Can't this be changed?


Sep 27, 2017
Well, since nobody else possesses the proverbial golden cojones to ask, I will.
What is going on with the OVER-moderation of the Daily Headline News thread lines?
Every time you blink an eye, another thread line is closed for discussion. Are these news thread lines not open for discussion?
Was this not the supposed new/old direction the web forum wanted to move in? More RD related thread lines/talking points/discussions? Did somebody not get the memo?
If not, fine. Than please correct this now.
Otherwise, lock the news postings down after they are submitted. No further discussion after the headline piece.
It is sort of bizarre that the thread line is posted, 3 or 4 responses are allowed to enter, and then the StB and MfS take over with the big golden lock 🔒.
How is this welcoming to any person, new or old?
Where are the discussions?
Where is the so-called.......
"Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best."
No. Instead, what we have is this at every turn......🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒
This has absolutely nothing to do with my personal individual postings, those that may think like minded as me, or even those with opposing opinions and views (which is called conversational debate)......but everything, to do with what contributes to a successful conversationalist web forum.
Supposedly we are an all RD based web forum community, but yet thread lines directly related to RD current events are still routinely closed for comments.
Not good DR1. Not good at all.
We are better than this as a community.
Moderators included.
Feel free to delete this, or better yet 🔒as well.
Me? Jacuzzi time with un chin de Barceló. 🥃
Enjoy your evening, as you so see fit. 😉
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Well, since nobody else possesses the proverbial golden cojones to ask, I will.
What is going on with the OVER-moderation of the Daily Headline News thread lines?
Every time you blink an eye, another thread line is closed for discussion. Are these news thread lines not open for discussion?
Was this not the supposed new/old direction the web forum wanted to move in? More RD related thread lines/talking points/discussions? Did somebody not get the memo?
If not, fine. Than please correct this now.
Otherwise, lock the news postings down after they are submitted. No further discussion after the headline piece.
It is sort of bizarre that the thread line is posted, 3 or 4 responses are allowed to enter, and then the StB and MfS take over with the big golden lock 🔒.
How is this welcoming to any person, new or old?
Where are the discussions?
Where is the so-called.......
"Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best."
No. Instead, what we have is this at every turn......🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒
This has absolutely nothing to do with my personal individual postings, those that may think like minded as me, or even those with opposing opinions and views (which is called conversational debate)......but everything, to do with what contributes to a successful conversationalist web forum.
Supposedly we are an all RD based web forum community, but yet thread lines directly related to RD current events are still routinely closed for comments.
Not good DR1. Not good at all.
We are better than this as a community.
Moderators included.
Feel free to delete this, or better yet 🔒as well.
Me? Jacuzzi time with un chin de Barceló. 🥃
Enjoy your evening, as you so see fit. 😉
Correct me if I wrong but it´s been like 5 now in
about two weeks. Not sure if we should be laughing
or crying... I will admit I was a little sad when they
got rid of my ¨cheeky¨ emoji when the new changes
were made to this site.
RIP ¨cheeky¨ :(
  • Haha
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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
I am completely happy with the New DR1 Style/handling.
the us-american OT politics topics been a real clow-bin and are not needed on any DR Site/Forum.
and the DR1 rules do in no way prohibid to run Comparisons of things/the way such things are handled in other countries.

and of course the Weather Topic is a pure Dictatorship,
means I don't like your nose, your posts will not be shown there, lol,
as each Mod has his/her own personality and finds Topic followers by his/her own way.

it takes just a few minutes to scroll through the shown subjects of the New Posts,
only click on the ones of interest to you, skip the ones about something you are not interested to read, quiet a easy and quick thing to do.