Action platform of the Dominican Republic Branch of the Free People's Movement

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Sep 20, 2003

I'm a social-democrat. That is, I believe in democracy but with socialized medicine,welfare,free education, etc. I guess, the kind of system Canada has.

And they have oil. And a lot of it. Canada's star is in ascendancy.

Can I trade my American citizenship for Canadian?:classic:


*** Sin Bin ***
Jun 16, 2006
El Seybo is where he is at!

Rick Snyder said:
I had prepared a 14 paragraph post for you anti democratic socialist nerds but changed my mind........ So there, take that!!!!!!!!!

edited to add the word you

Those Dominicans, that are true believers in democracy insist on free debate and the unlimited exchange of ideas because they feel that no group, or individual, has, or should have, a monopoly on the truth, that no group, or individual, has the right to establish in the field of politics absolute standards of what is true and what is false. A man may be convinced that he is right, that truth in on his side, but in the midst of debate he appeals, not to the masses or philosopher and men of wisdom but to the power of his reason.

As Justice Holmes wrote: "The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market."

The insistence of free speech for others stems from the recognition that men are not infallible, that perhaps the other person is right or, at least, that "I might be wrong."

Threatening, insulting, and inviting people to "El Seybo" so that they can find out what will happen to them, among others things, is wrong, undemocratic and disrespectful to individuals freedom of speech, something Rick-Pixx- Snyder is very good at doing.

Free speech is not simply the personal right of an individual to have his say; it is also the right of the rest of us to hear him.

Freedom of speech is not merely freedom to express ideas that differ slightly from ours; it is freedom to differ on things that go to the heart of matter. Some people, spy or not, democratic or not, profess to believe in democracy and freedom of speech, but they draw the line at ideas they consider abhorrent or dangerous. But what is a dangerous idea? Who decides?

In the realm of political ideas, who can find an objective, eternally valid standard of right? The search for truth is an endless one. It involves the possibility-even the inevitability- of error.

Rick-Pixx-Snyder, this means, not only free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought we hate.

In short, Rick -Pixx-Snyder, stating that you which people, like Lumumba, be cast out out of DR1, or forbidden to submit they expressions of ideas on the ground that you don't like them and that they are subversive or dangerous is to set oneself up as an infallible judge of what speech should be permitted.

Rick-Pixx-Snyder, finally, like I said before, you don't impress me at all. and I would like to know,if you are a spy?

This post doesn't constitute that I agree or will support any subversive action against any government in planet earth. You got it?
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Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
rtejeda said:
Those Dominicans, that are true believers in democracy insist on free debate and the unlimited exchange of ideas because they feel that no group, or individual, has, or should have, a monopoly on the truth, that no group, or individual, has the right to establish in the field of politics absolute standards of what is true and what is false. A man may be convinced that he is right, that truth in on his side, but in the midst of debate he appeals, not to the masses or philosopher and men of wisdom but to the power of his reason.

As Justice Holmes wrote: "The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market."

The insistence of free speech for others stems from the recognition that men are not infallible, that perhaps the other person is right or, at least, that "I might be wrong."

Threatening, insulting, and inviting people to "El Seybo" so that they can find out what will happen to them, among others things, is wrong, undemocratic and disrespectful to individuals freedom of speech, something Rick-Pixx- Snyder is very good at doing.

Free speech is not simply the personal right of an individual to have his say; it is also the right of the rest of us to hear him.

Freedom of speech is not merely freedom to express ideas that differ slightly from ours; it is freedom to differ on things that go to the heart of matter. Some people, spy or not, democratic or not, profess to believe in democracy and freedom of speech, but they draw the line at ideas they consider abhorrent or dangerous. But what is a dangerous idea? Who decides?

In the realm of political ideas, who can find an objective, eternally valid standard of right? The search for truth is an endless one. It involves the possibility-even the inevitability- of error.

Rick-Pixx-Snyder, this means, not only free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought we hate.

In short, Rick -Pixx-Snyder, stating that you which people, like Lumumba, be cast out out of DR1, or forbidden to submit they expressions of ideas on the ground that you don't like them and that they are subversive or dangerous is to set oneself up as an infallible judge of what speech should be permitted.

Rick-Pixx-Snyder, finally, like I said before, you don't impress me at all. and I would like to know,if you are a spy?

This post doesn't constitute that I agree or will support any subversive action against any government in planet earth. You got it?


While I whole-heartedly agree with your support of "the Freedom of Speech" I must disagree with some of the innuendo included within your post.

If that disagreement offends you, then take it like a man and attribute it to my "freedom of speech".

"The Truth", as each individual perceives it, is indeed a powerful weapon. It is when that weapon is used against the ignorant, the naive and is couched with utter falsehood, fallacious reasoning and half-stated innuendo, thatit becomes a dangerous weapon against society. Tho OP, which is the basis of this thread, is a prime example of the use of "freedom of speech" to hide behind a proposition which is, in the final analysis, a document promulgated to attract the dissaffected poor with a promise that cannot be fulfilled when inductive and deductive logic are applied.
It was very clear, from the onset, that the originator of the OP was "shotgunning" the medium of the Internet and more specifically, DR1, to publish his agenda. many of us saw this action as being subversive to the Government of the country in which we live and without credence. Is it not our prerrogative to address that in a negative manner? (sic) "Freedom of Speech"?
I will be the forst to admitthat the debate got a bit out of hand and that I probably contributed to some of that effect. Mea Culpa
You quote that learned jurist, Justice Holmes.
To carry it a bit further, the initial OP is far removed from the intent of Justice Holmes's statement in that the OP specifically embraced the "physical overthrow" of a soverign nation and its government. Can you justify "freedom of speech" with such a stated agenda? Sorry, but I cannot. In my estimation, "freedom of speech" does not embrace such activity. Every country has its laws against such activity and intent. Agreed??

The invitation to the originator of the OP was issued, not as a threat, but in essentual refutation of the OP itself by the local population in El Seybo. That was not a threat, but simply an indication of the reception the originator would receive by the citizens of El Seybo. The questions implicit in the invitation were esentially, would the OP be accepted by the citizens or would they physiclly abuse the person initiating the OP. That was my interpretation of Rick's invitation; not the one you gave.

Your entire argument is based on your premise that you are the guardian of "freedom of speech", which was very arrogantly presented. Your use of the "Pet" name you have given to Mr Snyder is indicative of your contempt and arrogance for those with whom you disagree. your accusation, in the absence of visable proof, that Mr Snyder is a 'spy" is further evidence of you displeasure in not being accepted as, in your imagination, the guardian of the "freedom of speech".

It is not my intention to castigate you, nor to disparage you; only your post, which comes across as I have stated, but to remind you that when judging the actions of others, one must also be aware of that which is in mitigation of the offence charged.

This post is not emanating from an arrogant personality, but from one who views your presentation as being a litle "beyond the pale"and in bad taste in some areas. Not all, but some.

Now, please get over your "mad", sit back and review your post, then issue an apology to Mr Snyder for the manner in which you have denegrated him. You were wrong and know it. Be man enough to admit that you went a bit too far.

Texas Bill
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Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Due to prior and sufficient instructions you continue to disregard that which you are advised of and continue to make that hole deeper.

Justice Holmes seems to have had a pretty good handle on the situation and it would do you good to heed his words of wisdom as you wish to quote him. I would suggest that you once again read his quote and try with some diligence to apprehend what he was trying to say.

"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market."

Until such a time as to where this board, which is the “market”, accepts you and your thoughts will determine if you pass the “test of truth”.

As you used the words (truth) and (right) 9 times in your post then we will assume that therein lays the crux of your ranting. Generally speaking humanity, and especially many members on this board, show discontent and abhor a lie. As this board was set up as a place to get the answers, (truth), to questions relating to life and conditions here in the DR it behooves us as members to insure that that which we speak is the truth. This same principle applies to anything being debated on this board and is the reason so many members research the subject matter and are able to prove their position through documented evidence.

If your purpose in life is to cause misery or to cast a bad light on everything and everyone then in reality this board is not your cup of tea. Though your purpose for doing such may be due to a lack of proper medication and/or a mental condition does not detract from the fact that your statements have no place on this board. A lie, regardless in which form it is transmitted, is still a lie. The same holds true concerning good and evil. As there are those that can’t differentiate those aspects when they are posted it then becomes the obligation of others to point out the fallacies that are sometimes posted. It is as such that we learn and to paraphrase John 8:31-32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.

Let us now dwell upon my invitation to you and your buddy to come here to the Dominican Republic to spew your thoughts of subversion on the Dominican populace. I do not, repeat, do not wish you to take that as a threat as it wasn’t intended as such. You can however take it as a PROMISE that if you come to this fine country and try it you will find that your supposed right to free speech will be curtailed. This especially holds true if you should attempt it here in El Seybo due to the fact that I live here and I can insure that the proper Dominicans will be assembled to listen to your rants. Once again let me repeat that this is not a threat but is in fact a promise and there is a difference.

You go to great lengths to try to explain free speech when it is very apparent that you have no idea as to what you are talking about. As an uneducated Dominican having been thrust into the US at an early age and having lived amongst the free for 39 years you still haven’t learned much. I don’t know if this is due to your apathy, languorous nature, mental condition or your failure to take your daily medication but the fact remains that you require help and I suggest that you seek it out.

It is because of the implied “free speech” that I am able to try to explain the problems that you have to you and it is through this “free speech” that I suggest that you quickly seek out professional help. The fact that you fail to learn from that which I say or that which others may say to you only reinforces our position that you in fact need help.

As you seem to have the right to call me names I too have the right to wish for your being banded from this board but your failure to recognize that fact only compounds my analysis of your mental state.

In closing let me point out two additional things to you;

1. As you seem to think that free speech is all encompassing I would suggest that the next time you should take in a movie at one of those fine movie theaters there in the US that in the middle of the movie you stand up and exercise that given right and scream “fire” or “bomb”. As you are being whisked off to the police station just keep repeating to the fine officers that you were just expressing you right to free speech.

2. If a statement is made, regardless as to the subject matter, and you as a human being fail to take a stand concerning that statement and then later endorse the author that made the original statement then you are in fact condoning and agreeing to said statement. Your statement, “This post doesn't constitute that I agree or will support any subversive action against any government in planet earth.”, does not say that you do not agree with nor does it say that you will not support said action and your attempt to sit in the middle of the fence places you in a preposterous state.



*** Sin Bin ***
Jun 16, 2006
Here are a few words of my daily m,ental medication

Rick Snyder said:
Due to prior and sufficient instructions you continue to disregard that which you are advised of and continue to make that hole deeper.

Justice Holmes seems to have had a pretty good handle on the situation and it would do you good to heed his words of wisdom as you wish to quote him. I would suggest that you once again read his quote and try with some diligence to apprehend what he was trying to say.

"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market."

Until such a time as to where this board, which is the “market”, accepts you and your thoughts will determine if you pass the “test of truth”.

As you used the words (truth) and (right) 9 times in your post then we will assume that therein lays the crux of your ranting. Generally speaking humanity, and especially many members on this board, show discontent and abhor a lie. As this board was set up as a place to get the answers, (truth), to questions relating to life and conditions here in the DR it behooves us as members to insure that that which we speak is the truth. This same principle applies to anything being debated on this board and is the reason so many members research the subject matter and are able to prove their position through documented evidence.

If your purpose in life is to cause misery or to cast a bad light on everything and everyone then in reality this board is not your cup of tea. Though your purpose for doing such may be due to a lack of proper medication and/or a mental condition does not detract from the fact that your statements have no place on this board. A lie, regardless in which form it is transmitted, is still a lie. The same holds true concerning good and evil. As there are those that can’t differentiate those aspects when they are posted it then becomes the obligation of others to point out the fallacies that are sometimes posted. It is as such that we learn and to paraphrase John 8:31-32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.

Let us now dwell upon my invitation to you and your buddy to come here to the Dominican Republic to spew your thoughts of subversion on the Dominican populace. I do not, repeat, do not wish you to take that as a threat as it wasn’t intended as such. You can however take it as a PROMISE that if you come to this fine country and try it you will find that your supposed right to free speech will be curtailed. This especially holds true if you should attempt it here in El Seybo due to the fact that I live here and I can insure that the proper Dominicans will be assembled to listen to your rants. Once again let me repeat that this is not a threat but is in fact a promise and there is a difference.

You go to great lengths to try to explain free speech when it is very apparent that you have no idea as to what you are talking about. As an uneducated Dominican having been thrust into the US at an early age and having lived amongst the free for 39 years you still haven’t learned much. I don’t know if this is due to your apathy, languorous nature, mental condition or your failure to take your daily medication but the fact remains that you require help and I suggest that you seek it out.

It is because of the implied “free speech” that I am able to try to explain the problems that you have to you and it is through this “free speech” that I suggest that you quickly seek out professional help. The fact that you fail to learn from that which I say or that which others may say to you only reinforces our position that you in fact need help.

As you seem to have the right to call me names I too have the right to wish for your being banded from this board but your failure to recognize that fact only compounds my analysis of your mental state.

In closing let me point out two additional things to you;

1. As you seem to think that free speech is all encompassing I would suggest that the next time you should take in a movie at one of those fine movie theaters there in the US that in the middle of the movie you stand up and exercise that given right and scream “fire” or “bomb”. As you are being whisked off to the police station just keep repeating to the fine officers that you were just expressing you right to free speech.

2. If a statement is made, regardless as to the subject matter, and you as a human being fail to take a stand concerning that statement and then later endorse the author that made the original statement then you are in fact condoning and agreeing to said statement. Your statement, “This post doesn't constitute that I agree or will support any subversive action against any government in planet earth.”, does not say that you do not agree with nor does it say that you will not support said action and your attempt to sit in the middle of the fence places you in a preposterous state.


God guides me in being the best possible help to others, something I do daily and is my daily medication of satisfaction for the help I provide to American citizen with disability.

As I pray for my country, Dominican Republic, family and friends, God guides me in being the best possible help to them. As I think about what they may be going through, I gain insight into their experiences, desires, and needs. Los pobres have a lots of needs and God will Provide to them with an eventual good government of hope and minimized corruption.

I share with others in meaningful endeavors, giving of broad and specific gifts, in focused and inclusive ways. Through what I say and do, I offer encouragement. I respond and contribute with a positive attitude, sharing my thoughts and love, my energy and abundance. Thinking of my country, Dominican Republic, family, friends, and neighbors with love and respect, I act with goodwill and appreciation toward all, including those poor folks in El Seibo, Dominican Republic.

In thought and in action, I am considerate and generous to others, thats why I constantly support freedom of expression and speech and always let nature take its course. My good cannot be depleted by giving. The good that I share is returned to me, increased and multiplied, with good physical and mental health, without the need for any kind of medication, chemical or substance, something which is so widely abused by many Americans people, specifically former soldiers, that can't be normal without their daily dosage of drugs of some kind, legal or illegal; perhaps Mr. Snyder, falls in this category of individuals who either abuse drugs or need daily medication of some kind, legal or illegal, and was just making an auto-expression of his reality. May God help this SPY.

"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets."--Matthew 7:12

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Jun 28, 2003
NO..sounds like

rtejeda said:

God guides me in being the best possible help to others, something I do daily and is my daily medication of satisfaction for the help I provide to American citizen with disability.

As I pray for my country, Dominican Republic, family and friends, God guides me in being the best possible help to them. As I think about what they may be going through, I gain insight into their experiences, desires, and needs. Los pobres have a lots of needs and God will Provide to them with an eventual good government of hope and minimized corruption.

I share with others in meaningful endeavors, giving of broad and specific gifts, in focused and inclusive ways. Through what I say and do, I offer encouragement. I respond and contribute with a positive attitude, sharing my thoughts and love, my energy and abundance. Thinking of my country, Dominican Republic, family, friends, and neighbors with love and respect, I act with goodwill and appreciation toward all, including those poor folks in El Seibo, Dominican Republic.

In thought and in action, I am considerate and generous to others, thats why I constantly support freedom of expression and speech and always let nature take its course. My good cannot be depleted by giving. The good that I share is returned to me, increased and multiplied, with good physical and mental health, without the need for any kind of medication, chemical or substance, something which is so widely abused by many Americans people, specifically former soldiers, that can't be normal without their daily dosage of drugs of some kind, legal or illegal; perhaps Mr. Snyder, falls in this category of individuals who either abuse drugs or need daily medication of some kind, legal or illegal, and was just making an auto-expression of his reality. May God help this SPY.

"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets."--Matthew 7:12

I am sorry to say, you didnt read the parts of The Book that want you to not talk about alms giving. Do in private what you need to do. No announcements
Did you read those parts?



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
elchino said:
Sounds like Mirador is "Full of Sh*t", and a :tired: bud kisser.

You can tell a lot about a poster by the way he writes, the nuances of style, the choice of words he uses. It is obvious that elchino es going through some trying times. He is probably overleveraged, having to resort to a bill consolidation loan, including a second mortgage on his home, and worse yet, now that he's fed up with the neighborhood and wants to move, he's stuck in that old dilapidated house!. Then there's the problem with his wife, he finally realized that he doesn't love her, that she has already lost all pretense of feelings and respect for him, so now all he is capable of is dream of divorce, even running away, but he can't, he is trapped!. I feel sorry for him.


New member
Jul 7, 2006

The following is an "auto-projection" of what el Mirador is going through right now, I feel sorry for him: since elchino has a clear tittle of his house in Kendall, is single, debt free, loves his neighborhood, his girls friends and Café Iguana. Peace!

Mirador said:
You can tell a lot about a poster by the way he writes, the nuances of style, the choice of words he uses. It is obvious that elchino es going through some trying times. He is probably overleveraged, having to resort to a bill consolidation loan, including a second mortgage on his home, and worse yet, now that he's fed up with the neighborhood and wants to move, he's stuck in that old dilapidated house!. Then there's the problem with his wife, he finally realized that he doesn't love her, that she has already lost all pretense of feelings and respect for him, so now all he is capable of is dream of divorce, even running away, but he can't, he is trapped!. I feel sorry for him.
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On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
elchino said:
The following is an "auto-projection" of what el Mirador is going through right now, I feel sorry for him: since elchino has a clear tittle of his house in Kendall, is single, debt free, loves his neighborhood, his girls friends and Caf? Iguana. Peace!

Now, that's better! ;)

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
joel pacheco said:
I wonder where Lumumba went? :paranoid:

He was a bit one sided, but he had passion.

I was hoping to continue our debate.


I think he decided that he'd best "Fold his tent and silently steal away".

At any rate, he met his "Waterloo" on DR1 and like Napoleon, decided to retire to a more docile medium.

El Chino:

May I suggest you get a copy of Rudyard Kipling's "IF" and DIGEST the contents. You don't meet any of the standards put forth by that poem.
If you wish, I'll be only too glad to send you a copy via PM or Email.

Texas Bill


May 22, 2004
Rick Snyder said:
Celt202 or is that 2002, hehehe, there you go stirring that pot again.


Attaboy Rick! or should I say "Atatboy..."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
May 12, 2005
I think perhaps a few of the posters here should take a trip to the local library and check out Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom and some writings by DeTocqville and Adam Smith.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Hey, I can't find my autographed copy of Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962)!. By the way, Chinito, what are your own personal opinion on all this, in your own words...
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