A Dominican is worth for nothing?

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Aug 25, 2013
Never heard that, I'm from NY, and most of us welcome folks from other Countries...A lot of Dominicans go to Freeport Long Island and St Nicolas in Manhattan. But also many other Towns/States. I ws born in Freeport, South side was about 92% white, North side was mostly African American, and now I'd say, the entire town ma be 65% Dominican mixed with some Columbia and Puerto Ricans..You should see the flag days I think its called, most will place their Country flag on their cars for the parade..That was Years ago being I'm here in the DR for 8 Years now, sure they still do it.. And for sure you can find a great barber around and food!! many bodegas but different from here..

I've heard in the US Dominicans are known as Dumbinicans. :confused: lol.


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Yeh, obviously, and so what's your point?:cheeky:

Are you from Uruguay??? my point is that this guy made me so mad when he say to the op I couldn't speak Spanish correctly...He said in DR we speak a different language than Spanish "a dialect" just because we use a bunch of different words and phases.

I told him... Tu me montas to' la cuerda buen maricon, cual es la mardita vaina la tuya? He did not understood what I said, all my words are in Spanish.

Theses people speaks an old version of Spanish.. "Vos soys un Cabron" that woold be his answer, mine would be... "Tu eres un Maricon".

Ellos hablan en preterito (pasado) pluscuanperfecto como se hablaba el Espanol Cien anos atras.



Nov 10, 2003
Are you from Uruguay??? my point is that this guy made me so mad when he say to the op I couldn't speak Spanish correctly...He said in DR we speak a different language than Spanish "a dialect" just because we use a bunch of different words and phases.

I told him... Tu me montas to' la cuerda buen maricon, cual es la mardita vaina la tuya? He did not understood what I said, all my words are in Spanish.

Theses people speaks an old version of Spanish.. "Vos soys un Cabron" that woold be his answer, mine would be... "Tu eres un Maricon".

Ellos hablan en preterito (pasado) pluscuanperfecto como se hablaba el Espanol Cien anos atras.


Bachata welcome to the real world. This is the reality and the perception of Hispanics from other countries of dominicans. It's because most dominicans can't speak spanish due to the fact they are majority illiterate. It is a quasi dialect that one has to eventually get accustomed to. Uruguay is far more advanced than DR culturally and economically. The misconception you guys have of Haitians is the same way other Hispanics have of dominicans. El mundo es redondo amigo. I suggest you try to refine your Spanish as you are in a bigger pond my friend you're no longer in Santo Domingo.

To the poster that said they think you guys are Haitians that's false. Besides Dominicans do take boats to Puerto Rico to eventually via false documents arrive to Nueva York. They just see domincans for what the really are. In New York dominicans live in ghettos washington hgts and have a larger pool of dominicans so speaking like if they were in sto dgo doesn't effect them too much unless they branch out to a better social class of hispanics.

I am also from the south shore side of Long Island. Freeport has become a ghetto hispanic enclave and all of the whites and african americans that can afford it moved out. It has gone down hill for decades. There are only a few hispanic Educated family no Dominicans in my neighborhood. If one comes it will go down hill in less than a decade.

I recall long ago one one simply say I am from long island now one has to ask where as it isn't what it used to be. Bachata the shoe is on the other foot now. How does it feel? I commend you for speaking English in such a short time rare for a dominican. I suggest you tell him to speak English and see if he understands you. Again welcome to the real world. Dominicans unfortunately are at the bottom of the totem pole in the Hispanic community.


Aug 25, 2013
If he doesn't speak English, kill him kindly all day and laugh hard! He will certainly get a complex over it, thinking your talking about him, which will just **** him off, have some fun bro..But hey, your at work ya know, don't want to lose your job with so many people needing one..Perhaps it may be time to address this with your Manager, have a 3 way sit down.

Are you from Uruguay??? my point is that this guy made me so mad when he say to the op I couldn't speak Spanish correctly...He said in DR we speak a different language than Spanish "a dialect" just because we use a bunch of different words and phases.

I told him... Tu me montas to' la cuerda buen maricon, cual es la mardita vaina la tuya? He did not understood what I said, all my words are in Spanish.

Theses people speaks an old version of Spanish.. "Vos soys un Cabron" that woold be his answer, mine would be... "Tu eres un Maricon".

Ellos hablan en preterito (pasado) pluscuanperfecto como se hablaba el Espanol Cien anos atras.



Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
In a way, Dominicans in the USA can get a feel of what they make Haitians go thru in the DR...


Aug 5, 2007
Como tu 'ta?
To' 'ta acabao?
Yeah. That's Spanish alright.
And it's the reason most Dominicans don't understand foreigners' Spanish. It's not the foreigner's Spanish.
It's the 'en familia' baby talk Doms are raised with and which even their primary schools ratify.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
My wife's best friend in Canada was a Mexican girl from Guadalajara, and she had many friends from El Salvador, Chile, Ecuador....etc. We belonged to a Multicultural Society where people shared their immigrant story and experiences with goal of helping each other out. Many times other Latinos thought my wife was from Colombia(Because of the ways she speaks), and Latinas have lots of preconceived notions about Colombians. She doesn't normally talk using words like vaina...etc. We have been to Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, and traveled the US and the Spanish , according to my wife, is almost the same other than the slang.
English native speakers- Think we all sound the same and understand each other's slang. Not a chance.


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
I would say Chile probably has the nicest Spanish, clean, easy...


New member
Aug 30, 2013
Well, just imagine that somebody put you on the plane from Europe or US, with your eyes closed, and you were not told what country is the destination, and you have not been in DR before. They transport you from the airport to the center of Santo Domingo and let you open your eyes. You look around, see all those guaguas, carros publicos, garbage, chaos traffic, people around... and then they ask you, where do you think you are? Honestly, I'd say that somewhere in Africa..... wait a second, they speak Spanish...

ahahahahahahahahaha, i'm rolling! ahahahaahah!


Jan 2, 2002
Are you from Uruguay??? my point is that this guy made me so mad when he say to the op I couldn't speak Spanish correctly...He said in DR we speak a different language than Spanish "a dialect" just because we use a bunch of different words and phases.

I told him... Tu me montas to' la cuerda buen maricon, cual es la mardita vaina la tuya? He did not understood what I said, all my words are in Spanish.

Theses people speaks an old version of Spanish.. "Vos soys un Cabron" that woold be his answer, mine would be... "Tu eres un Maricon".

Ellos hablan en preterito (pasado) pluscuanperfecto como se hablaba el Espanol Cien anos atras.


Don't worry JJ the real Spaniards say the same thing about any and all Latin countries. :)

"Dominicans speak Dominican not Spanish" , I was told.

Don't take it to heart because millions of people BORN in Canada or the USA can't speak English :laugh:

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
My believe as of my five years of experience living in the US is that we Dominicans are seem to be worth for nothing by people of other countries including our brothers of Latino American descendant.

I can't eat this Sh**t one of theses days I am going to have a very bad behavior about that!

Today there it was a guy from Uruguay bragging to be better than me in front of my American coworkers.

Holy crap!


actually, this is nothing of news to me. i have dated many Hispanic women, and i have had other acquaintances in the Hispanic community in the NY area. their assessments of Dominicans is not exactly complimentary. then again, they all hate each other's guts, so there is nothing strange there. they seem to hate each other for specific reasons, such as the disdain for the Cubans, whom they called "comemierdas", because of their exaggerated opinions of themselves. maybe the same applies to the guys from Uruguay, i guess.

Dominicans like to think of themselves as an extension of Europe in general, and Spain in particular. other Hispanics see it differently. they all die for soccer, for example. it is Latino DNA. if you do not worship the game, you are not Spanish derived. DR people speak some corrupted version of spanish, that they cannot recognize. i dated a women from Peru who pronounced her "s' with a lisp. that to them is what being Spanish is all about. to them, Dominicans have more in common with Africa than with Spain.

Dominicans beg to differ.


Feb 15, 2013
Well, just imagine that somebody put you on the plane from Europe or US, with your eyes closed, and you were not told what country is the destination, and you have not been in DR before. They transport you from the airport to the center of Santo Domingo and let you open your eyes. You look around, see all those guaguas, carros publicos, garbage, chaos traffic, people around... and then they ask you, where do you think you are? Honestly, I'd say that somewhere in Africa..... wait a second, they speak Spanish...

You'r talking about color, aren't you? And so by extrapolation you're saying that people of color are inferior. You're a dinosaur.


Sep 2, 2008
I would say Chile probably has the nicest Spanish, clean, easy...

You sure about that? Cuz' I wouldn't consider "cuatico" and "flaite", to put a couple of examples, to be words coming from the cleanest and easiest Spanish.

I agree with the ones that mention Colombia, though. What I have gathered when talking with continentals is that their contempt doesn't limit itself to our version of thr language, but to Caribbean Spanish in general, including Panama and the Caribbean parts of Venezuela and Colombia.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Well, just imagine that somebody put you on the plane from Europe or US, with your eyes closed, and you were not told what country is the destination, and you have not been in DR before. They transport you from the airport to the center of Santo Domingo and let you open your eyes. You look around, see all those guaguas, carros publicos, garbage, chaos traffic, people around... and then they ask you, where do you think you are? Honestly, I'd say that somewhere in Africa..... wait a second, they speak Spanish...

Again ......What the heck are you talking about '??'''

are you sayinging that there are not guaguas, carros, garbage, chaos traffic in

Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El sALVADOR, gUATEMALA, etc....????????

Are you saying that the presence of Blacks means that the people aren't Latino ?????

There are Blacks in Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc.....

what are you talking about ????


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
the answer is - dont rise to the bait, making fun of people is what insecure people do !

I agree with this Bunty.

JJ, he's probably angry with you because you have already become a US citizen, and you speak English well, etc. By ridiculing you, he makes himself feel better about himself.

Try not to let him see that you are offended, he wants to make you lose your temper, don't do it!

Next time tell him that he should look in the mirror, because you've accomplished more in 5 years than he has in 25.

If it continues, file a report with your supervisor.
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