Samana weather in january



I plan a trip to Saman? in mid January. Unfortunately I've read an article which mentioned that this period correspond to the rainy season. Is it right?
Thanks in advance. Best whishes.


There is no rainy season...

Do an archieve search on the subject, or start with the link below for more info...


For graphics on different destinations - including Samana - showing monthly average amount of rainfall and temperature, please follow the link below and then click on "climate" to the left. You will then see to small graphics to your right which you can enlarge by clicking on them. You will also get a general description of the Dominican climate.

Just remember that this is all statistics. Nobody can foretell what kind of weather you will have, only what it is likely to be. And bear in mind that brief but heavy showers in most parts of the Dominican Republic is a common phenomena whereas lengthy rainy periods are rare.



I can also recommend www.BocaChicaNet/when_to_visit.html
which also have graphs about prcipitation, temperatures etc.
Just notice what Susanne wrote - this is statistics.

The variation between January one year and Janyary another can
be considerably bigger than the differrence between January and
August the same year! Summers often come with more of these
short, intensive afternoon rains, but last summer we were
BEGGING on our bare knees for one single drop. When it at last
came, people were out in the street praising the Lord loudly!
It had then been six or seven weeks complete dryness.


Rainfall on the peninsula can vary considerably depending on location. Last January it was bone dry at the tip of the peninsula. It was so dry we didn't have a drop of rain in Las Galeras for over 6 months. Yet at the same time, the city of Samana was getting rain almost every day.

November, December and January are normally the wettest months for the peninsula, but in no way could you say they are a "rainy season." During these months, cold fronts from North America push their way south and produce several days of rainy, windy and overcast weather when they pass over the DR and then usually break up south of the island. The remnants of these fronts then drift back north over the island and produce a little more patchy rain.