Residency's Visa Question


New member
Nov 17, 2006
Hi there, first of all i want to thank all of you who assisted me before with my visa questions, for they truly have been helpful but i have yet another one and its this...I have my provisional residency visa now and it has already expired and i was told that i can now apply for the permanent residency visa but I have been out of the country for about a year now and would like to know since I am returning back:

1. Can I still renew the provisional residency visa to the permanent residency visa eventhough so much time has elapsed or do I have to start the whole process over again?

2. How much time is alloted to a provisional residency visa holder after it's expired to be able to apply for the permanent residency visa?

Once again thanks to you all who have helped me and who will help me with this question?