Politics is all-in-the-family in the DR; offspring of politicians in government


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019
With significant public funding for political activities, politics is a profitable career in the Dominican Republic. It has become a family business for many. The sons and daughters of politicians frequently join the bandwagon. The 2024 presidential and congressional election confirms “all in the family” is the norm for politics in the DR.

President Luis Abinader himself is a second-generation politician. His father was a senator for the Dominican Revolutionary Party and former Minister of Finance and Controller General. Abinader split from the PRD with former President Luis Abinader to first run for the presidency in 2016 on the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) ticket.

Now the PRM will have an absolute majority in both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Listin Diario and El Dia have been reporting on the new generation politicians who may have won congressional seats in these elections. The Central Electoral Board (JCE) is expected on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 to...

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