A-Rod tested positive for steroids in 2003...


New member
Jun 15, 2006

who is watching Alex Rodriguez right now?

This dude deserves an Oscar !!! did anyone see that performance?

that man couldn't even come up with one crocodile tear !!!


Nov 17, 2004
Interesting Ortiz would say this, considering he at one time admitted that he could have "unknowingly" taken some "stuff" commonly sold at GNC in the DR.

Mr. Lu

Ortiz has a point. It is beyond hypocritical when Congress is demanding action against steroids in baseball and getting involved in these hearings when the FDA is not allowed to regulate over the counter supplements because of the deals these companies have made with members of Congress.

I have a friend who is in the process of suing a well-respected supplement company because he tested positive for a banned steroid that somehow found its' way into the supplements he purchased from them.

The company has admitted that the supplements were tainted before they were sold but refuse to admit willful negligence. One of the stipulations for a possible out-of-court settlement is that they agree "to be held liable but not purposely responsible". WTF.

In this instance, the athlete gets punished because he is responsible for what he ingests but these supplement makers can do whatever they like.

And here is the best part-even though the supplements(some of them had been unopened) were all tested by an independent lab and found to be tainted with ingredients that were not listed on the label, his one-year ban is being upheld by the governing body of his sport.
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Apr 28, 2006
who is watching Alex Rodriguez right now?

This dude deserves an Oscar !!! did anyone see that performance?

that man couldn't even come up with one crocodile tear !!!

The performance is here for all to see. Oh the Oscars not too far off.....

He's a huge investment. So he's an asset, and this is an asset that's currently in crisis," Cashman said. "So we will do everything we can to protect that asset. ... If this is Humpty Dumpty, we've got to put him back together again, to get back up on the wall."

Alex Rodriguez says relative injected him with banned drug - ESPN
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Nov 17, 2004
Anyone know what the substance was that A-Rod claimed his cousin got for him from the Dominican Republic? I've never heard of it.

Ah, I just love these athlete steroid confessions...they love throwing family members under the damn bus...:ermm:

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007

Anyone know what the substance was that A-Rod claimed his cousin got for him from the Dominican Republic? I've never heard of it.

Ah, I just love these athlete steroid confessions...they love throwing family members under the damn bus...:ermm:

I think, and I am not 100% sure, but boli (or Bole) is slang or short, for Anabole, which is what Dominicans know Anabolic Steroids as. I am not sure if Anabole is a generic street term or a medical term, but this is what I have heard.

Mr. Lu


Apr 28, 2006


Apr 28, 2006
The thing is this. When someone injects themselves or someone else injects them, the first thing that people think is of a junkie. Popping some pills is one thing but the shooting up aspect of it is psychologically a big negative. One part of me is almost feeling sorry for him, but when I think of the salary he is making and the deception I'm not. As Cashman said and I agree the fella is a bad communicator.

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007

According to this article from the Daily News the roid is called boli. Just wondering, but if this item is found over the counter in the DR, how widespread is its usage among Dominican players.

Yea right.

Alex Rodriguez admits injecting steroids from Dominican Republic; says he was 'young and stupid'

Getting this stuff is easy here. Come to Gold's with me or at any local gym. Go to the Centro Olympico or anywhere you see young ball players and the bucones can get it all. Is it widespread? It's tough to say because a lack of testing and education, but I know many of the players and regular joe schmoe lifters take this stuff. "La puya" isn't as big a deal here.

Come to Gold's with me one day and see how funny it is. Guys with 17 inch arms, lifting 135lb. bench. All roids....

Here is an article: Steroids in the DR

Mr. Lu


Nov 17, 2004
Why this isn't such a big deal is because its' so widespread. If you are a professional athlete, your livelihood depends on it.

But the weekend warriors benefit also. I have a friend from the DR who two years ago was getting dropped in almost every bike race he entered. He went to every doctor and they couldn't find anything wrong. And he had a reputation for being a very good racer, always winning or placing at or near the top.

Well, this guy had something to lose, so he got his buscon in the DR to get him some drugs and he miraculously rose from the dead.

Hes' taken paid trips to China and Italy to ride and race. He even managed to get his wife to go along, also paid for by a benefactor.

This guy is as uneducated as they come, but ignorant he is not. He's done more traveling than many people I know who have more more education and more money that he started out with.

It just goes to show you, cheaters sometimes come out ahead of the game and professional baseball is no different.


Feb 24, 2002
Good call

Is Big Papi the Dominican Curt Schilling now?
I was thinking the same thing.

Although Schilling had a love for running off at the mouth, most of what he said was more or less spot on.

I agree with Poppy. It's basically the death penalty, and it will inhibit further cheating more than any other ban or penalty.

Never happen with the player's union. But it's a viable solution methinks.


Jun 2, 2006
i think the "i bought it in the DR" statement will cast a spotlight on all dominincan athletes worldwide playing professional sports. i think i would have left that part out. would it had made a difference where he bought it ?


Sep 17, 2004
He made a point of not only saying it was purchased in the DR, but that it was something "sold over the counter" there, I think the idea being that it was purchased legally (although it surely would have had to have been brought into the US illegally). This, along with his repeated emphasis on how "young and stupid" he was (he was 28 at the end of 2003) seem to be part of the overall strategy to make the whole thing seem less like a deliberate and calculated attempt to enhance his athletic performance (ie: CHEATING).

BTW, I am neutral on A-Rod. I've always admired his talent while being less than enamored with his personality.


Nov 17, 2004
Death penalties are not a deterrent, either in sports or in real life.

In real life, it does not deter people who are mentally ill because such people cannot differentiate like normal, rational people. And psychopaths just don't care.

In sports, the only way is to have better drug testing. Urine testing should be relegated to the stone age. Blood testing with biological passports to track any radical changes in a person's endocrine system is the only way forward to combat this problem. And develop a biological profile via off-season testing.

Yes, the testing program would be expensive, but MLB has the money.

It just doesn't have the collective will. You can blame the union for this because they have fought testing tooth and nail ever since its' been proposed.


Mar 2, 2004
Death penalties are not a deterrent, either in sports or in real life.

In real life, it does not deter people who are mentally ill because such people cannot differentiate like normal, rational people. And psychopaths just don't care.

In sports, the only way is to have better drug testing. Urine testing should be relegated to the stone age. Blood testing with biological passports to track any radical changes in a person's endocrine system is the only way forward to combat this problem. And develop a biological profile via off-season testing.

Yes, the testing program would be expensive, but MLB has the money.

It just doesn't have the collective will. You can blame the union for this because they have fought testing tooth and nail ever since its' been proposed.

test every ballplayer every day before game...end of steroid use...
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Apr 28, 2006
The Man Behind the Steroid Era

I think in the following article the writer hits it shall we say out of the park, but A-Rod should not get a free pass, afterall he is part of the circus.:cheeky:

Aside from the double standard in Selig?s statement, he is way off-base with this accusation. As much as I loathe A-Rod, he does not deserve to be vilified for his actions. There are plenty of people who deserve blame for the steroid culture that overran baseball in recent years. Individual players who took performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) are well down the list of people who deserve the most blame.

One man who deserves quite a bit of flack is Selig. He had to know that PED use was widespread in the MLB, yet for years he did nothing. As early as 1995, Padres General Manager Randy Smith told The LA Times that steroid use was prevalent in baseball. That same year, MLB star Tony Gwynn estimated that 30 percent of MLB players were using PEDs. Throughout the 90s, home run numbers were ballooning, radar gun readings were jumping and individual players were developing muscle at inhuman rates. Nonetheless, Selig likely saw the league?s income statements and decided that the league should reap the rewards of the PED era for as long as it remained profitable.
The Man Behind the Steroid Era | The Cornell Daily Sun