Aunt Clara's Dominican Cookbook-MY REVIEW


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
First of all, I have to say that those 4 who gave this book a poor rating on the "Poll Forum" thread are, IN MY OPINION, as blind as Jose Feliciano (or el Cieguito De Nagua, to keep it Dominican related).

I ordered 2 books late October 30th and I got them "faster than a speedy bullet" (I got them yesterday and who knows how long they were sitting at my P O Box since I've been out of the country). Even the "your books were shipped" email got to me AFTER the book, hahahaha!.

Anyways, I had a chance to look at SOME of the recipes (and the BEAUTIFUL pictures) and all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!.

This book is FANTASTIC!!.

It's so easy to read that even a dummy like AZB will understand it (just kidding, my brotha).....Not like SOME books you see out there....Full of BLAH BLAH BLAH that by the time you reach page 3, you are already sick of it.....All you will get is straight to the point instructions on how to prepare your favorite dish.

One of the things I like about the preparation instructions is that by just reading them, you feel like you will NOT stay in the kitchen, preparing the dish, for a long time.

I know a little bit about cooking but in MANY cases, it was a guessing game ......what ingredients to use?, what amount?, how to prepare it, how long preparing it?......Now I don't have to guess anymore!!.

It amazes me how many recipes are in this cook, POR EL AMOR DE DIOS!!....I do NOT think there's a Dominican dish NOT covered......

Everything from "Chulitos" to "Triples" to "Sapion" to "Arroz con fideos" to "Pan de coco" to "Camarones al ajillo" to "Pescado con coco" (my favorite) to "Berenjenas asadas" to "Ensalada de coditos" to "Molondrones guisados" to "Platanos al caldero" to Tayotas con huevos" to "Cortadito de leche" to "Mala rabia" to "Ponche de ron" to "Bizcocho" to "Te' de jengibre" among MUUUUUUUCH more YUMMILICIOUS recipes.

My g/f and I WILLLLLL prepare MOST the the dishes on this book (I say MOST because I don't like rabo, hahaha)....... I will start with "Croqueta de pollo" since it looks so easy and the last time I tried making it, it ended in the trash (yeah, that's how bad it was, haha).

One of the last things I will say is that it's true what a poster said on the "Poll" thread, just the pictures of this book are worth the 30-35 (I paid less because it's on sale) dollars this book is selling for.

Another thing I would like to say is that ANY foreigner with a Dominican significant other SHOULD HAVE THIS BOOK!!.

Just because a person is Dominican does NOT mean that they know how to prepare MOST Dominican dishes. FAT CHANCE!!.

I see, time and time again, members wondering about "how to cook this or that for my Dominican husband since he is homesick and would like a Dominican dish". Well, now STOP wondering, get this book and I think all his dreams will become reality.

To be honest, since mom passed, the only times I get to eat Dominican made food is when I go to the DR. (I have done the "Dominican Restaurant" here, a few times, but for some reason, it never taste the same or they always have the same dishes.

This book even tells you how to get Dominican ingredients abroad ANNNNND it has a "Glossary" listing the ingredients' name in English and Spanish!!.

I think this book has EVERYTHING covered and those who did/wrote it did INDEED a great GREAT job!!.

I, from my end, WILL devour it, dish by dish!!.

Lastly, I decided that one book will travel with me when I visit my g/f and the other one I will send to Gregg (Fireguy) so he can auction it for his Beyond The Beach Children Foundation......I hope he gets 100 bucks for it since it's more than worth it!!!!.

Ps: Happy readings to you and happy eating to me!!!. Wahahahahaha


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
The Miguel seal of approval - DR1's answer to Oprah's book club. I can visualise the promo sticker on the next edition. :D

Psst. Miguel. You forgot the bit about the children... only then do you get your cheque. ;)


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Dos cosas......

The Miguel seal of approval - DR1's answer to Oprah's book club. I can visualise the promo sticker on the next edition. :D

Psst. Miguel. You forgot the bit about the children... only then do you get your cheque. ;)
That's right.....Miguel's seal of approval...

Have you looked at my pics.....If you did, you will know I know a few things about food!!!!. Wahahahaha!.

Thanks for reminding me:

For those of you bying this book, don't forget that some of the money will be donated to help needy kids in the DR.

Hey Chiri, I didn't know you were one of the "brains" behind this book.

Not bad at all!.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Hey Chiri, I didn't know you were one of the "brains" behind this book.
Either you haven't been paying attention, or I'm much subtler than I thought.

How many shopping days are left till Christmas?



I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Que Doinky soy.......

Either you haven't been paying attention, or I'm much subtler than I thought.

How many shopping days are left till Christmas?

What a Doinky I am......Whahahaha.

Only AFTER I saw your name on your PM did I said to myself "hold on a second, the same name is on the book"....DOINK!!.

Indeed, how many days before Navidad.....This book will make a great gift!.

Btw: Now that you know where I live (at least the P O Box), por favor, don't send a "hitman" my way. Wahahahaha!!.

Btw 2: I see it's still on sale.....Ummmmmmm.


New member
Jan 12, 2006
I'm making Tostones for a diversity lunch and I am not dominican. I'll let you know how good my turn out. I follow a receipe pretty good, but I am going to try to remember how I saw my friend prepare them and of course I am going to add my own little extra something for that special touch. Oh and I am also making corn bread with the dominican vanilla flavor, I have done this quite a few times already and it is a big hit.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Mi opinion.....

I'm making Tostones for a diversity lunch and I am not dominican. I'll let you know how good my turn out. I follow a receipe pretty good, but I am going to try to remember how I saw my friend prepare them and of course I am going to add my own little extra something for that special touch. Oh and I am also making corn bread with the dominican vanilla flavor, I have done this quite a few times already and it is a big hit.
I am just sick of the guessing game.....Trust me, it's not the same guessing than reading a book with all the intructions.

I grew watching mom make all these YUMMILICOUS Dominican dishes and ever since she passed I tried and tried to make SOME of her dishes and since all I can do is guess, they turned out disastrous, in MOST cases.

Don't get me wrong, I DO know how to cook a few dishes BUUUUUT since the ones I know how to cook where getting repetitive, I wanted to venture into making others.......And that's when all the problems started.

I finally just gave up all together.


In a few minutes I WILL go food shopping and I WILL buy all the ingredients to make "Croquetas de pollo".

Don't be jealous, as my g/f is.

I will follow the instructions to a "T" and I will let you know how it turned out.

Ay Dios mio, wish me luck!!!!.


Jan 2, 2002
I'm making Tostones for a diversity lunch and I am not dominican. I'll let you know how good my turn out. I follow a receipe pretty good, but I am going to try to remember how I saw my friend prepare them and of course I am going to add my own little extra something for that special touch. Oh and I am also making corn bread with the dominican vanilla flavor, I have done this quite a few times already and it is a big hit.

Tarrantino the Aunts also have a website/message board where you can ask questions if you are stuck on something.


Jan 1, 2002
The only reason that this book has not had the HB Seal of Approval (Four gold Stars over a 49 Ford Pickup on blocks) is that HB is also a "contributor", and, therefore, it would constitute a conflict of interest.

I was, however, the one that said that the pictures alone were worth the price of the book, so I did give it a push.

It's funny, I have at least two of the most famous Dominican cookbooks and neither has the outright quality of this one. Printing, illustrations, and the simplicity/straight-forwardness of the recipes themselves.



I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Como, asi es la cosa?......

The only reason that this book has not had the HB Seal of Approval (Four gold Stars over a 49 Ford Pickup on blocks) is that HB is also a "contributor", and, therefore, it would constitute a conflict of interest.

I was, however, the one that said that the pictures alone were worth the price of the book, so I did give it a push.

It's funny, I have at least two of the most famous Dominican cookbooks and neither has the outright quality of this one. Printing, illustrations, and the simplicity/straight-forwardness of the recipes themselves.

Oooooooh, so that's the reason they are not posting on this thread........Because 'it would constitute a conflict of interest'....

Yeah, tell that to Bill Gates, whahaha!!.

Seriously, it's my understanding/opinion/belief that when one has a good product, there's no sin in promoting it......ESPECIALLY when someone else is saying good things about said product.

Now, if they came here saying "my book is great, buy it" and others are saying "bullcrap, I have that book and it stinks" it would be a different case......

That's not the case here.

I can tell you that ANY publicity is good publicity.

Trust me, I much rather hear from the people involved in this book than a sorry axx moron like me, any day of the week.

Hearing from people involved, knowing they go the extra mile gives the buyer a more familiar feeling....A feeling they care.

Again, when one has a good product, I see nothing wrong in promoting it. ESPECIALLY when someone else is saying it's a good product.

But what do I know....I am just a chef wannabe, hahahahaha!.


Oct 21, 2002
To my mind, the 'Aunts' can promote away as much as they like! They have at least as much into the DR1 than into the book! ;) And DR1 is kind to you if you are kind to it!


Nov 15, 2002
Chiri, I'm sitting here reading this with a dropped jaw. What's next, Gourmet magazine?

Anyway, I am a proud owner of the cookbook, and I love and cherish it. Thanks! Now all I need are authors' autographs, which I'm hoping to get soon. By the way, WHERE is Jane J.?



Jun 3, 2006
Are, you, guys, going to translate it into other languages, like German, French or Russian for example? It would make a great gift for my Mom. She loves to cook but does not read English or Spanish.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Are, you, guys, going to translate it into other languages, like German, French or Russian for example? It would make a great gift for my Mom. She loves to cook but does not read English or Spanish.
The interest might exist in French, German and Italian, but not in Russian - although that tourism market is growing, so maybe in a few years time. Having said that, professional translation is a costly business so unless someone volunteers their services it's not going to happen.

Actually if it does get translated, Spanish is first on our list.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Chiri, I'm sitting here reading this with a dropped jaw. What's next, Gourmet magazine?

Anyway, I am a proud owner of the cookbook, and I love and cherish it. Thanks! Now all I need are authors' autographs, which I'm hoping to get soon. By the way, WHERE is Jane J.?

Why thank you!
Bring your copy with you this Christmas and we'll arrange for a signing. Aunt Jane is 'on sabbatical' but I'm in touch with her and she's well.