Dominican Republic



I am looking for some information on the Dominican Republic. My son is a junior in high school and needs specific, detailed information about the current problems in The Dominican Republic.

If you can help please email me at the address listed.



this board is not designed to supply you with all the info you need for a comprehensive paper like that. It is better to go to your library and get some good books on it. This board can give you supplemental info, like the titles of some good books, and info on more specific topics that you might provide. How much time do you have to do the paper? One thing that might help from this board is to look over the daily news for the past feew months. There are elections coming up; poverty is a problem; there are infrastructure development problems in providing the whole country with dependable utilities. Has your son already studied the general history of the country in order to understand the context of the current problems?

DR One

For current news and current problems on the DR one of your best sources anywhere in English is the DR1 Daily News section. To access past issues, just change the date number in the URL. They follow a logical sequence.


I just recently got the book "Explore the Dominican Republic" by Harry S. Pariser - the beginning of the book is dedicated to 'explaining' (for lack of a better word) the situation in the DR today. Although, it is not a comprehensive history, it does give you some ideas on where to find more information. It lists some web sites and has a book list in the back for further research.

Hope this helps! Good luck. Paulette



We'd be better able to help your son if you were a bit clearer about what "problems" he needs detailed information on. Human rights? environment? health? trade? general economic? infrastructure? politics? I know of no single comprehensive report or reference in English that covers them all.

For many of the areas, where reports do exist, the report is in Spanish. One notable exception is the PAHO assessment of the public health status report of the DR, which you can download from PAHO's website at <A HREF=""></A> , but it is probably too dense for a high school junior. Regards, Keith

Dee DeMusis

To Paulette and others:

I agree that Mr. Pariser's book is a good one for "explaining" the DR, however, there is another that just came out in July that is even better.

LONELY PLANET, which publishes handbooks for many parts of the world, has a new Dominican Republic-Haiti Handbook. It was published in July of this year[1999] and has a wealth of information on both countries plus phrase sections in Spanish and Creole. The cost is about $17.00.

Hope this adds to the collective insight.
