Kiss my...oh never mind, Part III


Jan 1, 2002
It seems that this just gets worse.

Of course, since there were no oily geese, ducks or other animals suffering, just some little fishies, nobody has paid much attention, but look at those numbers, will ya? Tons and tons of really nasty stuff....

What I have to wonder is that, if this place has so much heavy metal, isn't it worth something? I mean couldn't it be refined as part of the overall process.
this shyte was piled up over five stories above the river....

What is scary is that say, oh ten years down the line, we start to see kids with all kinds of strange cancers, unusual birth defects and such--like Erin Brokavich(?)--...

In Samana, where the rural population is not in the least educated, or in Manzanillo where an even less educated population resides, you sort of have to wonder what is happening now with the dust shipped up by the normal breezes...

A few posts above, someone warned about burning the stuff...well they ARE burning is--> at least that is what has been published...

Just stupefying!