City Intersection Windscreen Cleaners......


Apr 29, 2014
Same advice as I posted in another thread. Put a post-it on your windshield stating, "lavados pagados en moneda canadiense".

Problem solved.


May 22, 2004
Same advice as I posted in another thread. Put a post-it on your windshield stating, "lavados pagados en moneda canadiense".

Problem solved.

Coffee out my nose!

That's funny, eh?



Sep 3, 2013
i'm bored with the righteous posts like this. most of those rats washing windows are drug users and small fry criminals. i have no pity on them. YAWN. and i am certainly not paying for a service i did not order or ask for, no matter how little it cost. you can give away your money, for all i care. but stay away form what's mine.

At least they get out. Unlike some sad people who spend their entire lives inside their house reading DR1 and thinking that other people are impressed by the tirade of abuse they hurl at this country where they have chosen to live.


Sep 27, 2006
Well said but you forgot the part about running them over and turning their cut-off ears in at the fiscalia to collect the bounty...

i don't run them over. i don't like blood splashes on my bumper. on the other hand if one occasionally does catch them under the front wheel there is no brain matter to clean. ever.


Oct 13, 2013
I would prefer if AMET were removed. For some reason they are now sitting by Coastal 3-4 times a week pulling over everyone. Just turn on your wipers, and the washers go away, AMET is far more relentless.


Oct 13, 2013
Good lord, look at the comments on that article.

"it is utterly disgusting, to see that haitian negritude, begging in the streets of santiago and santo domingo !! sent those ugly haitian apes,to the united states, canada, and france !!"


Sep 27, 2006
At least they get out. Unlike some sad people who spend their entire lives inside their house reading DR1 and thinking that other people are impressed by the tirade of abuse they hurl at this country where they have chosen to live.

or those who have nothing else to say apart self righteous ego masturbating nonsense.



New member
May 8, 2003
Lax immigration policies

Copied from Dominican Today:

[B]Traffic cops to chase windshield washers, street vendors away [/B]

Santo Domingo.- The Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) on Thursday announced it will remove the windshield washers and street vendors in various National District intersections in the next few hours, to avert inconvenience and conflicts with drivers and pedestrians and avoid damage to vehicles.

AMET said it will coordinate the measure with the National Police to remove the people who often coerce drivers into paying for parking their car in public spaces and on streets and avenues.

In a statement, the agency said it receives reports of assaults daily at traffic lights and around government offices, businesses, health centers, among others, where citizens make errands.

It?s the second time since 2013 that AMET takes such action: The agency removed windshield washers and vendors from some streets and avenues of Greater Santo Domingo that year, after a motorist shot and killed a cleaner in the head on the corner of Jimenez Moya (Churchill) and Sarasota avenues.

Wish they would apply their resources to stopping those motorists crossing on red first.

At least it may deploy those NP who work 27th Feb in pairs from stopping motorists and exhorting cash from them.

You get pandering all over the Caribbean (except the BVI), but never as much as in Haiti and the DR.
It's a "way of life" in Haiti, and there is spillover in the DR. It's a major turn-off to tourism.
I was thinking about a second residence in the DR, but I'm re-thinking it now.
This is why envelopments are going unfinished and projects like Jamaca de Dios in Jaracaboa are having trouble and selling
the properties rather than operating per the original plan.
As far as the negativism on DR-1, this is discouraging too. These naysayers are those that come with less resources than
needed to live, and now they complain, complain, and complain.
They shouldn't be in the DR in the first place,

Gringo Starr

*** I love DR1! ***
Aug 11, 2014
I would prefer if AMET were removed.
I would prefer if all Dominicans (except some sexy chicas) were removed from this island, but let's be realistic.

AMET is doing many right things here is SD. I see them in Naco every day stopping people that drive on one way streets in wrong direction. They give tickets to them (I hope the Government will finally find the way to force people to pay those tickets), I can say that things are getting better, little by little. Today they remove window cleaners, next year something else... one thing at time.

But I am afraid that all window cleaners will be back there again before the 2016 elections, since PLD doesn't want to lose any votes. That's the problem.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Well, I am for sending windscreen cleaners away..... that yes.
As for other vendors..... well i'd prefer some kimd of legislation.... water and phonecards vendors are really useful, IMO.

The other day in santiago I was at the "guacalito" ( or whatever its called, that huge gvt building ).
Anyway this guy is across the road on the pavement ( its a big pavement, he is not obstructing.....), car boot open. Sells anything and everything.
Drinking my coffe I engaged conversation with him ( I was in a rare social day :laugh: ). He pays a fee to be allowed to operate. Legal fee, says he.
He was ranting about the vendors at the traffic lights stealing buisness..... but employed 2 to counter buisness loss.....:laugh:
Great old guy.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
it wasn't that long ago - mid-90's or so - that NYC had this problem big time.

it was banned..... those guys were REALLY aggressive ...... good riddance