Cuba And DR, More Alike Than Different!

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New member
Aug 26, 2004
Criss Colon said:
If I were a Dominican,I would pray that "Fidel" never dies! It will mean the death of the DR's tourist industry within 5 years of his death!!



New member
Aug 26, 2004
This character is a moderator??!!??

Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Fijase! You've only got two posts, and already you're going after a moderator. You've got it all wrong. Criss isn't pro-Castro. He's anti-Dominican. Criss has been called many things on this board, but a communist sympathiser has never been one of them.

I have been under the belief that DR1 moderators are reflective, moderate and well-centered people but Criss Colon's posts are anything but. He comes thru as an aggressive, unreasonable and overbearing character and I refuse to believe this person is a moderator. No! No! NO!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
People, for the sake of the thread, STOP BASHING CRISS COLON!

I have my qualms about him too, but this is neither the place or time to bash either him or anybody. Please keep it along the topic of the thread.

If you want to bash Mr. Colon, then start a new thread titled "Bashing Mr. Colon".

Thank you in advance.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Cuban Have Respect,Dominicans Don't!!

And I am talking about "Self-Respect",and "Respect" for others!!!
Most of the "Garbage" in the streets of Santo Domingo is not "Plastic and styrofoam",it is "organic"! "Plaastic Don't Stink!"Are all those "junk" cars and trucks made of "Plastic"?
When I see a dominican throw his garbage in the street,or from his car window,I want to punch their lights out for adding to the "stinking mess" in the streets of this beautiful country! :cry: But I don't! I just do the same!! They like living in filth so much? I'll help them out! I just don't do it in my neighborhood!!! ;)
When I first began to visit the DR,I was very impressed by their efforts to get to the polls and vote! Women got up at 3 am,cooked breakfast for the men to give the children before school,(Men Won't Cook Here!!!,"Woman's Work!)and are off to vote at 5 am! They stand in long lines.In the afternoon,it's the men's turn to vote.They stand in long hot lines for their turn.I thought it was their love of Democracy and Freedom that got them to the polls.Dumb me! I soon found out that they vote,so their favorite "Party" can get into office to steal from the People,and give "Hand Outs" to the Party faithful.It has NOTHING to do with Democracy!If they could have their Party in office for life,they would do away with elections!
As far as being "Anti-Dominican",you couldn't be farther from the truth! I know some Dominicans who have respect for themselves,as well as respect for others! Who realize that there are rewards for working hard,and completing your tasks!They are neat,clean,and clean up after themselves.
They don't steal,and are honest and truthful(Altho this falls under respect for self and others!) They are proud to be Born and Raised in the Dominican Republic,and proud to be Dominican! You will have to meet my four kids someday!!!!
Cris Colon

PS.,"7"..If you think that you will get "special" treatment by saying nice things about me,think again!!.."Flattery" will get you nowhere!!


May 12, 2002
Nal0whs said:
I think you confused unification with conquering.

Neither of the flags will succumb to one or the other, instead they will "merge" as to represent the merging of the two countries to create a totally new one. Thus, the word unification is used.

And yes, its only a dream.

But, with some effort, dreams can come true. After all, if more research goes into this possibility and if begins to get alot of press coverage, the chances that people might embrace this grows. And I think that if people see the benefits and value the benefits, most will support such idea.

In addition, the fact that its a merge of Dominican and Cubans or Cubans and Dominicans makes this more "acceptable" on both sides.

The contrary would be true if it was Cuba taking over the DR or vice-versa.

But, I have not omitted or try to hide the fact that this is only a dream.

But, like I said, if men don't dream dreams, then progress would never come.
Call it what you want, but you cant get one without the other,
and i think that you are the one that is confused about the whole thing.
What do you think is the main reason countries go to war?

Even if the two governements were to come into an agreement, it does not means that it's citizens would also be happy about it which would constribute to a major revolution.

If It is hard to unify two groups in the same country what makes you think two countries would be easier without having some form of revolts?


New member
Aug 26, 2004
Who loves ya baby?!

Criss Colon said:
PS.,"7"..If you think that you will get "special" treatment by saying nice things about me,think again!!.."Flattery" will get you nowhere!!

Criss, don't agree with your aggressive and sometimes insulting approach to just about everything on here but....who loves ya baby?!


May 12, 2002
Nal0whs said:
I think you confused unification with conquering.

Neither of the flags will succumb to one or the other, instead they will "merge" as to represent the merging of the two countries to create a totally new one. Thus, the word unification is used.

And yes, its only a dream.

But, with some effort, dreams can come true. After all, if more research goes into this possibility and if begins to get alot of press coverage, the chances that people might embrace this grows. And I think that if people see the benefits and value the benefits, most will support such idea.
In addition, the fact that its a merge of Dominican and Cubans or Cubans and Dominicans makes this more "acceptable" on both sides.

The contrary would be true if it was Cuba taking over the DR or vice-versa.

But, I have not omitted or try to hide the fact that this is only a dream.

But, like I said, if men don't dream dreams, then progress would never come.

And for your information, Cubans and Dominicans don't really get along as much as you would like to think they do. I get caught in between both countries when they argue and i definitely dont agree with Dominicans calling Cubans sh**... only because Cubans like to brag about being professionals back in Cuba.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Mr_DR said:
Call it what you want, but you cant get one without the other,
and i think that you are the one that is confused about the whole thing.
What do you think is the main reason countries go to war?

Even if the two governements were to come into an agreement, it does not means that it's citizens would also be happy about it which would constribute to a major revolution.

If It is hard to unify two groups in the same country what makes you think two countries would be easier without having some form of revolts?
If its slowly phased in, it will work.

The evidence to this are the current countries of the world. Each and every single one of them are the result of an idea of unification among peoples who were alike. As such, a small phase of such idea grew and grew as more people saw the economic benefits of such union. As time went on, these people eventually believed in their ideas so much that they became a full fledge nation.

Look at Germany, look at the USA, look at Brazil, look at China, look at Mexico, heck, even look at the DR!

Each country has different groups of people who believe in an idea of union because its in the best economic interest for them. Why do you think the Cibao is not a separate country, afterall that is the only area of the country that has a remote chance of making it by itself given that 60% of the population lives there and a whopping 40% of the total GDP is produced there.

Or, why don't Santo Domingo become a city state? Not only does that city holds a third of the population, but that city produces another 40% of the total GDP! That's impressive! What the entire Cibao valley produces in wealth is produced in the crowded 400 square miles capital city! Plus, both people are proud enough of themselves to actually become separate countries and yet, they don't. Instead, they agree to remain united under the idea of one country, but still retain regional differences. Also, the South and the East are quite unique, though given their weak regional economies compared to SDQ and the Cibao, they might not do well, but be marginalized. In fact, the South and the East would be the biggest losers if the Cibao and Santo Domingo decide to go it alone!

But, they don't. The same thing happens in every country in the world. The US has distinct suttle differences between its four main regions (New England, the Midwest, the South, and the West and yet, they remain united. Italy is ubsurdly different within any given couple of square kilometers! You go from town to town in Italy and each town seem to have its own unique version of music, food, and speech patterns. On top of that, the towns are sometimes so close to each other that they are simultaneously visible from either town and yet, they are so different. But, they remain united under the idea of one unified Italy.

A unification of the Spanish Caribbean would prove to be successful, simply because of pure economics. However, I have said this numerous times already, it must be phased in slowly for this to take the most efficient and strongest effect. Coming out tomorrow with a political agenda to unite it by next year would only bring distaste and controversy for an idea that would actually do more economic good than harm to all three societies.

By the way, Cibaenos don't like it when Capitalenos make fun of them, but in the end, we still get along for the sake of the country!
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Apr 26, 2002
Tony C said:
Santeria is a Cuban Religion. . Haitians have nothing to do with its spread.
You mean an Afro-Cuban religion, don't you? In any case, I agree that it is very different from Haitian Vudun. A bigger question would be whether Dominican folk saint worship is closer to Santeria or Vudun in form. The answer would say much about the roots of Dominican folk culture.

Castro tripped and fell last night. I wouldn't be suprised if he broke his hip, though official reports say he broke only his knee. In any case, speculation about whether the Cuban tourism and industrial economy will skyrocket after his death at the expense of the DR may be more relevant now than when the thread started.

Has it occured to anyone that people like the DR because it is not so "industrious". If people wanted "industrious" locations to vacation, the Baltic sea beaches of Germany and Sweden would be swamped with vacationing Americans.


May 12, 2002
Nal0whs said:
If its slowly phased in, it will work.

Look at Germany, look at the USA, look at Brazil, look at China, look at Mexico, heck, even look at the DR!

Yes, But how long do you think it took them?
How many lives do you think were lost throughout the process?
and how many attempts have failed ?

I like the way think about unifying two countries without a good blood bath.

I bet that your weapon of choice to unite them will be Roses
instead of bullets.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003

I am trying so hard to understand your point of view but from the onset you have not presented a legitimate case for unification. Cuba and the DR are both repressed economically. Tourism is a huge source of income for both countries and a second source is remittance money. Successful countries have diversified sources of capital and a very strong infrastructure. Neither Cuba or the DR has this claim to fame. If tourism is low it has direct impact on the economy and if foreigners- "dominicanos y cubanos en ultramar" were to cease the flow of capital to each island there would be instant economic strife.

Once again I ask you: why are you proposing unification? You need to present a case, please do not confuse this with a dream or a vision. So far all your responses have not clarified why the Spanish Caribbean should unite other than for cultural similarities but that is not enough for me. This is just my perception or may be it is the way you express yourself.


-Lesley D
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Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
If I were Dominican the last thing I would want is any form of unification with Cuba.

Just compare the track record of the Cuban's in the US with those of the Dominicans. Economically, Politically and Socially the Dominicans would be swept away.
There are over twice as many Dominicans in the US then there are Cubans yet Politically Dominicans have less political pull than the Haitians.
Apr 26, 2002
Tony C said:
If I were Dominican the last thing I would want is any form of unification with Cuba.
You're right. Cuba would bring the DR down. The DR has a per capita income that is twice that of Cuba's. Communism you say? Well, in 1988, communist East Germany had a per capita GDP of $10,000 - much higher than Cuba's. Cuba was wealthier in the 1950s you say? Yea, thanks to all that Mafia money. Americans owned everything.

As long as you insist on comparing a select group of professional-class refugees who happened to plant themselves in a state (Florida) that would be alligned with the Democratic Party were it not for their presense (compared to the Dominicans' favorite destination of New York, which is Democratic no matter how you slice it) to the poor masses leaving the DR during this generation, you're going to get (intentionally, as always) slanted results.

You really ought to leave Miami more often, Tony.
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dominican lover

New member
Aug 17, 2004
dr1 cuban version

sorry if this is a stupid thing to ask,but do any of you know,is there a cuban
message board like the dr1,as i would very much like to read it,to see what they call the players there,or the sankies,i know this is silly but it makes me laugh so much when i read the sankie storys that you all right,sorry if this bores anyone,but im sure the storys dont,
cheers who ever replys,little things please little minds, lol

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Porfio_Rubirosa said:
You're right. Cuba would bring the DR down. The DR has a per capita income that is twice that of Cuba's. Communism you say? Well, in 1988, communist East Germany had a per capita GDP of $10,000 - much higher than Cuba's. Cuba was wealthier in the 1950s you say? Yea, thanks to all that Mafia money. Americans owned everything.

As long as you insist on comparing a select group of professional-class refugees who happened to plant themselves in a state (Florida) that would be alligned with the Democratic Party were it not for their presense (compared to the Dominicans' favorite destination of New York, which is Democratic no matter how you slice it) to the poor masses leaving the DR during this generation, you're going to get (intentionally, as always) slanted results.

You really ought to leave Miami more often, Tony.

I seem to have struck another of your hyper-sensitive nerves Porfi!
Yea right all of the Cubans in the US were Doctors, lawyers and captains of industry.
You keep on believeing all of that stuff you write.
I live in the real world.
A world that I have traveled quite frequently.
A World where I laugh at people like you who spend all of their energies looking for excuses to blame their failures on.
A wolrd where I say that Santeria is a Cuban Religion and you have to say "Afro" Cuban because you want to feel good about yourself by showing how racially tolerant you are.
A world where people like you call the 1000's who risk their lives on rafts without a penny in their pocket "a select group of professional-class refugees" but Dominicans who spend 100's of dollars to enter the US illegally "the poor Masses"!
Go ahead and bash us. Call us all the names you want. I enjoy it.
Your jealousy, envy and hatred of me and my people just makes us stronger!
Apr 26, 2002
Tony C said:
Yea right all of the Cubans in the US were Doctors, lawyers and captains of industry...Your jealousy, envy and hatred of me and my people just makes us stronger!
If you only knew the irony.


May 12, 2002
Tony C said:
There are over twice as many Dominicans in the US then there are Cubans yet Politically Dominicans have less political pull than the Haitians.

I don't agreed with you, there are by far more cubans than dominicans in the US.
According to the 2000 US census the Domincan population was only 764,945
vs the Cuban population in 2000 census with 1,296.
The majority in New York followed by NJ and FL.


El Leon de los Cacicazgos
Mar 27, 2004
I totally disagree. Dominicans have clout in various fields, just because there not seen does not mean it doesn't exist. Cubans might have a little more political presence because they have been here longer and have more people but Dominicans are catching fast, very fast, just look at Providence. I don't know how many Dominican millionaires are there but it should be close or higher than Cubans. Were the new middle class, even the NY Daily News has an article . Dominicans are a force in the US. To say that Dominicans have less political pull than Haitians is not just ridiculous but an insult.

Good Day,

Tony C said:
Just compare the track record of the Cuban's in the US with those of the Dominicans. Economically, Politically and Socially the Dominicans would be swept away.
There are over twice as many Dominicans in the US then there are Cubans yet Politically Dominicans have less political pull than the Haitians.


Mar 23, 2004
While you are right there are more Cubans than Dominicans in the US your figures are wrong. While the 2000 Census published figures for Dominicans are 764K the actual Census corrected number is 1 million. This was after the misrepresentation error exploded and the Census was pressured to re calculate its figures. I can send you the doc if you want.


Mr_DR said:
I don't agreed with you, there are by far more cubans than dominicans in the US.
According to the 2000 US census the Domincan population was only 764,945
vs the Cuban population in 2000 census with 1,296.
The majority in New York followed by NJ and FL.


Mar 23, 2004
Capo you are off on this one...economically speaking the majority of Dominicans are not as well off as you would like to believe. Also, your link is only an editorial with no substantive evidence by group...just generalizations.

Here is what I wrote in another thread regarding the Dominican annual income:

Regarding my [$13K] figure, I was being generous to allow for our "side projects". The actual figure is $11,065 PER CAPITA. This is the latest and most accurate figure. The data was obtained from the CENSUS 2000 5% PUMS run, a specialized and tailored run done on the long form of the Census data set. The data set also showed that Dominicans in NY alone make $10,032 per year per capita. It was also published last year through the Dominican Studies Institute lead by Dr. Ramona Hernandez from CUNY-City College and Dr. Francisco Rivera-Batiz, who is at Teachers College, Columbia University. If you want the direct reference, here it is:

Ramona Hernandez and Francisco Rivera-Batiz: 2003. "Dominicans in the United States: A Socioeconomic Profile., 2000." Dominican Research Monographs. The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. Released Oct. 6, 2003, p. 24.

capodominicano said:
I totally disagree. Dominicans have clout in various fields, just because there not seen does not mean it doesn't exist. Cubans might have a little more political presence because they have been here longer and have more people but Dominicans are catching fast, very fast, just look at Providence. I don't know how many Dominican millionaires are there but it should be close or higher than Cubans. Were the new middle class, even the NY Daily News has an article . Dominicans are a force in the US. To say that Dominicans have less political pull than Haitians is not just ridiculous but an insult.

Good Day,
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