Advise needed to help a friend

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Jun 19, 2009
I really wish I was lying but the sad truth is I'm not. I as a friend don't want to hurt her feelings but she needs a dose of reality.

Given what is in store for her, her feeling should be the last thing you worry about. Sorry, but your friend is too dumb (I am being nice), don't even waste your time. Shoot, I wouldn't even be friend with someone that dumb.

What is wrong with these women ? Why in the hell a single mother of 2 would go off and marry someone she never met ?

No wonder Sanky business is thriving !!


Apr 1, 2009
Given what is in store for her, her feeling should be the last thing you worry about. Sorry, but your friend is too dumb (I am being nice), don't even waste your time. Shoot, I wouldn't even be friend with someone that dumb.

What is wrong with these women ? Why in the hell a single mother of 2 would go off and marry someone she never met ?

No wonder Sanky business is thriving !!

Don't get me wrong there is in my opinion nothing wrong with meeting someone on-line. However good judgement is needed. As I told her you are a woman going into another culture no one asked you to come into our world you made that choice, but to be part of our world you have to play your part just to "HOPE" and I use that term loosely for some possible measure of success.


Feb 24, 2002
Can you convince her not to marry on the first meet? Try to appeal to her common sense. Would she marry someone in the US on a first meeting? Big NO! Why is she insisting on marrying first time here? Hopefully she has some common sense. Enough with the tips on beautifying. You want her to mess up, keep giving her tips on how to make herself more appealing. Geez!


Nov 4, 2011
I need the advise of women here in this forum to help a friend of mine...SKing I need your advise the most because you have lived in America as well as the Dominican Republic......First of I am a male if you cold not figure it out and my friend is a female. Her situation is as follows, she is a Afro American female with two kids and never married. She is going to DR to meet a man she met online.(Please no Sanky jokes....LOL). I am trying to give her advise on how to carry herself and how to dress. The reason for this is I'm trying to help her level the playing field at least in the looks department. I told her that Dominicans are very vain as to their looks. For example I told her before she goes down there to dress different and something as simple to pluck her eyebrows and she told me that only fake "Barbie Girls" do that. Also he has two kids. (His wife died). I just don't want my friend at the end of the day to be used for a "Visa". I would like the advise of the ladies on this forum to assist me in how to explain to her what she will have to do if she expects to have any hope in keeping that relationship. And by the way on her first trip to see him they are getting married right away. Can the women please post some advise without tearing into her so that she hopefully don't make a huge mistake. She is a member of this forum as well......So please be kind.

You do not need to give her advice because the African American community will do that for you. They have all told her she seem desperate, crazy, not setting a good example for kids, thristy, a future sugar momma, etc. Black people in the US are not known for holding their tongues.

As for the looks that is only important to younger people, she has much BIGGER problems then dressing like Dominican women to fit in. Who knows maybe her partner is tired of looking at the typical Dominican woman.

BTW Do not worry about her an the visa issue because if this Dominican man think he will come to the USA and control a typical African American woman, he has another thing coming. You need to protect him from her. Most Dominican men do not know the feeling of getting thrown out of the house. AA women throw men out of the house for sport in the US.


Sep 1, 2012
What can you do to persuade her? Well, nothing. Believe me. Whatever you say will turn her against you. Just stand by her when the storm arrives. And it will be arrive.

And JMB773, you'd be surprise at the kind of things a sanky can endure until that green card arrives. The visa is only the first step. They are model husbands/wives until they become legal residents. Then all hell breaks loose.


Sep 11, 2010
Am I missing something here?

you are trying to stop her ,but also want her to pretty up for this?


New member
Oct 19, 2007
What is wrong with these women ? Why in the hell a single mother of 2 would go off and marry someone she never met ?
Easy answer: desperation! Women flock to the to the Greater and Lesser Antilles to seek out Mandingo! Mandingo may be a widower, or may have several wives...oh so they say...but he does not care. There's only one thing on the agenda--a free ticket to America!


Jan 2, 2002
Is this funny Friday?

Your friend is going to marry a guy she has never met in person and you are worried about her eyebrows? Who pushed to get married so fast? If it was him, he will not care how she dresses or her eyebrows, he will love her as is.

Teach her what to watch for so she can be sure if he's not a sankie . Actually if she is member she should be reading way way down the list to find all sankie signs.

Good luck changing her mind
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Sep 27, 2006
you know what? i take it all back, don't let her pluck anything. just hide a bear trap in her under belly jungle rug. this should do the great job of controlling a groom-to-be.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
I thought Mandingo was something to eat. Kinda like that camel feces they call Mofongo, isn'tit?

Mandingo can be someone who lives in West Africa.

It can also mean a person with a big pecker!!!!!!

A term of endearment for a friend in jail!!!!!!!! Pedophiles usually discover the wrath of "mandingo" when incarcerated.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
Mandingo can be someone who lives in West Africa.

It can also mean a person with a big pecker!!!!!!

A term of endearment for a friend in jail!!!!!!!! Pedophiles usually discover the wrath of "mandingo" when incarcerated.

They also make a good pickle!


Sep 6, 2011
As a Dominican male and seasonal Green Card holder, allow me to offer her my advice...please feel free to pass this on to her free of charge.

There are numerous things she will want to do in order to beautify herself and prep herself for the first date. Being Dominican, i feel i can offer you a different perspective:

1. Tell her to buy some electric hedge trimmers and trim the curtains and rug; I have a pair and they work wonders. The curtains should be thin, and the rug should be almost non-existent. also...the curtains should match the rug and be color coordinated. Color coordination is a must becuase it displays attention to detail, fashion concious, and IQ level.

2. Tell her to buy some Crest "White Stripes" and apply these two times a day for 14 days--once in the morning, and once in the evening. this will rejuvenate her smile and brighten her teeth up immensely. One's teeth can never be too bright or effervescence. a bubbly smile is a good smile.

3. Tell her to purchase a talking spanish/english dictionary and learn how to talk dirty in bed in spanish.

4. Tell her to purchase a lie detector's test on Ebay. they're not too expensive and it will come in handy after he has drank a bottle of rum and is lying in bed, nearly passed out. at this point, hook him up to the lie detectors test quickly--make haste--and go to work with your questions. you got to catch him with his pants down to get to the truth. I'm dominican...i know. I'm also a pediatrician.

I will add more later. i have to go find my electric hedge trimmers.

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Jun 19, 2009
Mandingo can be someone who lives in West Africa.

It can also mean a person with a big pecker!!!!!!

A term of endearment for a friend in jail!!!!!!!! Pedophiles usually discover the wrath of "mandingo" when incarcerated.

The Mandinka, Malinke (also known as Mandinko or Mandingo) are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa with an estimated population of eleven million.

Other are slang terms based on racist stereotypes.

From a Mandiga :lick:
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