dominican nacionality


New member
Aug 17, 2006
I'm french, I want a dominican passport, I have the residencial provisional card (I have it for 6 months), I baught a land there Is 1 yeard ago, I 'm leaving in RD for 9 monthes. It seems to me that I can ask for the dominican passport. But how can I do? Where can'I ask for this Passport ? in the nacional police of my little town where I'm living? (Luperon)), Or Puerto Plata, or Santiago ?
and how long time to have this passport ?


New member
Jul 3, 2004
You can?t have a Dominican Passport

I'm french, I want a dominican passport, I have the residencial provisional card (I have it for 6 months), I baught a land there Is 1 yeard ago, I 'm leaving in RD for 9 monthes. It seems to me that I can ask for the dominican passport. But how can I do? Where can'I ask for this Passport ? in the nacional police of my little town where I'm living? (Luperon)), Or Puerto Plata, or Santiago ?
and how long time to have this passport ?

To get Dominican passport you must first become a Dominican citizen. You only have the provisional residency. You have to become a permanent resident and then apply for your citizenship.

For further information go to these links:

Requisitos indispensables para obtener residencia definitiva .

::::Direcci?n General de Migraci?n::: Rep?blica Dominicana

Tr?mite de solicitud de naturalizaci?n dominicana

Secretar?a de Estado de Interior y Polic?a


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Dominican Nationality through Marriage.

I was reading this information about obtaining Dominican citizenship through marriage here in DR1, and the paragraph that says that a man can?t apply is not accurate. This information should be updated. Interior y Policia is granting Citizenship to foreign husbands under this prerogative, according to Law 1683 dated April 1948, Art. 1, acapite d).

Residency and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic

As for those inquiring about Dominican citizenship, you are entitled to citizenship by being the child of a Dominican citizen or through marriage. A foreign woman who marries a Dominican has the right to Dominican citizenship, though this does not work in reverse. A foreign man who marries a Dominican woman does not have an automatic right to Dominican citizenship.


Jan 2, 2002
The word "automatic" makes the difference

I was reading this information about obtaining Dominican citizenship through marriage here in DR1, and the paragraph that says that a man can?t apply is not accurate.

Residency and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic

As for those inquiring about Dominican citizenship, you are entitled to citizenship by being the child of a Dominican citizen or through marriage. A foreign woman who marries a Dominican has the right to Dominican citizenship, though this does not work in reverse. A foreign man who marries a Dominican woman does not have an automatic right to Dominican citizenship.

My understanding is, a woman marrying a Dominican man does not have to wait for conditions whereas a foreign man marrying a Dominican woman does have the right to citizenship but it's not automatic and he must meet the requirements below

Law 1683 dated 1948 and its modifications establishes that a person is eligible to obtain Dominican nationality after:

Having resided in the country for at least six months after having obtained legal domicile (permanent residence card).

Having resided continually in the country for at least two years.

Having resided continually in the country for at least six months and having formed a business or purchased real estate.

Having served in the Dominican Armed Forces.

Have obtained a special concession from the President which may be granted for having served the DR with merit.


New member
Jul 3, 2004

My sister is married to a foreigner and when she was doing the papers for his citizenship she consulted two lawyers and they both gave her the same information published here in DR1. There was a misinterpretation of the law and no citizenships were granted though marriages to Dominican women. Regardless of Automatic or not.

This was reviewed and they have been applying it only recently. That is why I wrote that this information should be updated.


Jan 2, 2002
Maybe the word automatic should be replace with expedited. ;)

Here's what Mr Guzman has written concerning citizenship to foreigners.

Marriage to a Dominican does not grant the foreign spouse automatic citizenship in the DR.

The wife of a Dominican citizen may become naturalized through an expedited process by virtue of Article 11 of the Dominican Constitution.

The husband of a Dominican citizen does not benefit from this provision.


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Originally Posted by Fabio J. Guzman
Marriage to a Dominican does not grant the foreign spouse automatic citizenship in the DR.

The wife of a Dominican citizen may become naturalized through an expedited process by virtue of Article 11 of the Dominican Constitution.

The husband of a Dominican citizen does not benefit from this provision.


I don?t know if I?m missinterpreting Dr. Guzman, but I understand he wrote the same as what it is published in the link of DR1, and its wrong. Husband do benefit from that provision.

Can you tell me what is the difference between the two process.

Thank you.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Here?s the complete text of Art. 11 of the Constitution:

ART. 11.- Son dominicanos:

1. Todas las personas que nacieren en el territorio de la Rep?blica, con excepci?n de los hijos leg?timos de los extranjeros residentes en el pa?s en representaci?n diplom?tica o los que est?n de tr?nsito en ?l.

2. Las personas que al presente est?n investidas de esta calidad en virtud de constituciones y leyes anteriores.

3. Todas las personas nacidas en el extranjero, de padre o madre dominicanos, siempre que, de acuerdo con las leyes del pa?s de su nacimiento, no hubieren adquirido una nacionalidad extra?a; o que, en caso de haberla adquirido, manifestaren, por acto ante un oficial p?blico remitido al Poder Ejecutivo, despu?s de alcanzar la edad de diez y ocho (18) a?os, su voluntad de optar por la nacionalidad dominicana.

4. Los naturalizados. La ley dispondr? las condiciones y formalidades requeridas para la naturalizaci?n.

P?rrafo I. Se reconoce a los dominicanos la facultad de adquirir una nacionalidad extranjera.

P?rrafo II. La mujer dominicana casada con un extranjero podr? adquirir la nacionalidad de su marido.

P?rrafo III. La mujer extranjera que contrae matrimonio con un dominicano seguir? la condici?n de su marido, a menos que las leyes de su pa?s le permitan conservar su nacionalidad, caso en el cual tendr? la facultad de declarar, en el acta de matrimonio, que declina la nacionalidad dominicana.

P?rrafo IV. La adquisici?n de otra nacionalidad no implica la p?rdida de la nacionalidad dominicana. Sin embargo, los dominicanos que adquieran otra nacionalidad no podr?n optar por la Presidencia o Vicepresidencia de la Rep?blica.

In short, Article 11, Section 4, Paragraph III of the Constitution refers only to the wife of a Dominican national. There is no similar provision regarding the husband of a Dominican national who must therefore follow the regular route to residency and citizenship, although with certain considerations.


New member
Aug 17, 2006
This is the text of the "secretaria de interior y de policia"

Tr?mite de solicitud de naturalizaci?n dominicana

Base Legal

Ley 1683, G.O # 6782, del 21/04/1948 (Naturalizaci?n Ordinaria).


Instancia (carta) dirigida al poder ejecutivo, v?a Secretario de Estado de Interior y Polic?a, anexando (4) sellos de Rentas Internas por valor de RD$ 30.00 conjuntamente con el original y cuatro de c/u de los siguientes documentos:

Dos recibos de Impuestos Internos Por valor de RD$10.00 c/u por concepto de naturalizaci?n de extranjero.

Cinco fotograf?as de frente 2x2 recientes del interesado.

Fotocopia del Permiso de Residencia debidamente renovado para el presente a?o. Debe presentarse la original a Titulo Devolutivo.

Dos (2) certificados de la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n, donde conste que tiene m?s de dos a?os de residencia ininterrumpida en el pa?s. [B](si la solicitud es formulada en virtud del inciso ?B? del Art. Primero, si tiene o no carta de garant?a en su expediente ley (1863) o m?s, de seis (6) meses de residencia).

What does that mind ?
what is this Art. Primero, inciso "B" ???


New member
Aug 17, 2006
This is the text of the "secretaria de interior y de policia"

Tr?mite de solicitud de naturalizaci?n dominicana

Base Legal

Ley 1683, G.O # 6782, del 21/04/1948 (Naturalizaci?n Ordinaria).


Instancia (carta) dirigida al poder ejecutivo, v?a Secretario de Estado de Interior y Polic?a, anexando (4) sellos de Rentas Internas por valor de RD$ 30.00 conjuntamente con el original y cuatro de c/u de los siguientes documentos:

Dos recibos de Impuestos Internos Por valor de RD$10.00 c/u por concepto de naturalizaci?n de extranjero.

Cinco fotograf?as de frente 2x2 recientes del interesado.

Fotocopia del Permiso de Residencia debidamente renovado para el presente a?o. Debe presentarse la original a Titulo Devolutivo.

Dos (2) certificados de la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n, donde conste que tiene m?s de dos a?os de residencia ininterrumpida en el pa?s. (si la solicitud es formulada en virtud del inciso ?B? del Art. Primero, si tiene o no carta de garant?a en su expediente ley (1863) o m?s, de seis (6) meses de residencia).

What does that mind ?
what is this Art. Primero, inciso "B" ???


New member
Aug 17, 2006
sorry to have posted two times the same thing.
But can somebody tell me what is the "Art.Primero , inciso "B" ??


Jan 2, 2002
sorry to have posted two times the same thing.
But can somebody tell me what is the "Art.Primero , inciso "B" ??

Is this the only part you don't understnad out of the whole thing?

You'll have to wait till Mr Guzman has time to respond.


New member
Aug 17, 2006
Art. Primero, inciso"B"

Yes Anna ,this is my only problem.
I search this ley because I want to know in which case I can ask for the nacionality after 6 monthes of r?sidencia in RD.


New member
Dec 21, 2006
Re: Dominican Nationality

Yes Anna ,this is my only problem.
I search this ley because I want to know in which case I can ask for the nacionality after 6 monthes of r?sidencia in RD.


Literal translation: Si la solicitud es formulada en virtud del inciso ?B? del Art. Primero, si tiene o no carta de garant?a en su expediente ley (1863) o m?s, de seis (6) meses de residencia).

If you apply for citizenship under bullet point "B" of Article I whether or not you have a Sponsor Letter in your file or six or more months of legal residency.

I'm not a lawyer, I can just speak, read and write Spanish. Fluently.


New member
Apr 29, 2009

I am married to a domincan women . She was born in the usa so was i . Can i get a domincan passport due to the fact that we are married


New member
May 29, 2006
7 children born in Aruba of Dominican parents. Never got Arubian/Dutch citizen. My parents applied for Dominican citizenship all 7 as children of Dominicans. It was granted. Balaguer signed the decreto. Now my only sister left in DR wants to renew her Dominican passport. Interior & Policia will not accept the decreto. Now she is applying through her husband. She always traveled with her Dominican passport. She always had a Dominican cedula. She always used her Dominican birth certificate but now NOT GOOD ANYMORE
We are planning a family reunion in Aruba but it seems it will not happen.
I had the same problem to get my new cedula. Still I do not have it. I am very happy to have an American citizen because it is valid and accepted wherever I go. I do not have to deal with JCE saying that my Dominican birth certificate is valid and Interior Y Policia saying it is not valid.
Without approval from Interior & Policia my sister cannot renew her passport. Married for 18 years with her Dominican documents.