Commonwealth of Haiti territory of the USA


New member
Oct 22, 2003
""And regarding this war history Haiti hundreds of years ago. I asked one of my Dominican friends why he disliked Haitians so much and he pulled out that old war card too. But when I asked him why he did not hold such contempt for Spaniards based on the tainted and abusive history with that European country he said oh well...silence again.""

For the record I have not met a Dominican who denied African ancestry. Also Spanards had different concept of slavery, firs tof all slaves left farms for sometiems a month at a time with no punishment (I have seen the records), second off unlike American slavery, the Catholic Church made Spanish men marry mullatto or African slaves there fore you had more mixing unlike in the States where intermixing was outlawed.You can read this in a historians or schoalrs account of the Carribbean such as Moya Pns history of the Dominican Republic or the History of the Caribbean. Also I have dominican books in spanish which can name the African ethnic groups which arrived in Hispaniola I have never seen this in American students text books not even by John Hope Franklin. Also the war was a ig issue with Haiti in fact, the African American immigrants in Samana also didnt mix with Haitians because of the war factor in fact they were disgusted that haitain soldiers would cut off European stutues with Jesus and saints etc...Would you befirend those who insulted your religion?? I am not even mentioning what they did to Dominicans jsut the aFrican Americans in Samana, also they initiated a tax so they could pay off thier debt to France. alot of the issues to due with the past have to do with nationality not race. By the way the Sapniards left an infastructure, governemnt etc...while the Haitians taxed the Domincian people among other things that sparked a revolution...while both committed faults if you got you Independence from Haiti who would be your archrival fo History? Do AMericans ridicule the British and spite them (Boston Teaparty), I think so I live in the States. The history has nothing to do with race.


Jan 1, 2002
Intelligent take on things...Pretty well put forth.
Main conflict between Haitians and Samana blacks: Religion...voodoo vs Methodists, and language, customs and whatever...