A backhanded swipe at DR?

May 29, 2006
Oh, at first I was offended, then I read it was the New York Daily News. That is about par for the course with that rag. They prob had some stringer down there email them a short piece then had the other writer polish it up back in NYC and take out any big words to make readible for their demographic.


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
I sent her this last night:

Aside from the US Coast Guard Cutter Forward the first foreign aid that the people of Haiti*received*was a one hundred vehicle caravan from the Dominican Republic with food, kitchens, medical tents, doctors and many other supplies and services.* The first helicopters on the scene were private ambulances from the Dominican Republic.* The people of the*Dominican Republic established collection centers for the disaster in Haiti within hours.* The aid continues to pour in.* Dominican hospitals are overflowing with victims,*the refugees along the border are being cared for by Dominicans, and the Dominican Navy is ferrying tons of aid into Haiti.* They are not a rich country like the United States.

*The*Dominican Republic a country*much of whose population is as poor as the people of Haiti has been one of the largest contributors.* The country, like Haiti, depends heavily on tourism and remittances from relatives abroad.* People going to this Island for tourism is going to be critically important to the recovery effort.* I understand that you have to write for a living just like they have to serve tourists, but if you are going to cover the story from the angle of tourism instead of the laudable relief efforts they are making, you should be telling people how important their visits to this*island are.* Your portrayal of the Dominicans and their paying guests as if they are dancing on the graves of Haitian children is despicable.* They*all deserve better.

There hasn't been any reply.
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I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
I sent Ms. Nelson this last night:

Aside from the US Coast Guard Cutter Forward the first foreign aid that the people of Haiti*received*was a one hundred vehicle caravan from the Dominican Republic with food, kitchens, medical tents, doctors and many other supplies and services.* The first helicopters on the scene were private ambulances from the Dominican Republic.* The people of the*Dominican Republic established collection centers for the disaster in Haiti within hours.* The aid continues to pour in.* Dominican hospitals are overflowing with victims,*the refugees along the border are being cared for by Dominicans, and the Dominican Navy is ferrying tons of aid into Haiti.* They are not a rich country like the United States.

The*Dominican Republic a country*much of whose population is as poor as the people of Haiti has been one of the largest contributors.* The country, like Haiti, depends heavily on tourism and remittances from relatives abroad.* People going to this Island for tourism is going to be critically important to the recovery effort.* I understand that you have to write for a living just like they have to serve tourists, but if you are going to cover the story from the angle of tourism instead of the laudable relief efforts they are making, you should be telling people how important their visits to this*island are.* Your portrayal of the Dominicans and their paying guests as if they are dancing on the graves of Haitian children is despicable.* They*all deserve better.

I haven't received a reply.
Jan 3, 2003
Lambada, you're not from the U.S. right?

Obviously, none of you are from NYC or are Americans. The NY Daily News and the Post are shock papers.

They could care less about your complaints.

Those articles they place on their headlines and the shock they provide has put them ahead of the NY Times in readership.


Mar 4, 2004
Lambada, you're not from the U.S. right?

Nor do I play one in the long running TV soap ;) but I did live there 45 years ago. The same issue exists in UK, The Sun (tabloid) has roughly 6 times the readership of The Times (quality newspaper) so I understand your point. That's why one of my comments on the newspaper thread suggested a NY Dominican boycott of the NY Daily News until.........they produce a more accurate article about the DR's role in assisting Haiti.
Jan 3, 2003
Nor do I play one in the long running TV soap ;) but I did live there 45 years ago. The same issue exists in UK, The Sun (tabloid) has roughly 6 times the readership of The Times (quality newspaper) so I understand your point. That's why one of my comments on the newspaper thread suggested a NY Dominican boycott of the NY Daily News until.........they produce a more accurate article about the DR's role in assisting Haiti.

I figured you were not American. You think like a Dominican, easily offended. The Daily News lives off that type of exposure. If they think it's profitable, they'll print up a lovey dovey piece of how wonderful, loving and caring Dominicans really are.


That will do nothing but show the American people how inane and parochial Dominicans are. That they are unable to allow others to hold a negative portrayal of them without throwing a temper tantrum (boycott).

45 years ago, WOW, how old are you?

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Lambada, I had NPR (National Public Radio) on here (US) in the car earlier tonight. The reporter was talking about Jiman? and all that is going on there. Some very complimentary comments were made about the efforts of Dominican doctors in Jiman? to stablize injured patients before sending them to Santo Domingo or other Dominican hospitals.

They also talked about how Jiman? has become a town focused on aid to earthquake victims and for the staging of relief efforts. All in all, it was a wonderfully positive segment. The reporter also mentioned that there is a history of troubled relations between the countries, but that the DR has not allowed that to affect its efforts to help its closest neighbor.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
katrina remember!

I am sure if you look back they likely wrote an article just as scathing at there own countryfolk good ole boys. Katrina remember!
They have no morality so it's difficult for them to address something they now nothing about.
Your lucky you don't have vast supplies of oil or you would be on the 53 state
hit list.


Mar 4, 2004
You think like a Dominican, easily offended.

:laugh::laugh: That made me smile O&C. If only you knew how unoffended I get (because really, honestly, I'm too arrogant to give others' opinion much weight UNLESS they're the few I have profound respect for). But I will try to correct misperceptions which could lose Dominican workers their jobs in tourism.

45 years ago, WOW, how old are you?

67 this year, chronologically. Mentally....possibly a lot younger. See not even offended by that...........;)

Good news, La Profe. NPR tends to be more 'quality' I understand.


Aug 9, 2006
Here's an article from NPR. wbur.org News For Haiti, Some Neighborly Help From Next Door

I have to say I wasn't offended by the article about the tourists. I just thought the authors were lazy journalists and didn't did deeper. Maybe THEY were on vacation and submitted that article. Call it guilt if you want but I think some people genuinely feel the suffering of others in such a disaster and some cultures don't dance and party when they feel depressed.

I remember watching the tourists dancing in the disco during the tropical storm Noel, it was a bit surreal and the staff were obviously very worried and working at their jobs out of necessity of course. I think they were lazy journalists but I understand your concerns about job loss etc.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Here's an article from NPR. wbur.org News For Haiti, Some Neighborly Help From Next Door

I have to say I wasn't offended by the article about the tourists. I just thought the authors were lazy journalists and didn't did deeper. Maybe THEY were on vacation and submitted that article. Call it guilt if you want but I think some people genuinely feel the suffering of others in such a disaster and some cultures don't dance and party when they feel depressed.

I remember watching the tourists dancing in the disco during the tropical storm Noel, it was a bit surreal and the staff were obviously very worried and working at their jobs out of necessity of course. I think they were lazy journalists but I understand your concerns about job loss etc.

An accurate article in my opinion.
Jan 3, 2003
:laugh::laugh: That made me smile O&C. If only you knew how unoffended I get (because really, honestly, I'm too arrogant.

Arrogance is usually associated with those who have a certain level of intelligence which you obviously have. OTOH, Dominicans in general are quite parochial in the ease with which they take offense.

67 this year, chronologically. Mentally....possibly a lot younger. See not even offended by that...........;)

It is an eventuality that we all must face one day-CORPOREAL DEGRADATION. If we live long enough, those of us that are young must also age and rot in life. I didn't mean it to be offensive since your posts demonstrate a youthful vitality evident of one in their 20's and 30's.

I believed you to be American given your excellent command of the English language and a colloquial style with which you write and express yourself commonly used by Americans.:cheeky:

? bient?t

Arrogance is usually associated with those who have a certain level of intelligence which you obviously have. OTOH, Dominicans in general are quite parochial in the ease with which they take offense.

It is an eventuality that we all must face one day-CORPOREAL DEGRADATION. If we live long enough, those of us that are young must also age and rot in life. I didn't mean it to be offensive since your posts demonstrate a youthful vitality evident of one in their 20's and 30's.

I believed you to be American given your excellent command of the English language and a colloquial style with which you write and express yourself commonly used by Americans.:cheeky:

Her "excellent command of the English language" makes her un-American.

Americans, I couldn't pass up the chance. So, please, do not take offense, folks (I'm talking to you, El Chip-Oh!).


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Her "excellent command of the English language" makes her un-American.

Americans, I couldn't pass up the chance. So, please, do not take offense, folks (I'm talking to you, El Chip-Oh!).
If you ever met Chip you'd quickly realize he is incredible articulate in two languages.

? bient?t

If you ever met Chip you'd quickly realize he is incredible articulate in two languages.

I was asking El Chip-Oh! not to take my comment as an offense, since he is an American. It was supposed to be a joke.

But I agree with you: El Chip-Oh! is quite eloquent. I appreciate his efforts to learn Dominican Spanish. En mi opini?n, ese t?guere es un caballo: es un le?n con la 'I' cibae?a and stuff.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I was asking El Chip-Oh! not to take my comment as an offense, since he is an American. It was supposed to be a joke.

But I agree with you: El Chip-Oh! is quite eloquent. I appreciate his efforts to learn Dominican Spanish. En mi opini?n, ese t?guere es un caballo: es un le?n con la 'I' cibae?a and stuff.
Your stalking of Chip is beginning to look obsessive and creepy.

Your sense of humor is missed by most except for yourself.

Your posts lack thought beyond snark. I'm not aware of much you actually contribute except for sniping at those you find to be political and/or cultural opponents.

Is that what you spend you obvious intellect on? Snark, sniping and self-indulgent "humor"?

I KNOW Chip. He is possibly one of the most charitable, well-meaning people I've ever met. I don't agree with him on all topics, but I can appreciate his sincere desire to make the world...and that includes the DR...a better place than what he found. I have yet to see a post from you that shows a fraction of those traits that Chip's do.

Please. Just stop the stalking.

? bient?t

Your stalking of Chip is beginning to look obsessive and creepy.

Your sense of humor is missed by most except for yourself.

Your posts lack thought beyond snark. I'm not aware of much you actually contribute except for sniping at those you find to be political and/or cultural opponents.

Is that what you spend you obvious intellect on? Snark, sniping and self-indulgent "humor"?

I KNOW Chip. He is possibly one of the most charitable, well-meaning people I've ever met. I don't agree with him on all topics, but I can appreciate his sincere desire to make the world...and that includes the DR...a better place than what he found. I have yet to see a post from you that shows a fraction of those traits that Chip's do.

Please. Just stop the stalking.

I was being honest about El Chip-Oh! I may disagree with his take on religion, but I like him. He knows that. And I'm honest when I say I appreciate his efforts to learn to speak the way we do. I've said so before in the Spanish forum.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I was being honest about El Chip-Oh! I may disagree with his take on religion, but I like him. He knows that. And I'm honest when I say I appreciate his efforts to learn to speak the way we do. I've said so before in the Spanish forum.
Then grow up and stop the snark.

Show you can contribute in a positive way.

Stop stalking Chip.

It's really creepy.

? bient?t

Then grow up and stop the snark.

Show you can contribute in a positive way.

Stop stalking Chip.

It's really creepy.

You are blowing things out of proportion.

Here's the deal:

O&C thought Lambada was American because of her great command of the English language.

I joked that her excellent command of the English language makes her un-American, and I asked El Chip-Oh! not to take my joke to heart. Why him? Because he defends all things American, "right or wrong: his country."

And I had originally written, "cobra and catcher see the humor, El Chip-Oh! So please take no offense." I thought it was obvious, then deleted those comments before I posted it. I was wrong about you. Sorry, cobra. It was you whom I offended. Who woulda thunk it?!

I guarantee you El Chip-Oh! is OK with me.

Now, when it comes to stalking, miguel was a different story. I stalked him religiously. But I liked him. Have only disliked Escott, which was unfair, for I never met him.