5 Weeks of Paradise..... One Month later....


LiVe ThE LiFe YoU iMaGiNeD
Jan 24, 2002

You are right, I should be careful, as all places are not the same, and a lot are ten times worse than others. This was in San Pedro, in a Zona Franca, but the conditions are still not acceptable there. It is true, many places are much worse though. They are also hidden more and harder to go see. When I stayed in Garcia, they had a furniture factory there that employed both Haitians and Dominicans. It wouldn't be classified as a sweat shop, but the Haitians worked under unbelievable surroundings, I mean where they sanded the furniture, they lived in the back of the same room in the darkness with all of the saw dust, it was crazy. I would love to go visit the Timberland factory when I return. Sorry about not calling, I feel terrible, but I was super busy when I was there and was only around for a short time. Next time, if the offer is still on the table, I will take you up on it!

P.S. I edited my generalization:confused: