Changed to solar and...... Wow!


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Rielleyp, WW
It was nice of you to offer panels to Ringo and you have obviously been in the solar business for a while. I looked at you last post and would query the use of SMA and Enphase invertors in the DR environment.
Many people already have invertors and battery banks and the requirement would be to charge the batteries while running off the existing DR invertors. This would avoid the use of expensive DC to AC invertors such as SMA and Enphase ( US$ 600 to 800 each ), and use the existing invertors here, with something like a Solar Charge controller Xantrex C60 linked directly to the batteries. This is capable of 60 amps so on a 24 volt system it represents about 1.4kW into the batteries (48 Volt 2.8kW). It is much cheaper at about US$170 and you dont have to change anything. The change over from Batteries to Line feed could be automated or manual when the batteries are low.
Yapaskis comments about Solar Panel Helpers is quite good too - adding a solar panel about 3-5% of the capacity of the batteries with a simple controller or even just a blocking diode to help keep the charge up - on 4 batteries it would be one 225 Watt panel plus a 50amp/250 volt blocking diode costing 50Rd$. It would prevent discharge through the panels at night!
So I think you might want to look at the sytems you are talking about to get the most econmomical system based on the existing situation here.
And by the way WW I did contact in August the firm you recommended asking about qualifications and acreditations and have had no reply. So draw your own conclusions!

Olly and the Team ( Sosua Division)

I am coming to Samana at the end of January, and would be happy to meet to discuss different set ups. You can PM me for my number if you wish to have me call you.
Each person has different needs, and there are many different systems. So depending on what you want, there are many ways to set up your system. Many of the posters here have electric that is not reliable, and is off many hours per day. In that case, you would need a battery back up system. There are many times that I am not at my place, so for me, it does not make sense to charge batteries and store power, if I simply will not use it the next day. As another poster on here mentioned, you lose a lot of power in the charging/decharging process, so if I can avoid that loss, avoid the high cost of batteries, and just spin my meter backward, then I am happy. As I mentioned, I understand that other folks in other parts of the DR lose power frequently, and I understand their need for battery backup. However, my place is in Samana, and the electric there is from Luz Y Fuerza. With them, there are very few blackouts, but it is very expensive, between 16 and 19 pesos per kw. So I just want power from the panels, to supplement what I get from Luz. When I am not there, my meter spins backward, so I am making money in that regard. While I am there, the 20 panels produce about 20kw of power per day, while I consume about 50 kw.

Someone could spend hours discussing the pros and cons of different systems, SMA vs Enphase etc. I have installed SMA, and I wish I installed the Enphase inverters. I would have saved on shipping, taxes, and I fee they would have been more efficient. Check out the Ephase website. There are three systems installed in the DR.

Thank you in regard to your first statement, but I actually have not been involved in solar for a long time. I did my research and installed my own system in Samana, and experienced the huge challenges of doing business in the DR. After installing my own, and setting up some agreements with three solar suppliers in the States, and a shipping company in Santo Domingo that I can trust, I am proceeding to supply people in the area with any type of component for any solar setup. They biggest challenge in the DR is getting the correct item, that is quality, in a reasonable amount of time, and having someone NOT steal your money. That is what I can do, while working with the client to give them what they want or need. When it comes to setting up the systems, I rely on the expertise of the folks at the solar supply companies, as well as the component manufacturers, including SMA, Enphase, Unirac, etc.

My panels are in the capital now. Of the 68, 17 are sold, so I have 51 left. If anyone wishes to purchase them or any component, contact me. We can meet, or if I am not in the country, you can meet with my worker. You can test the equipment, and if you are satisfied, you can deposit the money in my BanReservas account, via cash or transfer, and take the panels/equipment home with you.

My 2013 New Year's wish to you is 365 days of sun at about 85 degrees, with some rain at night to wash the panels!!!!!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Olly, sorry to hear about the lack of response.
Personally, I haven't spoken to him recently but I'll keep an eye out for him.

My system is holding up well with a full house.
I run the generator at night if we are having a party or otherwise using alot of electricity.
Seems to working.
No rain has helped :))

Ringo, I was keen on a wind machine but have cooled off..... they don't seem togive off that much and I hear they are a bit noisy........ not to mention unsightly.

Happy new year !!


Jul 10, 2004
Rielleyp, are you certain that you can spin the meter backwards in your location? I have not heard of this being possible as yet in the DR.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Rielleyp, are you certain that you can spin the meter backwards in your location? I have not heard of this being possible as yet in the DR.

Windeguy, yes the meter is spinning backward. When I installed the panels, I put in a new digital meter, assuming that it would turn backward. That is not always true. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a meter that is designed to spin backward, it can actually spin forward . . .FASTER!!
So I then bought an older mechanical meter that was recommended by an electrician, and it now spins backward. Having said that, I would always use more power than my panels make, so I will not expect to get back money from Luz y Fuerza. By law they are supposed to give you money back, but only 90%, and again, I would never hold my breath waiting for a check from them or any electric company. It is better to just set up a solar system that will give you 90-100% of your needs and just break even at the end of the year.
So I invite any interest people to come out and see my system in Samana, and see the meter spinning backward. I am not there now, but I can make arrangements with my worker and the security guard. You are also welcome to stay over night and enjoy the beach and pool, and possibly spot some whales!


Jul 10, 2004
Windeguy, yes the meter is spinning backward. When I installed the panels, I put in a new digital meter, assuming that it would turn backward. That is not always true. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a meter that is designed to spin backward, it can actually spin forward . . .FASTER!!
So I then bought an older mechanical meter that was recommended by an electrician, and it now spins backward. Having said that, I would always use more power than my panels make, so I will not expect to get back money from Luz y Fuerza. By law they are supposed to give you money back, but only 90%, and again, I would never hold my breath waiting for a check from them or any electric company. It is better to just set up a solar system that will give you 90-100% of your needs and just break even at the end of the year.
So I invite any interest people to come out and see my system in Samana, and see the meter spinning backward. I am not there now, but I can make arrangements with my worker and the security guard. You are also welcome to stay over night and enjoy the beach and pool, and possibly spot some whales!

OK. So that is you own meter. And is that the same meter the power company reads? As far as I know, I could not install my owner meter and have Edenorte read it. I understand you don't expect to get paid back for excess power you generate regardless of the law, but if you have zero energy usage (or minus) then you should not get charged anything but a monthly fee for connection. Is that what is happening for you?

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Windy and Ringo --- did you read that part about the panels actually making the meter go FASTER??

Ringo, that might have been your problem way back when - huh?

Me? No meter--- totally uncontrolled..... in most parts of life:eek:gre::pirate:


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Windy and Ringo --- did you read that part about the panels actually making the meter go FASTER??

Ringo, that might have been your problem way back when - huh?

Me? No meter--- totally uncontrolled..... in most parts of life:eek:gre::pirate:

Solar Arrays and Smart Meter Glitches
So, smart meters are probably as safe as any other technology we use today in terms of EMF radiation. But will they work with your solar array? When the technology was first introduced, smart meters did not always work with solar panels.
Smart meters are basically computers, and they hadn’t been programmed to know what to do when electricity was fed back into the grid. Instead of “spinning” (of course, there’s no dial to actually spin) backward to give users energy credits, they kept going forward — twice as fast.
This led to disturbing moments as new solar homeowners promised lower electric bills got bills double the usual amount instead. That glitch, however, was fixed quickly with new programming, but not before rumors about smart meters’ incompatibility with solar arrays spread, further fueling people’s dislike of the devices.
Be aware: If you use solar energy, the smart meter issued to you should have a sticker reading “net” — this means the meter has been programmed to run backward and credit you in kilowatt hours for the electricity you feed back into the system.
With the new programming in “net” smart meters, not only do the smart meters work fine with a solar installation, but a solar PV array helps you make sure your meter is working smartly for you.
Stay tuned as we show you how to leverage time-of-use billing with a smart meter and a solar installation.
December 15th, 2011

Will a Smart Meter Work with Solar Installations? |


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Solar Arrays and Smart Meter Glitches
So, smart meters are probably as safe as any other technology we use today in terms of EMF radiation. But will they work with your solar array? When the technology was first introduced, smart meters did not always work with solar panels.
Smart meters are basically computers, and they hadn’t been programmed to know what to do when electricity was fed back into the grid. Instead of “spinning” (of course, there’s no dial to actually spin) backward to give users energy credits, they kept going forward — twice as fast.

This led to disturbing moments as new solar homeowners promised lower electric bills got bills double the usual amount instead. That glitch, however, was fixed quickly with new programming, but not before rumors about smart meters’ incompatibility with solar arrays spread, further fueling people’s dislike of the devices.
Be aware: If you use solar energy, the smart meter issued to you should have a sticker reading “net” — this means the meter has been programmed to run backward and credit you in kilowatt hours for the electricity you feed back into the system.
With the new programming in “net” smart meters, not only do the smart meters work fine with a solar installation, but a solar PV array helps you make sure your meter is working smartly for you.
Stay tuned as we show you how to leverage time-of-use billing with a smart meter and a solar installation.
December 15th, 2011

Will a Smart Meter Work with Solar Installations? |

A little difference here. NO..... A HUGE DIFFERENCE HERE!



This is a thread about PEOPLE sharing, teaching, giving information, helping others, doing and what their "doing" has done. Providing readings and everything that they do while on a solar system.

MOD... Please review and do. TOO MUCH work and REAL experience is here to become a................ sales pitch.

Delate all of rellyeyp stuff ............ Not a request. Not sales carp on my watch.

He has something to sell. Pay for it.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
A little difference here. NO..... A HUGE DIFFERENCE HERE!


This is a thread about PEOPLE sharing, teaching, giving information, helping others, doing and what their "doing" has done. Providing readings and everything that they do while on a solar system.

MOD... Please review and do. TOO MUCH work and REAL experience is here to become a................ sales pitch.

Delate all of rellyeyp stuff ............ Not a request. Not sales carp on my watch.

He has something to sell. Pay for it.

Not sure why Ringo is upset. I have given a lot of advice and shared some of my successes and failures, and offered some tips, while not selling one panel. I would be happy to advertise here in the classified, but like other online classified ads in the DR, they seem to get little attention. There are only 5 classified ads here currently. It is hard to do business in the DR, and I am just trying to offer a decent product at a great price. Yes I have done a lot of sharing, helping, etc, and if I make a few dollars at the end of the day, what is the harm? I have answered a few of your questions Ringo, so I am not sure why you are picking on me.


Jul 12, 2004
Windeguy, yes the meter is spinning backward. When I installed the panels, I put in a new digital meter, assuming that it would turn backward. That is not always true. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a meter that is designed to spin backward, it can actually spin forward . . .FASTER!!
So I then bought an older mechanical meter that was recommended by an electrician, and it now spins backward. Having said that, I would always use more power than my panels make, so I will not expect to get back money from Luz y Fuerza. By law they are supposed to give you money back, but only 90%, and again, I would never hold my breath waiting for a check from them or any electric company. It is better to just set up a solar system that will give you 90-100% of your needs and just break even at the end of the year.

Well you will need to participate in the net metering program and they will buy from you at 75% of going rate, the other 25% is applied towards transmission charges.

The distributer will install the proper meter once all requistes are met upon solicitation of particiapation in the net metering program.

running 33 each, 230 watt Canadian Solar panels with 33 each M215 Enphase microinverters arranged as 3 arrays of 11 panels each rack mounted on top of dual axis trackers.

Soon Upgrade 1 will be to create a self sustaining mini grid!!!



Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
donluis99 . . .sounds like you are going to have a nice system. The dual axis trackers, are they the ones that follow the sun? Will be interested to know how well they work, since I have heard mixed reviews. If everything works well, between the trackers and the enphase inverters, you should be putting out LOTS of power!


Jan 16, 2008
Dual axis trackers these days are generally thought of as not being worth the extra cost. You can simply add more solar modules at less cost.


Mar 12, 2007
Solar Systems

RieleyP , grsher and Ringo,
I think you should blame me and the team Ringo, for setting RieleyP off but looking at their suggestions grsher's system with trackers , 33 panels (by the pallet) ,33 M213 Enphase controllers, and about 6 or seven trackers would cost about US$18,000 (see this web site Photovoltaic Cells Wholesale & Solar Panels in Bulk | Solar Panels Pallet and other pages, without batteries and invertor system for when the Sun Dont Shine ! That is also without shipping, customs, connection and installation.

About US$6000 goes to the controllers, US$2000 to the trackers and about US$10,000 for a pallet of 40 panels 245 Watt.

By the time of the posts grsher in probably not in the DR , and the comment about meters suggest that reillyP has not been doing too much of it and does not really take into account the DR environment!

But I would say that it is always usefull to have more information.

Based on the costs above for something like and 8kWatt system if you have proper consumption management and invertor and battery system it is not really worth it to have Solar system if you have an EDE -something connection.
We use about 500kWh per month and we have really noticed the difference since we have NEARLY 24 hour power. The invertor and batteries are only about 80% efficient. In the bad old days (perhaps I shouldn't say that) I estimate we used agout 100kWh in battery/invertor inefficiency each month.
I will be putting in a Solar Helper (a la Yapaski) to top up the batteries but only using some 45 Watt panels connected for 27 volts and a blocking diode so will let you know how it goes. It is just an experiment for me as I have two panels already.



Mar 12, 2007
Oh - I should have said Donluis99 - it your system I have put together the numbers for !



Jul 12, 2004
The problem with Enphase is that you cannot use them to charge your batteries.

The Enphase M215's feed my 2 SW5048's, at the same time using MI's improve the panels effiecieny creating AC right at the point of production, making each panel/inverter combination its individual sub-station and any irregularitys of any individual sub-station does not affect the performance of any other such as is a problem with a single centralized Inverter, also NO 600 - 1,000 VDC lines anywhere!!!!!



Jul 12, 2004
Dual axis trackers these days are generally thought of as not being worth the extra cost. You can simply add more solar modules at less cost.

It is a available space issue, trackers produce more in less space, if you are grid connected and hooked up for Net metering and have the space, it makes sense to have more panels.

In my case I have 0 space for southern facing panels, am in a vally as well, so my trackers are on top of 17 foot high posts and start to catch photons at about 08:00 untill about 18:00

and I designed and built it all myself.....