Best poker table in SD


Jul 3, 2002

when applied to Dominican Poker rooms, this would usually mean colluding between Dominican players or friends at the expense of foreign players/new players in many different ways, too many to mention, some planned some just opportunistic.

Other shenigans are buying in for small amounts, going all-in, over and over and over again, to try to make a big stack out of a small stack- killing the game due to repeated chip counts for side pots and the fact that good players dont like this. The minimum buy-ins should reflect the blinds but they never do in the DR.

cussing the table, taking too long, folding out of turn, smashing the hand on the tabe, yelling really loud, arguing over ridiculous subjects due to saving face, talking on the cell phone in the middle of a hand, the list goes on and on..


New member
Feb 8, 2010
This can happen anywhere

when applied to Dominican Poker rooms, this would usually mean colluding between Dominican players or friends at the expense of foreign players/new players in many different ways, too many to mention, some planned some just opportunistic.

Other shenigans are buying in for small amounts, going all-in, over and over and over again, to try to make a big stack out of a small stack- killing the game due to repeated chip counts for side pots and the fact that good players dont like this. The minimum buy-ins should reflect the blinds but they never do in the DR.

cussing the table, taking too long, folding out of turn, smashing the hand on the tabe, yelling really loud, arguing over ridiculous subjects due to saving face, talking on the cell phone in the middle of a hand, the list goes on and on..

These kind of things can happen at any poorly run cardroom. Not just cardrooms in the R.D.

I would expect the cardrooms in R.D. running during major tournaments would be run better, and have heard as much from friends.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
My cell: 829-908-6424 BBpin: 2106FD99 Facebook: El Sinche

No cheaters. NO Tricks. Safe and lots of fun poker.

El Sinche Poker Club

FYI, i just sent you a friend request on facebook. I am a avid poker player and interested in the business side of poker. I will be in Santo Domingo next week. i would like to stop by one of your games and chat


New member
Feb 8, 2010
you accepted my friend requests

You already added me. I will leave a comment on FB so you know who i am. I just got back. i didnt get a chance to go to the Lina while there but did stop by the jaragua, and couldnt find a game :( i was suprised too because it was chinese new years and it was packed. I have never seen so many asians in DR ever....


New member
Jun 10, 2004
You shouldve contacted me!

NO Poker Texas Holdem in that hotel! Next time give me a call buddy. Take care. Talk soon about your ideas!



New member
Feb 18, 2013
Is there any new updates about poker in Santo Domingo. I would be looking for a more upscale game. Don't want to play in Jaragua or the princessa. Looking for something more private, with bigger buy in and stakes. Thanks


New member
Jun 10, 2004
More Upscale Poker

Is there any new updates about poker in Santo Domingo. I would be looking for a more upscale game. Don't want to play in Jaragua or the princessa. Looking for something more private, with bigger buy in and stakes. Thanks

In the now called, Diamond Casino where Hotel Melia is located in George Washington Avenue (Malecon) in Santo Domingo. It is VERY private, in back part of CAsino marked VIP. It is not everyday and they play Omaha.