American Marrying Dominican




Danish!!! No, never. Verboten!! :) See, now I could be accused of starting a serious misunderstanding. I believe after I listed all the languages I included, etc. (et cetera). Please, feel free to go ahead and post in Danish, Mandarin, or Aymara. I'm going to have a hard enough time translating your posts even with an English-Danish dictionary; Mandarin and Aymara will be the death of me for sure, but I will try. :)



You know what the worst thing is? It took me so long to realize that. Thanks and take care.


Donald C.

Re: We have to stop wasting time with nonsense

Come on guys.
This is such a waste of time. I have so much respect for the D.R.1 website. I made great friends, obatined so much valuable knowledge, and I am actually making preparations to get married. All beacause of the wealth of information
you guys have sacrificed your precious time to share with others. We shouldn't have to respond to others who would like to use this wonderful website to showcase their "negative views"
This site was intended to "assist and enhance" those who have a common venture in the Dominican Republic. We shouldn't have to waste time responding to people who need attention. Lets keep the good work going. You would be amazed as to how many people find jobs, ways to unite with lovers, hotel prices, and just how to "plain old get around the D.R. "from taking a cab to tipping workers. Lets make a committment to ignore people who have nothing better to do but just write nonsense and getting the satisfaction of reading responses from wonderful people like yourselves who really care. After all it takes time out of ones life to sit on a computer and share positive things to enhance the lives of others.
So please keep posting the positive and IGNORE THE NEGATIVE !!!
Donald C.