Change of Appointment Date at DGM (Renew Residency)


Mar 30, 2014
I got an appointment date to go to DGM at Santo Domingo to renew my residency. I will be out of the country on that day and want to request a different date about a month out. The DGM website has given me an option to "CONFIRMAR" or "RECHAZAR" the assigned date. My question is that if I select to request another date, would I be presented with a calendar to choose my desired date or it will give me another random date. It will cost 1000 pesos to request another date and I'm afraid that each time I spend 1000 pesos and not be able to get a date far enough until I return to DR. If anyone has gone through this process, please let me know how it works or advise me how to handle this situation. Thanks


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
You need to confirm this, as I am not certain.

But the 1000 pesos is only when you validate a date they propose to you and THEN you change it.

Again, I can't remember for sure, but I recall changing the date they gave me BEFORE validating, and I am pretty sure I didn't pay anything.

Again, try and confirm by other means.


New member
Oct 22, 2019
We had to do exactly this, as well. You cancel the appointment, and the system asks for a reason why, so be prepared for this. You don't get to choose a new date, it is assingned to you the same as before. In our case, we were notified Tuesday of appointments Friday, wife in the morning, me in the afternoon. My reply was to ask for both appointments together, with a bit more notice. We got 1 day more notice, but appointments together. The $1,000 comes into effect if you confirm the appointment and miss it. You need to pay that fee before you can re-book. Strangely, as we were checking in to DGM, I received emails with new appointment times and dates, which I ignored.


Feb 6, 2007
a little off topic. once all your stuff was submitted how long before they set the actual appt?


Mar 22, 2006
I didn't confirm and they sent me another date - no penalty. Penalty only applies once you confirm and then are a no show. Also, I was given a 2:30 appt. I was there before they opened at 8, first in line, no one said anything about the time, and I was out the door in less than an hour. Renewing permanent, but don't think that makes a difference. Something no one tells you is to be sure to print out the online appt so you can show it as your first document. Makes it all go quite smoothly.


Mar 30, 2014
I got an appointment date to go to DGM at Santo Domingo to renew my residency. I will be out of the country on that day and want to request a different date about a month out. The DGM website has given me an option to "CONFIRMAR" or "RECHAZAR" the assigned date. My question is that if I select to request another date, would I be presented with a calendar to choose my desired date or it will give me another random date. It will cost 1000 pesos to request another date and I'm afraid that each time I spend 1000 pesos and not be able to get a date far enough until I return to DR. If anyone has gone through this process, please let me know how it works or advise me how to handle this situation. Thanks
First thanks to all who responded to my question. Below is my experience on this issue, in case someone else has a similar question. My original assigned date to go to DGM was on March 9. I had to leave the country on that date and I didn't take any action online to accept or request another date. Two days later I was automatically assigned another date for March 17. On March 17, I requested another date online. As part of the change request I was asked to enter the reason for the request. I wrote a detailed explanation and mentioned that I will return during the first week of April and please assign me a date for after April 15. There was no additional fee for this request. One day later they assigned me another date for March 24th. To me it seemed that they didn't read my request and the system keeps on assigning a date one week out. On March 23, again I requested for another date past April 15. Again no addition fee. Today, March 24, I was assigned a date for after the April 15th as I had requested. So maybe someone read my reasoning and specific request this time.