Sosua/Scattered TStorms

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Active member
Jul 6, 2007
Quick question for those who live in and around Sosua. In February I was in Sosua and it rained heavy every single day I was there for a week. I am scheduled to be there next week for 5 days. The weather report states "scattered T-Storms" for most of the days I will be there. In reality does this mean it rains at a certain time everyday in the afternoon and sunny most of the days or has the weather been rainy again? I ask this based on the climate in Sosua vs. "scattered T-storms" as you would see here in the states.

Thanks again to all in advance.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
it's supposed to be summer season here in the UK, but that means nothing if the cold wind and heavy clouds is anything to go by.... hurrican season or whatever, matters not....

to the sosua residents, the forecast for the past week was exactly the same as described above, "scattered T-Storms" and illustrated by a dark cloud with rain drops falling from it and the tiniest glimpse of the sun behind it. Balls to the forecasters, did that accurately reflect the view from your window and the sun on your back last week?

Bob K

Aug 16, 2004
The on line forcasts have shown showers for the last week. So far all we have had is mostly SUN and two days with a late day/night time shower. So I would count on lots more sun then rain. At this time of year most of the showers are breif but can be very heavy. Days of rain on end are rare this time of year unless a tropical storm is in the area.

Bob K


Nov 9, 2006
The on line forcasts have shown showers for the last week.

I think the forecast of rain for the north coast is standard - I don't think they can accuratly predict for the area imo.

I have been coming to the north coast for 4 years and always see rain in the forecast.

In the beginning it bothered me, but I soon learned that it was no real indication. Yahoo weather would call for rain every day, and I'd get there and you would have rain maybe a half day out of 7.

The only thing I MAY look at is the "averages" for a certain month when planning trips. It seems that your "heavy rain" months (the highest average isMay with 8.80 inches) can produce consecutive days of rain more so then other months. That's my limited take on it. I'm not a weather junkie nor do I live there full time. So take all that with a grain of salt....

or a lot of grains of salt then followed with a shot of tequilla :bunny:

A few shots later and the rain won't bother you....


Nov 9, 2006
The on line forcasts have shown showers for the last week.

I think the forecast of rain for the north coast is standard - I don't think they can accuratly predict for the area imo.

I have been coming to the north coast for 4 years and always see rain in the forecast.

In the beginning it bothered me, but I soon learned that it was no real indication. Yahoo weather would call for rain every day, and I'd get there and you would have rain maybe a half day out of 7.

The only thing I MAY look at is the "averages" for a certain month when planning trips. It seems that your "heavy rain" months (May is the highest average with 8.80 inches) can produce consecutive days of rain more so then other months. That's my limited take on it. I'm not a weather junkie nor do I live there full time. So take all that with a grain of salt....

or a lot of grains of salt then followed with a shot of tequilla :bunny:

A few shots later and the rain won't bother you....
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