election results


Mar 4, 2004
I got an email this morning from a friend who is visiting Sosua. He wanted to know the results of the PLD primaries last weekend: he had been to the Junta Municipal, the Mayor's office, local TV station and asked countless other people. The question was simple 'where is there a website I can find the results of last weekend's primaries?' and this man speaks Spanish so no language problem. AND.........he is persistent.

NO-ONE could answer him - they told him to read the papers! He then wrote to me!

So for the benefit of anyone else who wants to know, and particularly for the benefit of the PLD Mayor's office, the Junta Municipal and the local media please allow a mere gringa :cheeky: to inform you that the PLD has its own website for this:
There are separate bulletins for Congressional and Municipal results.

At the time of posting Bulletin No. 4 has the latest results. There are 2 separate bulletins for Results of Congresional Primaries Bulletin 4 and Results of Municipal Primaries Bulletin 4. These results are country wide but some areas have yet to have their primaries so fuller results will be available in Bulletins 5, 6, 7, 8 etc.

The party is to be commended for getting its results out there but...........maybe they should have told people like their own mayors and existing JCE & JME offices where to look? Sigh.