Best trip imaginable and long report


Jan 2, 2002
Why is it always a man's fault for bringing in a child on this earth?
It seems the woman should have been more careful than the tourist. Just look at it this way, dale was a tourist and having fun with the local crowd. She is the one who is poor and unable to give a good life to the new born. Why didn't she take proper precautions to protect herself from getting pregnant? after-all dale was a tourist, here today, gone tomorrrow.
Everyone knows tourists don't come here to make babies, but on the contrary, it seems some women just want to have kids, sort of like having a toy to play with.
Dale wasn't prepard to become a father and he was certainly not willing to waste a whole vacation on some preoccuaption like this. Who would?
Now that he has realized that he is the father and I am glad he was smart enough to perform a peternity test to confirm his findings. He is now trying to learn and accept the fact that he is a father of a beautiful baby boy.
What can we say, shit happens; we fall in a ditch but we climb out and keep walking.
More power to you dale.


Feb 15, 2002
There's a reason why they call him Bobnoxious...

I agree that what you did was wrong Dale, but of course you know that... what you are doing about it is more important now anyway, no one can change the past.

I wish you all the luck in the world, make sure that your son always knows that he has a father there for him who is trying the very best that he can, which is all that really matters.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
good luck dale

I hope you don't confuse this bob with bobnoxious. I guess he never know his daddy. I hpoe everything works out well for you.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
Photos are up

Bob Saunders I wasn't referring to you, lol. The pics are under member photos burned the midnight oil to download them. I have the official US forms here that I received at the consulate and I can do most of the work here in the US prior to my trip. 3 passport photos, a power of attorney for Yesenia witnessed by notary of republic so that she can be in possession of his US passport, and the official birth certificate of the child. I have to sign some forms that are witnessed and then I will send these back down to Yesenia and she will file them for me at the consulate because I want this paperwork done before my trip in the summer because I will be working on her paperwork then. Thanks Hillbilly for sending me some more info. Hoping for the best.