Dominican Society

Is the DR a patriarchy or matriarchy?

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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This is an extension of a thread Dolores posted.

Do you think the DR is a patriarchy or a matriarchy?

Disclaimer: This and all polls reflect only the opinions of members who choose to participate.

NOTICE: This particular poll is a public poll and others may be able to see your vote.



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
NALs, instead of posting one of your silly polls, why don't you start a debate on this issue. Here again, we fall into the trap of definition. What's patriarchy, what's matriarchy? The question is not that simple. Why don't you start with a formal definition. Are you proposing that matriarchy is a counterimage of patriarchy, and the mother holds absolute power? There are modern vestiges of matriarchal power structures left over from our indigenous Tainos. For example, it is still widely practiced that when the mother dies, the eldest female sibling becomes the 'mother', and she is consulted and respected ("...Bendici?n, mam?") by all the other siblings, both male and female, young or older...



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Mirador said:
NALs, instead of posting one of your silly polls, why don't you start a debate on this issue.
Because Dolores has already done that. This poll is meant to complement that debate or inquiry.

Click here:

Mirador said:
What's patriarchy, what's matriarchy?
Well, according to Wikipedia (and these are the definitions for this poll):

PATRIARCHY: the sociological condition where male members of a society tend to predominate in positions of power; with the more powerful the position, the more likely it is that a male will hold that position.

MATRIARCHY: form of society in which power is with the women and especially with the mothers of a community.

the ability to impose one's will on others.



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
NALs said:
Because Dolores has already done that. This poll is meant to complement that debate or inquiry.

Click here:

Well, according to Wikipedia (and these are the definitions for this poll):

PATRIARCHY: the sociological condition where male members of a society tend to predominate in positions of power; with the more powerful the position, the more likely it is that a male will hold that position.

MATRIARCHY: form of society in which power is with the women and especially with the mothers of a community.

the ability to impose one's will on others.


Dolores has opened up the debate, by defining Dominican society as a matriarchy because "of the large number of fatherless homes, the large number of divorces and separations and the homes where mom will get her way"; and now, you have pulled out of Wikepedia a one sentence definition of matriarchy, patriarchy, and power. Is that the best you can do? Is that enough...?



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Mirador said:
Dolores has opened up the debate, by defining Dominican society as a matriarchy because "of the large number of fatherless homes, the large number of divorces and separations and the homes where mom will get her way"; and now, you have pulled out of Wikepedia a one sentence definition of matriarchy, patriarchy, and power. Is that the best you can do? Is that enough...?

Those are the definitions for this poll.

Take it or leave it.