I know many mothers in the DR that are prostitutes and good mothers. I look at it this way. They make a good wage on the weekends and have more time to spend with the kids. No matter how much money you give her it will probably not ever be enough for her.
It can seem heart breaking and maybe even touching to hear stories of mothers who decide to prostitute themselves to offer their child a home, decent food and clothes and an education which may lead to a better future than hers.
However, it would, for the mother, have to take a lot of professionalism and discipline to only have CHANCE of success for her and her child or children, virtues which sadly are not typical of those choosing this line of "work" here.
Often the reality is way different, especially here. Yes, the child may be "decorated" with fashion clothes and even jewelry, but usually, that's where all the good intentions end here. The mother's erratic schedule, often hitting the trail with a long term "
novio" for weeks if not months, usually ends up with her "entrusting" the child to "family members" who receive it only in the hopes to have some access to the mother's "income". I won't even mention her bringing her men home, her drinking a little more than would seem healthy for her, her every now and then trying to form a "formal" relationship with a bar pickup, introducing the next "John" to her child, awakening false hopes at least, if not putting the child at risk with strangers roaming the island for cheap sex.
The child soon only ends up to be an excuse for her mother's actions or inactions and a chess figure for others hoping to get a piece of the action.
It's a fantasy, not even a nice one, but it's almost as far from likeliness like the romantic perceptions about the "old" Italian mafia suggested by stories and movies. If you really need an awakening, I can show you children like these, when they are not dressed up to be shown around by their "caring" and "all giving" mothers.
In this case, even worse... she gets money, inhabits an dwelling... if she was so interested in the child's well being, could she not find something more purposeful to do? Or is she just keeping the child, for the free money, the home etc?
I'd have her very moves investigated first. See, if she even really lives there. Where the child lives. If the child even effectively attends school, if it's of age to. Build a case,
silently and choose a lawyer who is specialized in these cases. I for one, am inclined to believe that at Guzman's offices (poster above) they have some lawyers who may be sympathetic to a child's interest and capable to fight for its best interests effectively.
... J-D.