well and when I first started travelling to the DR for vacations I wan't aware what a Sankie was or that it was an actual profession until I joined the forum.(I felt stupid when I found out).

That being said,I am quite appaled to watch these sankies/sankettes. They are shameless. To watch them prey on unsuspecting people is disgusting to say the least. BUT there are some people who go into those relationships with their eyes wide shut. Who I really feel sorry for are the naive people that get taken for a ride and their hard earned cash.

I always go with my family(hubby and the kids ages 19+) Since I found out about sankies, I don't make eye contact, but these people don't care if your married, single or crippled if they think that you are an easy mark they will try you. I have told my kids that it is fine if you want to talk to them when you are on vacation, but leave it at that, because if my kids have any extra money, that they would like to share, they can share it with their father and myself.

I know I went a little off topic, but don't feel disheartened, these guys are smooth talkers,that is their job and they have to try. Some they win and some they lose. They really are not irresistable.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
I suspect the OP is fat, ugly or fat and ugly. The man (male prostitute) is young and also good looking. She has money which offsets the fat and/or ugly part. The woman should know that since a man looking like the sankie would not come within 100 yards of her in her home town then it has to be the cash talking.

This is one situation where men looking for hookers know they are hookers, know they are paying for sex and that's it and that they don't think they found their soulmate after paying to bonk her in a 200 peso walk up flat. No delusions to the degree that this woman has enveloped herself in.

The long boring platitude was unreadable.


New member
Dec 29, 2005
and her English is really, really bad, I would expect much more from a native English speaker, or maybe she is just blinded by this all consuming love...
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